As part of the Washington Way Improvement project, a section of the southbound lane on 26th St. will be closed just north of Washington Way. The west sidewalk will be closed between the crosswalk at Dixon Recreation Center and Washington Way. This closure will take place on Wednesday, March 6 and Thursday, March 7.

Flaggers will be present to direct traffic in both directions around the closure. Drivers should expect delays.

Pedestrians traveling southbound should cross 26th St. at Dixon Recreation Center and use the east sidewalk to continue south. Pedestrians traveling northbound should cross 26th St. at Washington Way and use the east sidewalk to continue north.

Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the worksite.

The map shows a closure in the southbound lane of 26th St., just north of Washington Way. A section of the west sidewalk, between the crosswalk at Dixon Rec Center and Washington Way, is also marked as closed. A pedestrian detour is marked along the east sidewalk.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.  

As part of the Jen-Hsun & Lori Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, the Park Terrace St. East and Park Terrace St. West (A2) parking lots will be permanently closed, starting Monday, March 18. The impacted parking lots are located north of Johnson Hall and Plageman Student Health Center.

SW Park Terrace Place will also be permanently closed north of Plageman Student Health Center. Construction fencing will be placed around the area in preparation for further construction activity.

The map shows the Park Terrace St. East and Park Terrace St. West parking lots, bordering NW Monroe Ave. Both parking lots are marked as closed.

Alternate ADA parking – contact Equal Opportunity & Access if you need further assistance

  • Weinger Hall East Lot – five ADA spaces
  • Memorial Place – Central Campus (west of People’s Park) – two ADA spaces
  • Bates Hall North Lot – four ADA spaces
  • N. 27th St., Arnold Way Lot – four ADA spaces
The map shows available ADA parking spaces in the Weniger Hall East, Memorial Place - Central Campus, Bates Hall North and N. 27th St., Arnold Way parking lots.

Pedestrian impacts

  • A section of the south sidewalk on Monroe Ave. between 26th St. and Memorial Place will be closed for the duration of the project.
    • Pedestrians may cross Monroe Ave. at 26th St. or Memorial Place and use the north sidewalk as a detour.
  • A section of the east sidewalk on 26th St. between Johnson Hall and the CEOAS Administration Building will be closed.
    • Pedestrians may use the west sidewalk and the crosswalk at the CEOAS Administration building as a detour.
  • The walkway between Johnson Hall and Plageman Student Health Center be closed.
  • The walkway south of the Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center will be closed.
  • The walkway north of Johnson Hall will be closed.
The map shows a pedestrian detour around the Jen-Hsun & Lori Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex construction site. Sidewalk closures are marked on Monroe Ave. between 26th St. and Memorial Place and on 26th St. between Johnson Hall and the CEOAS Administration Building. A detour route is marked on the west side of 26th St. and the crosswalk at the CEOAS Administration Building.

Building access

  • Johnson Hall – enter on the south or west side
  • CEOAS Administration Building – enter on the west side
  • Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center – enter on the north or east side

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Dustin Sievers at (541) 760-6240 or Construction Manger Jason Lundy at (541) 270-0193.

As part of the Agricultural & Life Sciences Building Controls project, a decommissioned chiller will be removed from the basement of the building. This will involve a forklift working in the alley behind the ALS Building, between the loading dock and a nearby dumpster, starting on Monday, March 4 through Friday, March 15. The alley will remain open for vehicles, but drivers may need to pause momentarily while the forklift is in operation.  

The image shows an outlined work area in the alley behind the Agricultural and Life Sciences Building, near the loading dock. The location of a dumpster is also marked.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at (541) 740-5260.

The District Utility Plant will be shut down Friday morning February 23rd from 8 am – 2 pm to allow for new piping supplying Burt Hall to be connected to the system and properly bled. This will affect chilled water delivery to ALS, Nash and Cordley and could cause some building temperature fluctuations.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Reice Moyer   at 541-737-2969.

As part of the Fairbanks Hall Renovation project, several parking spaces will be closed on the west side of Fairbanks Hall on Saturday, February 24 from 7 A.M. to 3 P.M. This closure involves the loading dock, two reserved spaces and one service space. The ADA parking spaces and EV charging stations will not be impacted. This closure is necessary to allow for a lift truck and work happening on the Fairbanks Hall gutters.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Amy Keene at (541) 737-5312.  

As part of the Kelley Engineering Center Second Floor Remodel, there will be a building-wide domestic water shutdown at Kelley Engineering Center on Saturday, February 17 from 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. This shutdown will affect bathrooms, kitchens and drinking fountains throughout the building.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at (541) 740-5260.