This is an update on the Washington Way Improvement project. Multiple changes are expected to begin on Monday, January 13 and continue for the next several months. Please see below for details and locations, including a new road closure.

Update – road reopening

  • Washington Way between 30th – 35th St. will be reopening to all traffic starting January 13.

Upcoming road closure on Washington Way

  • 1/13 – 2/28: Washington Way closed between 17th and 26th St. to allow for new steam line installation.
    • The 17th St. intersection will be closed; vehicles traveling north-south through campus should use 15th St. as a detour.  
    • SW Benton Place will remain open.
    • May Way closed to through traffic; delivery truck traffic will be permitted.
    • Pedestrians – the crosswalk at 17th St. will be closed; cross Washington Way at 15th St. or Dixon/Goss driveway crosswalk. Multi-use path (south side) closed from Goss Stadium to 15th St. Use north sidewalk as a detour.
A map showing a road closure on Washington Way between SW 17th and SW 26th St.

Sidewalk/multi-use path access through approx. March 15

  • 30th – 35th St.: multi-use path (south) and sidewalk (north) both fully open.
  • 26th – 30th St.: multi-use path closed; sidewalk open.
  • 15th – 26th St.: multi-use path closed from Goss Stadium to 15th St.; sidewalk on the north side will be open.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

As part of Jen-Hsun Huang and Lori Mills Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, a crane will be working within the established construction site along SW 26th St. between NW Orchard Ave. and NW Monroe Ave. This work will take place starting Saturday, January 11 through Saturday, January 18.

The east sidewalk and bike lane on SW 26th St. will be closed. Flaggers will be present to direct vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians through the work zone.

A map showing the location of crane activity on SW 26th St. between NW Orchard Ave. and NW Monroe Ave.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at (541) 270-0193.

As part of the Richardson Hall Solar Project, a crane will be working on the east side of Richardson Hall on Friday, January 10 and Tuesday, January 14 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on both days. This activity will close the drive lane, loading dock and parking area on the east side of Richardson Hall. No pedestrian access to this area or the Richardson Hall east entrance will be allowed.

A map showing a construction zone on the east side of Richardson Hall.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Liz Roach at (701) 371-2938.

As part of the Jen-Hsun Huang and Lori Mills Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, a vacuum truck will be working on the north and east sides of Johnson Hall on Wednesday, January 8 and Thursday, January 9. This activity will increase construction noise in the area.

A map showing a work zone on the north and east side of Johnson Hall.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at (541) 270-0193.

As part of the Withycombe Hall Renovation project, a section of SW Campus Way will be closed between SW 30th St. and the Agricultural and Life Sciences Building starting on Monday, January 6.

Please see the closure schedule below:

  • 1/6: eastbound lane closed between SW 30th St. and the ALS Building. Single-lane traffic permitted. The south sidewalk will be closed in front of Linus Pauling Science Center. Flaggers will be present to direct pedestrians and vehicles through the area.
A map showing a street lane closure on SW Campus Way between SW 30th St. and the ALS Building. The south sidewalk is marked as closed in front of Linus Pauling Science Center.
  • 1/7 – 1/13: full road closure between SW 30th St. and the ALS Building. No vehicle traffic permitted. A detour for emergency vehicles will be provided. The south sidewalk will be open for pedestrians.
A map showing a road closure on SW Campus Way between SW 30th St. and the ALS Building.

SW Campus Way will reopen after 5:30 p.m. each day to allow vehicle access after work hours.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Liz Roach at (701) 371-2938. 

Multiple parking lots and the parking garage will be closed for sweeping and leaf pick-up starting at 10:00 am on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.

Please remove vehicles from these lots by 10:00 a.m. on January 1 and January 2. Transportation Services will not be towing vehicles from these parking lots. Any remaining vehicles may get dirty.

OSU is not responsible for damage to personally owned vehicles. A vehicle with any valid permit may use any open B or C zone commuter lots for the whole days of these closures. 

Please see below for dates and locations:

Wednesday, 1/1/25 
0205 Parking Garage 

Thursday, 1/2/25  
3280 May Way Lot R Zone 
3333 National Forage Seed Center East Lot R Zone and B3 Zone 
3213 Madison Ave Co-Op-Lot B1 Zone 
3205 Adams Ave NE Lot R Zone 
3223 N 16th Street West Lot Gem RA Zone 
3227 Washington Ave & 11th Street SE Lot R Zone 
3209 Washington Ave SE Lot R Zone 
3270 Bloss Hall South Lot B2 Zone 
3303 Sacket Hall North Lot A1 Zone 
3302 SW Jefferson Way Hourly Parking 
3295 S 30th St ADA and Loading 

Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud in the impacted areas.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Kristie Liddle at (541) 737-9618

As part of the Forestry Solar Project, Richardson Hall will be closed for a planned power outage on Tuesday, December 31 from 5:00 – 7:00 a.m. This outage will impact all floors of the building.

All equipment on emergency power will be energized throughout the shutdown and lab spaces will maintain minimal ventilation.

All access points to Richardson Hall via exterior doors and Peavy Hall will be secured during this outage.

What do you need to do to prepare for this outage? 
Please ensure that all electronic devices not connected to emergency power are powered down and that all computers, printers, copiers and other electronic devices are turned off prior to Tuesday, December 31. If you have an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), also known as a battery back-up, please be sure to turn it off as well. Please ensure that all fume hoods are closed before leaving the labs.

Employees scheduled to work when buildings are without power should consult with their supervisors regarding work schedules. For more information regarding work scheduling, please refer to the instructions regarding Interruptions of University Operations

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Liz Roach at (701) 371-2938.  

As part of the Kelley District Utility Plant project, SW Memorial Place between SW Campus Way and NW Monroe Ave. will be closed through March 1, 2025. A section of the west sidewalk on Memorial Place will be closed. The east sidewalk will remain open.

The east entrances to Kelley Engineering Center will remain open. A pedestrian pathway through the fenced construction area will be provided.

The bike lane on the east side of Memorial Place will remain open.  

Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the work area.

A map showing a street and sidewalk closure on SW Memorial Place between SW Campus Way and NW Monroe Ave.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Ryan Wilson at (503) 779-3488.