Pacific Power will be decommissioning obsolete equipment located in Dearborn hall on Saturday, January 7th from 6 am-9 am. Power will be shut down to the following buildings while this work is being performed, Gilkey Hall, Gleeson Hall, Gilbert Addition, Dearborn Hall, Rogers Hall, Community Hall, and Milne Computer Center. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause.
1/3/23: Scheduled Power Shutdown: Plageman Student Health Center 5:00 am – 8:00 am
Power will be shut down at Plageman Student Health Center, building-wide to make necessary repairs to the standby transfer switch. This shutdown will occur on January 3rd, 2023, from 5 am – 8 am.
CANCELLED: Paving of SW Washington Way Between 17th & 26th Street
The closure and paving of Washington Way between 17th and 26th streets has been cancelled. Paving will be rescheduled for the first week of January; a separate campus notification will follow with dates.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at 541-609-6111.
12/19/22 Crane Placement In Graf Hall Parking Lot Within Fenced Construction Area
As part of the Graf Hall Renovation project, a crane will be placed in the Graf parking lot within the fenced construction area. Because the crane will remain within the established construction site, any additional impacts to campus residents, visitors and the surrounding neighborhood are expected to be minimal.
For questions or comments on this project, contact Marty Waldo with Fortis Construction at (503) 894-4092.
12/20/22 Emergency: Magruder Hall Heating and Domestic Hot Water Shutdown 12/20/22
To make emergency repairs on a failed component in the heat exchanger, the unit will be shut down on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, 8:00 am -4:30 pm. This will affect the heating for the South end of the building as well as domestic hot water.
For questions or comments on this notice contact, Andy Gray at 541-737-2969.
RESCHEDULED: Dec. 16th SW Washington Way Closure Between 17th & 26th Streets
New Effective Date: Monday, December 19th, 2022 from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Due to weather conditions and employee training needs at the asphalt plant, the closure of Washington Way between 17th & 26th Street planned for Friday, December 16th has been postponed until Monday, December 19th from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
For further information about the Washington Way Improvement Project, click here.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at 541-609-6111.
12/27/22 – 08/31/24: Closure of Orchard Ave. Parking Lot North of Withycombe Hall
As part of the Withycombe Hall Renovation project, the Orchard Avenue parking lot directly north of Withycombe Hall will be closed. This project includes extensive improvements to both the east and west sides of the building.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Rick Freeman at (541) 231-5368.
12/14/22: Notice-Magruder Hall Heating and Domestic Water Temperature Fluctuations
Update: Repairs are scheduled for 12/20/22
Due to a failed component in the heat exchanger, the south end of Magruder Hall on both the 1st and 2nd floors will be experiencing cooler-than-normal temperatures. This will affect the heating for the South end of the building as well as domestic hot water. A restoral date is unknown at this time. Updates will be provided when they are available.
For questions or comments on this notice contact, Andy Gray at 541-737-2969.
12/14-12/15 Notice: Domestic Water Shutdown in Rogers Hall
Notice: Domestic Water Shutdown in Rogers Hall
Effective Date(s): December 14, 2022, 6:00 am – December 15, 2022, 6:00 pm.
The water will be shut down in Rogers Hall December 14, 2022, from 6:00 am to December 15, 2022 6:00 pm to remove and install new backflows. This will affect the domestic water building wide.
For questions or comments on this shutdown contact, Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.
Closures are often subject to changes and delays, so please visit the OSU Campus Closures, Shutdowns, and Detours page for updates on this and other campus closures.
Please forward this notice to anyone who would benefit from this information.
12/14-12/15/22: Fume Hood Shutdown Linus Pauling Science Center
The fume hoods in Linus Pauling Science Center will be shut down for repairs to replace several failed motors in the exhaust fan system. Maintenance work on the lab exhaust fan system will be from December 14, 7:00 am – December 15, 2022 5:00 pm. All fume hoods will have low flow so they will be inoperable during this time.
For questions or comments on this closure contact Richard Olsen 541-737-7025. If there are lab-specific concerns about exhaust airflow contact EH&S at 541-737-2273.