As part of the Valley Library Telecommunications Project, SW Jefferson Way between SW Benton Place and SW Waldo Place will be closed from Wednesday, June 28 through Thursday, June 29 to allow for crane activity. The crane will be placed on Jefferson Way directly in front of Valley Library. Westbound traffic on Jefferson Way will be detoured around the area via Benton Place south to Langton Place.

The map shows a road closure on SW Jefferson Way between SW Benton Place and SW Waldo Place. A crane placement is shown on Jefferson Way directly in front of Valley Library. A vehicle detour is marked via Benton Place south to Langton Place.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek (541) 740-5260.

As part of the LaSells Stewart Center Mechanical & Roof Renewal Project, a section of SW Stadium Ave. located directly behind LaSells Stewart Center and just south of Bloss Hall will be closed to allow for crane activity on Wednesday, June 28 from 7 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. The B2 parking lot east of the LaSells Stewart Center will also be closed.

The entrance to SW Stadium Ave. from SW Western Blvd. will be closed. Both the east and west sidewalks on Stadium Ave. directly behind the LaSells Stewart Center will be closed. A vehicle detour will be available from Western Blvd. along the east and north side of the Bloss Hall South parking lot.

The map shows a road closure on SW Stadium Ave. directly behind LaSells Stewart Center. The sidewalks on the east and west sides of Stadium Ave. are marked as closed. There is a vehicle detour marked from SW Western Blvd. along the east and north side of the Bloss Hall South parking lot.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at (541) 740-5260.

As part of the ALS Controls project, the chilled water cooling system will be temporarily shut down in the Agriculture & Life Sciences Building and Nash Hall on Wednesday, June 28 from 6 A.M. to 12 P.M to allow for piping and sensor installation. The chilled water system controls the air conditioning in the impacted buildings. Building temperatures will be slightly warmer during the outage, but the difference will be minimal. Walk-ins, server rooms and environmental chambers will not be impacted by this shutdown.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek (541) 740-5260.

As part of the Jen-Hsun & Lori Huang Collaborative Innovation Complex project, soil sampling work will occur around and near the Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center from Monday, June 26 through Wednesday, June 28. Multiple parking spaces on the north end of the A2 parking lot west of the building will be closed. The rest of the parking lot will remain open. The work will require periodic closures to the Center’s patio area. The sidewalks bordering NW Monroe Avenue to the north and SW Memorial Place to the east will not be impacted. The sidewalks on the west and south sides of the Center may be temporarily unavailable due to equipment needs. Other possible impacts include noise near the work site.

The image shows the area surrounding the Lonnie B. Harris Black Cultural Center. Potential impacts to sidewalks are marked on the west and south sides of the building. Parking space closures are marked on the north side of the parking lot to the west of the Center. Locations for drilling sites are marked throughout the lawn and patio area. A text box states the drilling locations will be taped off while work is being done. A text box states that the patio will experience periodic closures and will be taped off during work.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Scylise Little.

As part of the Kerr Administration South Parking Lot Improvement project, the Kerr South parking lot will be closed for construction activities from Monday, June 26 through Wednesday, September 27. The path running along the west side of the Kerr Administration Building will be closed along with the south entrance/exit to the parking lot and the ADA ramp. Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the construction site.

The image shows an aerial view of the Kerr South parking lot and the sidewalk west of the Kerr Administration building.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Christina Vinson at (503) 420-1031.  

Electrical Power in Wiegand Hall will be shutdown Wednesday June 28, 2023 from 5:00 am – 7:00 am while Facilities Services connects a new feed to the smoke lab. The building will be closed to the public during the outage. 

What do you need to do to prepare for this outage? Please make sure that all computers, printers, copiers, and other electronic devices are turned off prior to Thursday, June 28th. If you have an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), also known as a battery back-up, please be sure to turn it off as well. The building will not have network connectivity during this power outage, i.e. no wireless, wired internet or VoIP phone connectivity. Anything that relies on the network will not be functional.

As part of the Pride Center Renovation project, the north sidewalk on SW A Avenue between SW 15th and SW 16th Streets will be closed on Friday, June 23 from 7 A.M. to 5 P.M. The impacted sidewalk section is located directly in front of the Pride Center. Pedestrians may detour across A Avenue at either the 15th Street crosswalk or at the intersection of 16th Street and A Avenue and use the south sidewalk.

Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the construction site.

The map shows a sidewalk closure on the north side of SW A Avenue between SW 15th and SW 16th Streets. There is a pedestrian detour marked at the intersections of SW 15th and SW 16th Streets and running along the south sidewalk of SW A Avenue.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Scylise Little.

Effective Date(s): Wednesday, June 21 – Monday, July 3

This is an update to a previous notification for a closure on SW 26th Street near Dixon Recreation Center. The road and west sidewalk closure will remain in place. The new pedestrian detour will be along the sidewalk that runs between the Coliseum Substation and the sand volleyball courts, just south of Dixon Recreation Center. Signs will be placed at the sidewalk endpoints on 26th Street and Washington Way to direct pedestrian traffic. The closures and pedestrian detour will remain in effect through July 3.

The map shows a pedestrian detour along a sidewalk between the Colesium Substation and the sand volleyball courts at the corner of SW 26th Street and SW Washington Way, just south of Dixon Recreation Center.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Aaron Amoth at (541) 207-5084.