Update – The contractor has provided an update that repairs to the chiller should be completed in 4 to 5 weeks

Emergency Shutdown Notice – The Kerr Administration Building chiller was damaged due to the power outage that occurred on 8/31. This will affect cooling for the entire building. Facilities Services is currently working to source replacement parts. A restoral date is unknown at this time, but updates will be sent out when they are available.

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services  at 541-737-2969.

As part of the Kerr South Parking Lot project, SW 15th St. will be closed in both directions between SW Washington Ave. and SW Jefferson Way. This closure will be in effect from Tuesday, August 22 until Tuesday, September 5.

The crosswalk at 15th St. and Washington Ave. will also be closed along with the east sidewalk between Washington Ave. and SW Adams Ave. Please refer to the pedestrian detour information below.

Please note: SW Washington Way is currently closed between SW 15th St. and SW 26th St., which means that SW Benton Place will not be accessible as a north-south detour option.

Vehicle detour: SW Washington Ave., to SW 11th St. to SW Jefferson Way.

The map shows a closure on SW 15th St. between SW Washington Ave. and SW Jefferson Way. It shows a vehicle detour along Washington Ave. to SW 11th St. to Jefferson Way.

Pedestrian detour: take the north sidewalk on Washington Ave. to the walkway along SW 14th St. Proceed across Adams Ave. to the north sidewalk and continue along the east sidewalk on SW 15th St.

The map shows road closure on SW 15th St. between SW Washington Ave. and SW Jefferson Way. A pedestrian detour route is marked along the north side of Washington Ave. to the walkway on SW 14th St. to the north sidewalk on SW Adams Ave. to the east sidewalk along 15th St.

Please note: the west sidewalk along SW 15th St. is currently unavailable due to a separate closure related to this project.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

Facilities Services will be performing annual load bank testing for the below listed building emergency/
stand-by generators. Each test will take approximately 3 hours. There may be excessive noise and
possible exhaust fume odors associated with testing. Each generator will be refueled after testing.

Week of August 7th
• Pharmacy Building
• Cordley Hall
• Kerr Administration Building
• Kerr Administration Building Telecom

Week of August 14th
• Western Shops Building
• Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Lab
• Salmon Disease Lab #1
• Research Way Building

Week of August 21st
• Research Lab #2
• Research Lab #3
• Research Lab #4
• Portable Generator #3
• Portable Generator #4

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

Scheduled: Fire Alarm & Sprinkler Testing

Effective Date(s): August 14th-August 18th, 2023

Convergint will be conducting annual fire alarm & sprinkler testing.  Testing will take place in the buildings listed below.  The testing will be brief and include both sounding of alarms and strobes. As part of the testing building occupants may notice occasional beeping coming from the fire panel and horns and strobe lights activating throughout the building.  Signage will be posted on exterior doors while testing is being conducted.

August 14th  

  • Beth Ray
  • Cascade Hall
  • Parking Structure

August 15th

  • Kerr Administration/ Kerr B210 Data Room
  • McAlexander Field House

August 16th

  • Goss Stadium
  • Snell Hall/ MU East

August 17th

  • Ballard Extension Hall
  • Bates Hall
  • Hallie Ford

August 18th

  • Gilmore Annex
  • Gilmore Hall
  • Hovland Hall
  • Nash Hall

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.

As part of the Kerr South Parking Lot project, the south entrance of the Kerr Administration Building will be closed along with the south sidewalk, the ADA ramp and the west walkway. This closure will be in effect through August 31.

ADA access will be maintained via the east entrance between the Kerr A and B buildings.

The sidewalk east of the building along SW 15th St. will also remain closed (see previous notification). Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the work site.

The map shows a closure along the west and south walkways at the Kerr Admin Building. The ADA ramp and the south entrance to the building are marked as closed. The sidewalk east of the building along SW 15th St. is also marked as closed. An ADA access route is marked on the north side of the building, leading to the east entrance.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609 – 6111.

As part of the Kerr South Parking lot project, the east entrance of the Kerr Administration Building will be closed from Monday, July 10 – Friday, July 14. The south entrance and ADA ramp may be accessed via the west side walkway around the back of the building.  

The current closure impacting the western sidewalk on SW 15th Street (east of the building) will be extended through Friday, July 14.

The map shows an aerial view of the Kerr Administration Building with an accessible route marked along the walkway on the west side of the building to the entrance on the south side. The east entrance is marked as closed.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

As part of the Kerr South Parking Lot project, the west sidewalk on SW 15th St. will be closed between SW Washington Avenue and SW Jefferson Way on Friday, July 7 & Monday, July 10. Pedestrians may cross 15th St. at the intersections with Washington Ave. or Jefferson Way and use the east sidewalk.

The map shows a sidewalk closure on the west side of SW 15th St., extending from SW Washington Avenue to SW Jefferson Way.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Derek Bennett at (541) 609-6111.

As part of the Kerr Administration South Parking Lot Improvement project, the Kerr South parking lot will be closed for construction activities from Monday, June 26 through Wednesday, September 27. The path running along the west side of the Kerr Administration Building will be closed along with the south entrance/exit to the parking lot and the ADA ramp. Other possible impacts include noise, dust and mud near the construction site.

The image shows an aerial view of the Kerr South parking lot and the sidewalk west of the Kerr Administration building.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Project Manager Christina Vinson at (503) 420-1031.  

Facilities Services will be performing annual load bank testing for the below listed building emergency/ stand-by generators.  Each test will take approximately 3 hours. There may be excessive noise and possible exhaust fume odors associated with testing.  Each generator will be refueled after testing. 

Week of August 1st  

  • Milam Hall 
  • Burt Hall 
  • Dearborn Hall 
  • Milne Computer Center 

Week of August 8th  

  • The Valley Library 
  • Pharmacy Building 
  • Kerr Administration Building  
  • Kerr Administration Building Telecom 

Week of August 15th  

  • Sinnhuber Aquatic Research Lab 
  • Salmon Disease Lab #1 
  • Research Way Building 

Week of August 22nd 

  • Portable Generator #3 
  • Portable Generator #4 

For questions or comments on this notice contact, Facilities Services at 541-737-2969. 

Closures are often subject to changes and delays, so please visit the OSU Campus Closures, Shutdowns, and Detours page for updates on this and other campus closures. 

Please forward this notice to anyone who would benefit from this information. 


Facilities Services 

University Facilities, Infrastructure & Operations 

Oregon State University 

830 SW 35th Street | Corvallis, OR 97331 | 541-737-2969 

Update: Friday September 24, 2021 temperatures are expected to climb into the mid 80’s. Due to shipping delays, Facilities has been unable to obtain the parts necessary to make the final repairs.  Therefore, at this time we will not be able to hold comfortable temperatures in the building.  Please plan accordingly.

This shutdown will not affect the server room.

Please forward this notice to anyone who would benefit from this information.

9/21/21- Due to a failed chiller component, the Kerr Administration Bldg. will be without cooling for the next several days while replacement parts are on order. This may cause higher than normal temperature levels building-wide. An additional notice will be sent out when repairs are complete and cooling is restored. This shutdown will not affect the server room.

For questions or comments on this closure contact Facilities Services at 541-737-2969.