As part of the Graf Hall Renovation Project, ongoing construction work is scheduled to take place in and around the building starting on Friday, October 29 through Friday, November 5, 2021 (view map).
Planned construction activities include:
Friday, October 29
- Excavation on west side of Graf Hall parking lot (lot #3221), near Dearborn Hall. Excavator may be moving around to other locations in the lot.
- Dump trucks hauling in and out.
- Lot can remain open, but there will be fewer spaces available and there may be times that entry/exit may be blocked.
- Structural work continuing on bridge between Rogers Hall and Strand Hall.
- Walkway from Monroe Street to Graf Hall parking lot (lot #3221) closed.
- Exit doors from Rogers Hall will be marked closed except in emergency.
Tuesday, November 2 or Wednesday, November 3 (Actual date weather-dependent)
- Concrete pour for ADA parking
- South entry to Graf Hall closed (will direct pedestrians to north entry of building)
- May affect some parking spaces, vehicle circulation in Graf Hall parking lot (lot #3221).
Wednesday, November 3
- Deliver and install Electrical vaults. Graf Hall parking lot will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians.
Thursday, November 4 and Friday, November 5
- Removal of oil tank near north entry to Graf Hall, and backfill of hole. Please note that this work will block the sidewalk and north entry to Graf Hall.
- South lane of traffic will be blocked.
- Flaggers will direct traffic in street.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager David Amundson at 541-737-2760.