As part of the Jen-Hsun Huang and Lori Mills Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, SW 26th St. will be closed between NW Orchard Ave. and NW Monroe Ave. on Saturday, February 15 from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The closure is necessary to allow for crane activity in the area.

The east sidewalk will be closed in this section. The west sidewalk and bike lane will be open, except during truck unloading.

A map showing a road closure on SW 26th St. between NW Orchard Ave. and NW Monroe Ave.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at (541) 270-0193.

As part of the Kelley District Utility Plant project, there will be a simulated power outage exercise taking place at Kelley Engineering Center on Thursday, February 6 from 5 – 7 a.m. The elevator in Kelley Engineering Center will be out of service for approximately 30 minutes during the outage exercise.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Tarrigon Van Denburg at (714) 390 – 5313.

As part of the Bloss Hall Renovation project, a crane will be working within a fenced construction area on SW Stadium Ave. on Wednesday, January 29. The work zone and road closure will be located on the west side of Bloss Hall. A section of parking spaces between Bloss Hall and CH2M Hill Alumni Center (Bloss Hall West Lot) will be closed.

Vehicles may detour through the Bloss Hall West Lot or access Stadium Ave. from SW 26th St.

The sidewalk between Bloss Hall and Arnold Dining Center will be closed.

Other possible impacts include noise near the work area.

A map showing a fenced construction area and crane location on SW Stadium Ave., west of Bloss Hall.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Josh Walsh at (541) 737-0927.

As part of the Hinsdale Lab Addition project, the parking lot on the east side of the Hinsdale Wave Research Lab will be closed along with the westbound lane on SW Jefferson Way. This closure will be in effect starting on Monday, January 27 through Friday, February 14. The south sidewalk on Jefferson Way will also be closed in this area. Pedestrians may use the north sidewalk as a detour.

Flaggers will be present to direct traffic and assist pedestrians.

The east entrance of Hinsdale Wave Research Lab will be closed. The north entrance will remain open.

Other possible impacts include noise near the work area.

A map showing a street lane, parking lot and sidewalk closure on SW Jefferson Way, near Hinsdale Wave Research Lab.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

The building air fans will be shut down one at a time to perform preventive maintenance and change air filters in Ag. Life & Sciences January 15, 2025 7:00 am – 12:00 pm. Building occupants may notice slight pressure & air flow changes throughout the building.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Richard Olsen at 541-737-7025.

As part of the Washington Way Improvement project, the walkway around the sand volleyball courts at Dixon Recreation Center will be closed starting Monday, January 13 through Wednesday, January 15. The west sidewalk on SW 26th St. and the north sidewalk on SW Washington Way will remain open.

A map showing a closure of the walkway west of the Dixon Recreation Center sand volleyball courts.

Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the work area.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

As part of Jen-Hsun Huang and Lori Mills Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, a crane will be working within the established construction site along SW 26th St. between NW Orchard Ave. and NW Monroe Ave. This work will take place starting Saturday, January 11 through Saturday, January 18.

The east sidewalk and bike lane on SW 26th St. will be closed. Flaggers will be present to direct vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians through the work zone.

A map showing the location of crane activity on SW 26th St. between NW Orchard Ave. and NW Monroe Ave.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at (541) 270-0193.

As part of the Richardson Hall Solar Project, a crane will be working on the east side of Richardson Hall on Friday, January 10 and Tuesday, January 14 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. on both days. This activity will close the drive lane, loading dock and parking area on the east side of Richardson Hall. No pedestrian access to this area or the Richardson Hall east entrance will be allowed.

A map showing a construction zone on the east side of Richardson Hall.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Liz Roach at (701) 371-2938.

As part of the Jen-Hsun Huang and Lori Mills Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, a vacuum truck will be working on the north and east sides of Johnson Hall on Wednesday, January 8 and Thursday, January 9. This activity will increase construction noise in the area.

A map showing a work zone on the north and east side of Johnson Hall.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at (541) 270-0193.