As part of the Kelley District Utility Plant project, the building heat and hot water systems will be shut down in Kelley Engineering Center starting Tuesday, October 29 through Thursday, October 31.  

The building temperature will fluctuate during this shutdown and domestic hot water service will not be available throughout the building, including kitchens and restrooms. The building will be pre-heated on Monday to a higher-than-normal temperature in anticipation of the Tues-Thurs shutdown.

Temporary heating units will be placed in the atrium area. Other heat-preserving measures will be implemented to help stabilize the building temperature.

Multiple members of Facilities Services staff and all Kelley building managers will be coordinating and monitoring throughout the duration of the shutdown.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Ryan Wilson at (503) 779-3488.

As part of the Withycombe Hall Renovation project, the access road/fire lane located between Withycombe Hall and the East Greenhouses will be closed starting Friday, October 25 – Tuesday, October 29.

The closure will be in effect from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily.

A temporary pathway will be available for pedestrians traveling through the work zone.

Emergency vehicle access will be maintained.

A map showing a closure in the access road/fire lane between Withycombe Hall and the East Greenhouses. A pedestrian pathway is marked along the west side of the access road, crossing to the east side and proceeding north through the area.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Liz Roach at (701) 371-2938.  

A crane will be working in the walkway area between the Agricultural and Life Sciences Building and Nash Hall on Thursday, October 24 & Friday, October 25. The crane will be lifting equipment onto the roof of the ALS Building. A section of SW Campus Way between Nash Hall and the ALS Building will be closed. The walkway area between the two buildings will be closed.

The south sidewalk in this section of Campus Way will be closed. The north sidewalk will remain open. The loading zone parking spaces outside of Nash Hall will be closed.

Both buildings will remain open during the crane activity. The west and south entrances to Nash Hall will be open. Signage on the east side of the ALS building will direct pedestrians through ALS to the east side entrance of Nash Hall. Please see link to map below for more details.

Other possible impacts include noise near the work site.

A map showing the location of a crane and a street and sidewalk closure on SW Campus Way between Nash Hall and the Agricultural and Life Sciences Building.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Ryan Wilson at (503) 779-3488.

During the week of Monday, October 21 – Friday, October 25, video equipment and tube counters will be installed at intersections and across various roadways, bike lanes and sidewalks around campus. This equipment will be capturing intersection activity and measuring total traffic volume, including motor vehicle, bike and pedestrian movements. 

The information will be reported to the city of Corvallis to comply with reporting requirements in the Corvallis Land Development Code.  The data will also be used to inform planning efforts for future campus projects.

No closures or delays are expected, but community members may notice the equipment or consultants installing it.

Please see maps below for locations.

A map showing the location of video equipment at intersections.
A map showing the location of tube counters.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Senior Land Use Planner Sara Robertson at (541) 737-0459.

As part of the Richardson Hall Solar project, a crane will be working on the east side of Richardson Hall on Tuesday, October 22. The crane will be lifting materials and equipment on to the roof. The driveway and loading area will be closed on the east side of Richardson Hall. The east side entrance to the building will also be closed.

Several parking spaces on the east side of the building will be closed.

A map showing a closure of the driveway, loading zone and building entrance on the east side of Richardson Hall.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Liz Roach at (701) 371-2938.

This is an update to a previous notification.

Due to ongoing construction work, sections of the SW Washington Way multi-use path will continue to be closed through Friday, November 22. Please see schedule below.

SW 30th – 35th St.: multi-use path closed through 11/8

SW 26th – 30th St.: multi-use path closed through 11/22

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.