As part of the Building Controls and Mechanical Renewal project, the chilled water system that feeds the Agricultural and Life Sciences Building and Nash Hall will be shut down to allow for piping work. The buildings may experience elevated temps during the shutdown, but no large temperature swings are expected.

Growth chambers, cold rooms and server rooms will be not affected by this shutdown.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at (541) 740-5260.  

As part of the Nash Hall Process Water Tower Replacement project, the process water loop at Nash Hall will be shut down on Thursday, November 9 and Friday, November 10.

This shutdown will only impact the building’s freezers and cold rooms. A portable freezer trailer will be provided for temporary storage of frozen materials.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Ryan Wilson at (503) 779-3488.

Due to a chilled water line failure on the east side of Cordley Hall, the North District Utility Plant will be shut down until the failed line can be located and repairs are complete. This shutdown will affect cooling systems in all impacted areas, including all floors of Cordley West, ALS , Nash, Burt and Wilkinson Halls.

Updates will be provided as soon as possible.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at (541) 270-0193.  

As part of the Kelley District Utility Plant project, the chilled water cooling system will be temporarily shut down in Kelley Engineering Center and Johnson Hall on Thursday, July 6 from 5 A.M. to 1 P.M to allow for piping work. The chilled water system controls the air conditioning in the impacted buildings.

The buildings will experience higher than normal temperatures, but the server rooms will not be impacted by this shutdown. ADA access will be maintained during this project.

Other possible impacts include noise and dust near the work site.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek (541) 740-5260.

As part of the ALS Controls project, the chilled water cooling system will be temporarily shut down in the Agriculture & Life Sciences Building and Nash Hall on Wednesday, June 28 from 6 A.M. to 12 P.M to allow for piping and sensor installation. The chilled water system controls the air conditioning in the impacted buildings. Building temperatures will be slightly warmer during the outage, but the difference will be minimal. Walk-ins, server rooms and environmental chambers will not be impacted by this shutdown.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek (541) 740-5260.

Due do construction-related activities at Cordley East for the Cordley Hall Renovation Project, the North District Utility Plant will be shut down starting on Monday, Oct. 10, 2022 through Wednesday, October 12, 2022. This will impact chilled water service to all buildings on the chilled water loop. Impacted buildings include: Cordley West, ALS, Nash Hall, Wilkinson Hall and the Burt Hall complex.

For questions or comments on this work, contact Construction Manager Justin Fuszek at 541-740-5260.

Cordley Hall area map

Due to construction activities related to chilled water piping integration in multiple buildings, a chilled water loop shutdown is scheduled starting on Monday, January 17, 2022 through Friday, January 21, 2022. In the event the work is completed ahead of schedule, services will be restored sooner. The following buildings are included in the shutdown: Nash Hall, the Agricultural & Life Sciences Building, Cordley Hall and the Burt Complex.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at 541-270-0193 or Project Manager Dustin Sievers at 541-760-6240.

Shutdown has been extended until 1/25/22