Portions of OSU’s Corvallis Campus may have recently experienced a power bump. Pacific Power is investigating the cause and Facilities Services is checking building systems for any issues.

If you have areas without power or if there are issues with generators or backup power, please call Public Safety 541-737-3010 to dispatch the Facilities on-call.

Scheduled:  Crop Science Building – Generator Transfer Switch Testing

Effective Date(s): August 10, 2022, 5:30 am – 6:30 am.

To ensure recent repairs to the transfer switch were successful, power to all generator-backed outlets will be briefly interrupted for testing on August 10, 2022. Power interruptions should only occur when the switch is turned on and then turned off a short amount of time later.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

Scheduled:  Agricultural & Life Sciences Bldg. – Generator Transfer Switch Testing

Effective Date(s): August 10, 2022, 6:30 am – 7:30 am.

To ensure recent repairs to the transfer switch were successful, power to all 208 and 120v red emergency outlets will be briefly interrupted for testing on August 10, 2022. Power interruptions should only occur when the switch is turned on and then turned off a short amount of time later.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

One of the Linus Pauling Science Center building supply fans will be shut down to replace several failed fan motors. Building occupants may notice some air pressure fluctuations, fume hoods will remain operational.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Matt Zink at 541-737-2969.

Please forward this notice to anyone who would benefit from this information.