The water will be shut down in Covell Hall February 27, 2025 from 6:00 am to 9:00 am for valve repair and line capping in basement area. This will affect water building wide.

EH&S has asked us to remind building occupants thatwater will not be available to emergency eyewash/shower units, and occupants should discontinue all hazardous substance use (chemicals, unsealed radioisotopes, and biohazardous materials) for the duration of the shutdown

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Andy Gray at 541-737-7651.

SW 13th St. will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic between Washington Ave. and the railroad tracks on Monday, February 24. Sections of the Washington Ave. SW and SE parking lots on both sides of SW 13th St. will also be closed for tree removal.

A section of the sidewalk on the south side of Washington Ave. will also be closed.

A map of SW 13th St. showing closures on the street and adjacent parking lots.

Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the work area.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

As part of the Withycombe Hall Renovation project, SW Campus Way will be closed to vehicle and pedestrian traffic for a crane pick. This closure will be in effect on Friday, February 21 from 8 a.m. to 5:30. The sidewalks on SW CampusWay will also be closed in this area; pedestrians may navigate around the south side of LPSC. 

SW Campus Way closure between SW 30th street and bollards on Feb 21, 2025

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Judd Mentzer.

As part of the Hinsdale Lab Addition project, the parking lot on the east side of the Hinsdale Wave Research Lab will be closed along with the eastbound lane on SW Jefferson Way. This closure will be in effect on Thursday, February 20 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. The south sidewalk on Jefferson Way will also be closed in this area. Pedestrians may use the north sidewalk as a detour.

Flaggers will be present to direct traffic.

The east entrance of Hinsdale Wave Research Lab will be closed. The north entrance will remain open.

A map showing a street lane closure on SW Jefferson Way in front of Hinsdale Wave Research Lab.

Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the work area.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

As part of the Kelley District Utility Plant project, the Kelley Engineering Center east entrance will be intermittently closed due to crane activity occurring on SW Memorial Place. This closure will take place on Thursday, February 20. The bike room door on the east side of KEC will also be closed. The crane will be working within the current fenced construction area on Memorial Place.

Flaggers will be present to redirect pedestrians traveling on the Memorial Place west sidewalk during the crane activity. The east sidewalk will remain open.

A map showing SW Memorial Place and Kelley Engineering Center. The east entrance to Kelley Engineering Center and the bike room door are marked as closed.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Tarrigon Van Denburg at (714) 390-5313.  

Due to tree work in front of OSU Property Services the west sidewalk marked in red on SW 13th  Ave. between SW A Ave. and d the RR tracks for access along with two street parking spots (see map) beginning Wednesday, February 26th   thru Thursday February 27th , 2025 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Chris Trine  at 541-737-3488.