The fire sprinklers in Research Way Labs Building will be shut down June 9, 2021 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm while repairs are performed to the backflow prevention system.  Pull stations and smoke detectors will still be operational and so will horns/pulls.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

The fire sprinklers and water in Rogers Hall will be shut down June 10, 2021 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm while repairs are performed to the backflow prevention system. This will affect domestic water building wide, restrooms will be closed and signage posted.  Pull stations and smoke detectors will still be operational and so will horns/pulls.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

The fire sprinklers and water in Gilbert Addition will be shut down June 8, 2021 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm while repairs are performed to the backflow prevention system. This will affect domestic water building wide, restrooms will be closed and signage posted. Pull stations and smoke detectors will still be operational and so will horns/pulls.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

The building air handler units 1 & 3 will be shut down one at a time to change the belts in Ag. Life & Sciences April 20, 2021 7:00 am – 10:00 am. Building occupants may notice slight pressure & air flow changes throughout the building.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

The building air supply fans will be shut down one at a time to perform preventive maintenance and change air filters in Ag. Life & Sciences April 14, 2021 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. Building occupants may notice slight pressure & air flow changes throughout the building.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

Each year Facilities Services performs necessary maintenance on the university’s steam system, which requires shutting off the steam throughout campus, to complete maintenance services at the plant, throughout the steam tunnels and in each building.  This process affects hot water supply, heating, and all equipment that uses steam, campus wide.  The steam shutdown for 2021 will occur June 13th 8:00 pm – June 17th, 2021 3:00 pm.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.