The steam will be shut down in Sackett Hall, Austin Hall and Learning Innovation Center on June 18th estimated time for resupply is June 19th. Services will be shutdown to repair a steam line, this will affect all steam services, including heat & hot water building wide.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Les Walton  at 541-737-4395.

There will be a building-wide domestic and fire sprinkler water shutdown at Langton Hall on Thursday, June 13, 2024, from 6 A.M. to 4 P.M. to repair a water line. This shutdown will affect fire sprinklers, restrooms, locker rooms and drinking fountains throughout the building. Signage will be posted and restrooms will be available in all adjacent buildings.

For questions or comments on this notice contact Craig Watkins Brandt at 541-737-2969.

The City of Corvallis has informed OSU that the buildings listed above will be without water while they work to make emergency repairs on a water main break that occurred overnight. This shutdown will affect fire sprinklers, restrooms, labs and drinking fountains throughout these buildings. Restrooms will be available in adjacent buildings. An update will be sent out when more information becomes available.

For questions or comments on this notice contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

There will be a building-wide domestic and fire sprinkler water shutdown at Langton Hall on Wednesday, March 27, 2024 from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. to allow the City of Corvallis to make emergency water line repairs. This shutdown will affect fire sprinklers, restrooms, locker rooms and drinking fountains throughout the building. Restrooms will be available in all adjacent buildings.

For questions or comments on this notice, contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

All steam services will be shut down to Snell Hall, from Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 a.m.- Thursday March 28 3:30 p.m., 2024, to replace multiple failed steam valves. This will affect all steam services building wide. Building occupants may notice air temperature fluctuations during this time and there will be no hot water.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Jesse Nunez at 541-737-5954.

The North District Utility Plant will be shut down Wednesday morning, April 3rd, from 7am – 12pm to allow for an electrical contractor to replace recalled circuit breakers under warranty. This will affect chilled water delivery to ALS, Nash and Burt Hall and could cause some building temperature fluctuations.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Sean Olsen at 541-737-2969.

The District Utility Plant will be shut down Friday morning February 23rd from 8 am – 2 pm to allow for new piping supplying Burt Hall to be connected to the system and properly bled. This will affect chilled water delivery to ALS, Nash and Cordley and could cause some building temperature fluctuations.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Reice Moyer   at 541-737-2969.