The Kerr South Parking Lot will reopen for vehicle parking on Monday, January 8.

The south entrance to the Kerr Administration Building will also reopen on Monday, January 8 along with the walkway on the west side of the building. The east entrance to Kerr will remain open, but the sidewalk east of the building, along SW 15th St., will remain closed until further notice.

The map shows an accessible route along the walkway west of the Kerr Administration Building to the south entrance. The east entrance to the building is marked as open. A section of sidewalk east of the building is marked as closed.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

As part of the Kerr South Parking Lot project, there will be a lane closure on SW 15th Street, just south of the Kerr Administration Building, on Monday, January 8 from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M. Flaggers will be present to direct traffic through the area. Other possible impacts include noise near the work site.

The map shows the location of a lane closure on SW 15th St. near the Kerr Administration Building.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

All steam services will be shut down to Agricultural & Life Sciences Bldg, Monday January 8, 2024, from 6 a.m. -4 p.m. while work is preformed to repair steam lines.  Buildings may experience temperature fluctuations and hot water may be unavailable during this time.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Facilities Services    at 541-737-2969.

As part of building controls and equipment replacement projects at the Agriculture and Life Sciences Building, the building will be closed on Saturday, January 6 from 5 A.M. to 7 A.M. The air handling and exhaust system will be shut down building-wide. The building will be fully closed and entry will not be permitted.

Reasonable indoor temperatures will be maintained during the shutdown and there will not be impacts to other equipment or building systems.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at (541) 740-5260.  

As part of the Jen-Hsun & Lori Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, the intersection at SW 26th Street and NW Orchard Avenue will be closed to vehicle traffic on Friday, January 5 to allow for construction activity.

The north-south crosswalk on Orchard Ave. will be closed for pedestrians. The sidewalks in the area will remain open, except for a section of sidewalk on the east side of the intersection, directly in front of Johnson Hall. The loading dock north of Johnson Hall will be closed except for pre-arranged deliveries.

Bike lanes in the area will be closed.

The map shows an intersection closure at NW Orchard Ave. and SW 26th St.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Dustin Sievers at (541) 760-6240.

Due to the need for water line repairs, water service to the Agriculture and Life Sciences building will be shut down starting at 7 A.M. on Thursday, January 4 through 7 A.M. on Friday, January 5. This outage will impact all sinks, restrooms and drinking fountains. Water service to Life Safety Systems will be maintained during the shutdown.

The ALS building will remain open during the water shutdown; building occupants will be directed to restrooms in Nash Hall and Cordley Hall.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at (541) 740-5260.

This is an update to a previous notification.

There will be mechanical fastening work occurring in Owen Hall classrooms 101 and 102 on Wednesday, January 3 and Thursday, January 4 from 8:00AM – 4:00PM daily. There will be noise impacts due to this work, mainly drilling.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager John Doty at (541) 740-8302.