As part of the Goss Baseball Hitting Building project, 38 parking spaces on the south side of the Coleman Field East parking lot (#3261) will be permanently removed to allow for construction of the new building, effective Monday, October 2.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Rick Freeman at (541) 231-5368.
The Gilbert Hall elevator will be out of service effective Wednesday, September 27. Due to the need for repair and specialized parts, this is expected to be an extended service outage. A temporary, ADA-accessible ramp will be constructed on the east side of the building which will allow access to the first floor classroom. The ramp is currently under construction and is expected to be complete by Monday, October 2.
ADA access to the Gilbert Hall basement will remain available from the NW Monroe Avenue entrance. Access to the second and third floors will be available via the Gilbert Hall Addition across the bridge into Gilbert Hall.
For questions or comments on this closure, contact Construction Manager Eric Smith at (541) 409-5037.