As part of the Nash Hall Elevator project, a crane pick of elevator equipment is scheduled at Nash Hall, and in the building’s loading dock area and around the access road south of building. The Sackett North Lot (lot #3303) areas around Nash Hall will be impacted. Work is scheduled for Thursday, April 8, 2021.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Infrastructure Project Manager Aaron Collett at 541-207-2780 or contractor Jonathan Fisher, with Ausland Group, at 541-450-2774.

Nash Hall crane work area map

As part of the Campus Operations building project, partial closures are scheduled for the Western Building lot for grading and paving work. Partial lot closures are scheduled to start on Monday, April 5 through Friday, April 23, 2021. Half of the parking lot will remain open at all times. Please note, paving work is weather dependent and future updates to the schedule may follow this notice.

For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Rick Freeman at 541-231-5368.

Western Building lot area map