For questions or comments on this closure, contact Andrew Gray at 541-737-7651.
Category Archives: Coast Range Building
8/28/23-9/1/23: Scheduled: Fire Alarm & Sprinkler Testing
Convergint will be conducting annual fire alarm & sprinkler testing. Testing will take place in the buildings listed below. The testing will be brief and include both sounding of alarms and strobes. As part of the testing building occupants may notice occasional beeping coming from the fire panel and horns and strobe lights activating throughout the building. Signage will be posted on exterior doors while testing is being conducted.
August 28th
- Gymnastic Practice Facility
- Coast Range Building
- Research Way Building
August 29th
- Crew Facility
- JL Fryer Aquatic Animal Health Lab
- Ocean Observing Center
August 30th
- Magruder Hall
- Kelley Engineering Center
August 31st
- Kelley Engineering Center
September 1st
- Kelley Engineering Center
For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.
7/7/2022: Planned power outage scheduled for Coast Range Building
For work related to the Coast Range Building renovation, a planned power outage is scheduled from 7-8:30 a.m. on Thursday, July 7, 2022. During the planned outage, electrical connections will be added for the relocating of -80F freezers.
For questions or comments on this work, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at 541-270-0193.