As part of the Kelley District Utility Plant project, SW Memorial Place will be closed to vehicle and cycle traffic starting August 1st at 7:00 am and ending September 12, 2024 at 5:00 pm. In addition, the west sidewalk of Memorial Place will closed to pedestrian traffic.

SW Memorial Place closed from August 1 until September 12, 2024

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at (541) 740-5260. 

This is an update to a previous notification.

As part of the Pride Center Renovation project, intermittent closures of roadways and sidewalks will continue to impact the area from Saturday, April 6 through Friday, April 12.

There are three closure areas to be aware of:

  • A section of the north sidewalk on A Avenue, bordering the Pride Center, will be closed, 4/6 – 4/10. Pedestrians may use the south sidewalk as a detour.
  • A section of May Avenue, behind the Pride Center, will be intermittently closed, 4/8 – 4/10.
  • The entry lane to the parking lot west of the Pride Center, off of A Avenue, will be intermittently closed, 4/8 – 4/12. The parking lot will remain open and an alternate entrance is available off of 17th St.
The map shows three closure areas around the OSU Pride Center work site. The entry lane of the parking lot west of the Pride Center is marked as intermittently closed from April 8 through April 12. A section of the north sidewalk on SW A Avenue, bordering the Pride Center, is marked as closed from April 6 through April 10. A section of SW May Avenue, behind the Pride Center, is marked as intermittently closed from April 8 through April 10.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Scylise Little.

As part of the Beth Ray Solar project, SW Stadium Ave. will be closed on the south side of the Beth Ray Center on Friday, February 9 from 6:00 – 7:30 A.M. to allow for crane activity. The road closure will be located between the Beth Ray Center and CH2M HILL Alumni Center.

The sidewalks on both sides of Stadium Ave. will also be closed along with two reserved parking spots, the loading dock and the dumpster access area on the south side of the street.

The map shows a road closure on SW Stadium Ave. between the Beth Ray Center and CH2M HILL Alumni Center. The sidewalks on both sides of Stadium Ave. are marked as closed along with two reserved parking spaces, the loading dock and the dumpster access area on the south side of the street.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Liz Roach at (701) 371-2938.

As part of the Beth Ray Center Solar project, there will be road, sidewalk and crosswalk closures due to crane activity on SW Stadium Ave. and the alley behind the Beth Ray Center.

This closure will occur in two phases on Monday, February 5.

The first closure is scheduled from 6:00 – 7:00 A.M. This closure will impact the alley behind the Beth Ray Center. Flaggers will be present to direct vehicle traffic through the area. Access to the 26th St. parking garage will be maintained. The crosswalk between the Beth Ray Center and Arnold Dining Hall will be closed along with the sidewalk east of the Beth Ray Center

The second closure is scheduled from 7:00 – 8:00 A.M. This closure will impact SW Stadium Ave. on the south side of the Beth Ray Center. The road will be closed, along with a section of sidewalk on both sides of Stadium Ave. The reserved parking spots, the dumpster access area and the loading dock on the south side of Stadium Ave. will also be closed during this time.

The map shows road, crosswalk and sidewalk closures on SW Stadium Ave. and the alley behind the Beth Ray Center. The first closure marks the location of a crane in the alley. The crosswalk between the 26th St. parking garage and Arnold Dining Hall is marked as closed along with the sidewalk east of the Beth Ray Center. The second closure is marked on SW Stadium Ave., south of the Beth Ray Center. The sidewalk is marked as closed on both sides of the street along with the reserved parking spots, the dumpster area and the loading dock on the south side of Stadium Ave.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Liz Roach at (701) 371-2938.

As part of work for the LaSells Stewart Roof/Mechanical Replacement project, SW Stadium Drive will be closed for crane work on Wednesday, January 3 from 7:30 AM until 4:30 PM. The east and west sidewalks on SW Stadium Dr. will be closed during this time.

Notification that SW stadium Ave and eat and west sidewalks are closed Jan 3, 2024 for crame work

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at (541) 740-5260.

As part of work for the Kelley District Utility Plant project, SW Memorial Place and the sidewalk between Kelley Engineering Center and Plageman Hall will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic starting Thursday, December 28 through Friday, December 29 daily from 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM so that tree work can be conducted. Access to adjacent buildings will be open with protective fencing in place.  

Showing the area that trees will be removed to make way for the Kelly Sitrict UUtility Plant

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek.

As part of the Reser Stadium Speaker Upgrade project, a section of the roadway and south sidewalk along SW Ralph Miller Lane will be closed on Wednesday, October 25 to allow for crane activity. The closure will be located between P. Wayne Valley Sports Performance Center and the intersection at SW 26th St.

The map shows a road and sidewalk closure on SW Ralph Miller Lane between the P. Wayne Valley Sports Performance Center and the intersection at SW 26th St. The road and the south sidewalk are marked as closed.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Dale Bettencourt at (541) 207-7860.