The exhaust and supply air in Richardson Hall will be shut down for maintenance March 27, 7:00 am –  March 29, 4:00 pm.  All fume hood exhaust will be shutdown, sashes should be kept closed. This will also affect lab air and building heat throughout the building.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services 541-737-2969.

Effective Date(s): Saturday, March 25 through Monday, March 27

As part of the Fairbanks Hall Renovation project, there will be a planned power outage from Saturday, March 25 through Monday, March 27. The new, permanent generator for the building will be installed during this time. Fairbanks Hall will be closed to the public during the outage.

Building power will be restored no later than end of day on Monday, March 27. 

Two Art Department reserved parking spaces will be unavailable during this power outage. Signs will be posted. Cars may be towed.

What do you need to do to prepare for this outage? Please make sure that all computers, printers, copiers, and other electronic devices are turned off prior to Saturday, March 25. If you have an Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS), also known as a battery back-up, please be sure to turn it off as well. The building will not have network connectivity during this power outage, i.e. no wireless, wired internet or VoIP phone connectivity. Anything that relies on the network will not be functional.

Employees scheduled to work when buildings are without power should consult with their supervisors regarding work schedules. For more information regarding work scheduling, please refer to the instructions regarding Interruptions of University Operations.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Amy Keene at (541) 737-5312.

The water and restrooms in The Valley Library will be shut down and closed in the entire building for emergency sewer repairs. This affects all toilets, sinks, drinking fountains and hot water heaters. A second notice will follow when services have been restored. 

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

As part of the Cordley Hall Renewal project, Cordley Hall will be significantly impacted by construction and maintenance work during OSU Spring Break week, March 27 – March 31. Contractors will be working on many of the building’s systems, including the HVAC and fire alarms.

Cordley West HVAC work: impacts include fluctuations in the building’s air flow and exhaust systems. 

Cordley West fire alarm: testing of building fire alarms will occur.

Construction activities on Campus Way: expect to see cranes on Campus Way related to the Cordley East project. Emergency access will be maintained. Pedestrian access will be available on the south side of Campus Way.

The map shows the west wing of Cordley Hall highlighted. An area of crane activity is marked on Campus Way, just south of the east wing of Cordley Hall.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Jason Lundy at (541) 270-0193

As part of the Rogers Hall fume hood replacement project, a crane will be placed in the Graf Hall parking lot to lift equipment onto the roof of Rogers Hall. The work is scheduled for Monday, March 13 from 6:30 – 9 a.m. Limited parking spaces will remain available.

The image shows where a crane will be placed in the northwest corner of the Graff Hall parking lot. A block of parking spaces in the middle of the parking lot is shown as closed between 6 - 9 a.m. on March 13, 2023.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Dave Amundson at (541) 737-2760

As part of the West Greenhouse Improvement project, construction fencing will be placed along the north sidewalk of SW Campus Way.

The fencing will extend from the driveway west of the greenhouses to the western side of the Seed Laboratory. The fencing will create a minor obstruction along the inside edge of the sidewalk, while still allowing pedestrian access in compliance with regulations. Pedestrians who use this sidewalk are advised to use extra caution and be aware of possible obstructions.

The map shows the location of construction fencing placed along a section of the north sidewalk of SW Campus Way. The fencing extends from just west of the greenhouses to  the western side of the Seed Laboratory. The picture shows the legs of the fence placed on the inner edge of the sidewalk, with a three foot clearance to the outside edge.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Scylise Little.

A leak was discovered on the main water line leading into the Hattie Redmond Women and Gender Center. To prevent flooding and repair the line, the water was shut down for emergency repairs as of March 2, 2023, and will remain off until March 3 at 8 am. This shutdown will affect all water throughout the building.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

As part of the Community Hall Slopes project, the walkway located on the south side of the Pharmacy Building will be closed for handrail installation from 2/27 – 3/10/23. The ADA parking spaces in the south Pharmacy/Furman parking lot will also be closed during this time. ADA access to buildings in the area will be maintained. Minor noise impacts are also possible.

A map showing a closed walkway on the south side of the Pharmacy building. The ADA parking spaces in the south Pharmacy/Furman parking lot are also shown as closed.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Scott Bond at (541) 974-2520.  

2/24/2023: Hot water has been restored.

The domestic hot water is shut down in Austin Hall for emergency repairs as of February 17, 2023. This will affect all domestic hot water building wide. The restoral of domestic hot water is unknown currently due to the repair requiring a specialty part. A second notice will follow when the repair is complete and domestic hot water has been restored.