8/1/23 Update: Kelley generator has been repaired and is back in service.

7/27/23 Update: A temporary backup generator has been connected to the building.

Due to a mechanical failure, the Kelley Engineering Center backup generator has been taken offline. This will affect any system in the building requiring backup power only if there is an actual power outage. Crews are working on locating a temporary backup generator large enough for the building until repairs can be completed. An additional notice will be sent out when a temporary backup generator is located and connected to the building.

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services  at 541-737-2969.

Emergency Shutdown Notice – The Crop Science Building chiller will be shut down immediately for emergency repairs. This will affect cooling building wide. A restoral date is unknown at this time due to parts availability.  An additional notice will be sent out when services have been restored.

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services  at 541-737-2969.

Electrical Power in Wiegand Hall will be shutdown Wednesday June 28, 2023 from 5:00 am – 7:00 am while Facilities Services connects a new feed to the smoke lab. The building will be closed to the public during the outage. 

What do you need to do to prepare for this outage? Please make sure that all computers, printers, copiers, and other electronic devices are turned off prior to Thursday, June 28th. If you have an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), also known as a battery back-up, please be sure to turn it off as well. The building will not have network connectivity during this power outage, i.e. no wireless, wired internet or VoIP phone connectivity. Anything that relies on the network will not be functional.

Pacific Power is scheduling a power outage to make immediate repairs to equipment in an underground vault outside student health. The outage will begin Sunday morning April 2, 2023 beginning at 5:00 am with an estimated completion time of 8 am.  Please see the list of impacted buildings below. These buildings will be closed to the public during the outage.

 Affected buildings:

  • Plageman Student Health Center
  • Weniger Hall

What do you need to do to prepare for this outage? Please make sure that all computers, printers, copiers, and other electronic devices are turned off prior to Sunday,  April 2nd. If you have an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), also known as a battery back-up, please be sure to turn it off as well. The building will not have network connectivity during this power outage, i.e. no wireless, wired internet or VoIP phone connectivity. Anything that relies on the network will not be functional.

The exhaust and supply air in Johnson Hall will be shut down for maintenance March 30, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm.  All fume hood exhaust will be shutdown, sashes should be kept closed. This will also affect heating/cooling of the lab spaces on the north side 2nd and  3rd floors of the building.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services 541-737-2969.