Facilities Services be conducting a fire alarm system test in Linus Pauling September 21, 2023 between 6:00 am -7:00 am.  The testing will be brief and include both sounding of alarms and strobes. The sounding of alarms and strobes will be performed before 7:00 in the morning.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact  Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

Nash AHU59 (air handler units) will be shut down to replace failed VFD drives for fan motors,  AHU59 will be shutdown from 6am September 19th to 4pm September 20th. This will affect air flow to the labs on all floors and there will be very limited heating or cooling during this time. Exhaust fans will continue to run but fume hoods should not be used during this time and fume hood sashes should remain closed.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

The building air fans will be shut down one at a time to perform preventive maintenance and change air filters in Ag. Life & Sciences September 19, 2023 7:30 am – 12:00 pm. Building occupants may notice slight pressure & air flow changes throughout the building.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

Update – The contractor has provided an update that repairs to the chiller should be completed in 4 to 5 weeks

Emergency Shutdown Notice – The Kerr Administration Building chiller was damaged due to the power outage that occurred on 8/31. This will affect cooling for the entire building. Facilities Services is currently working to source replacement parts. A restoral date is unknown at this time, but updates will be sent out when they are available.

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services  at 541-737-2969.

The steam will be shut down in Cordley Hall East, Ag. Life Sciences Building, Linus Pauling, Nash Hall, West Greenhouse & Crop Sciences August 24, 2023 12:01 am – 8:00 am to repair distribution isolation valve gasket on the steam line along Campus Way (200 ft east of the north bound lane of SW 30th st.) This process affects hot water supply, heating, and all equipment that uses steam, building wide. 

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

The Richardson Hall chiller and chilled water system will be shut down Monday August 21, 5:00 am – Tuesday August 22, 2023 9:00 am for time sensitive repairs to keep the system operational for the duration of the cooling season. Building occupants will notice warmer than normal air temperatures during this time. This will not affect temperatures in the server rooms.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Sean Olsen at 541-737-2969.

Pacific Power is scheduling a power outage on August 29th, 2023. Their substation operations team needs to perform routine maintenance on the transformers in the 35th Street Substation. The outage will begin Tuesday morning at 3:00 am with an estimated completion time of 7:00 am.  Please see the list of impacted buildings below.

 Affected buildings:

  • RAIL Complex and Lagoon Pump
  • Swine Barn/Center
  • Irrigation Pump
  • Dairy Parlor
  • Dairy Barn
  • Turkey Office
  • Turkey Barn
  • Turkey House
  • West Irrigation Pumps
  • Dairy House
  • Rabbit Research Labs I &II
  • Farm Service and Storage
  • Animal Physiology
  • Beef Barn/Sheep Barn
  • Small Animal Lab
  • Hogg Animal Metabolism Laboratory
  • James E. Oldfield Animal Teaching Facility
  • Seed Lab
  • Motor Pool
  • Clark Laboratory
  • Sackett Hall
  • West Greenhouse
  • Wiegand Hall
  • East Greenhouse
  • Radiation Center (Reactor Room C136)
  • Cordley East Temporary Power
  • Withycombe Temporary Power

What do you need to do to prepare for this outage? Please make sure that all computers, printers, copiers, and other electronic devices are turned off prior to August 29th , 2023. If you have an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), also known as a battery back-up, please be sure to turn it off as well.