Intermittent upwelling impacts zooplankton and their gray whale predators

Allison Dawn, MSc, GEMM Lab graduate, OSU Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences, Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab 

The second year of my master’s flew by. Gone were the days of feeling new to graduate school. While I was feeling more comfortable navigating courses, balancing time at both Corvallis and HMSC campuses, and leading recruitment and logistics for the TOPAZ/JASPER field seasons, I certainly felt intimidated by my long, yet exciting, list of research goals I planned to accomplish in order to graduate in Summer 2023. Now, I am proud to say we have come a long way from my (overly ambitious) research proposal and simple Pearson correlations.

At this time last year, I had narrowed down a few key environmental factors to assess relationships between zooplankton in reef systems where PCFG gray whales feed and environmental variability. Even still, I was feeling frustrated at my preliminary analysis results that suggested upwelling had little to no impact on zooplankton abundance or whale foraging effort. This result was dissatisfying given what we know about the upwelling and the California Current System (CCS), so I wondered if my analysis approach, upwelling metrics, or both, were limited. However, thanks to the dedicated mentorship of Leigh, and an informal chat on the water with Aaron Galloway while dive tending for CamDO deployments, I was encouraged to dig even deeper into the literature (and subsequent debates) on the role of upwelling in the nearshore. After several inspiring meetings with the lab about our latest literature deep-dive, I reconfigured my initial hypotheses and charged ahead into the next phases of analysis with a different metric of upwelling than I had calculated before, which I will describe further below. While my final chapter includes a total of seven environmental factors that capture both broad- and fine-temporal temporal scales, for the purposes of this blog I will just share the result of the broad-scale impact of intermittent upwelling on both zooplankton abundance and gray whale foraging effort.

First, a brief recap on upwelling — during the spring and summer in the CCS, strong northerly winds push surface waters offshore, bringing cold, nutrient rich waters from the deep; which creates coastal upwelling. However, upwelling is not persistent. There are periods of time when these northerly winds relax, reducing surface water advection, and upwelling stalls. This relaxation period allows for nearshore retention of primary productivity, which permeates trophic levels with important nutrients. The alternation between upwelling and relaxation is called “intermittent upwelling”, and researchers are finding that the occurrence of relaxation periods are just as important as upwelling itself. Both support biophysical mechanisms that deliver and retain nutrients in the system.

For an example of intermittent upwelling in the CCS,  Figure 1 shows a northerly wind stress plot taken from a coastal buoy near our Port Orford study area during 2016. On the y-axis we have northerly wind stress, where positive values show less strong northerly winds, indicating downwelling favorable conditions, and negative values represent strong northerly winds, indicating upwelling favorable conditions. The x-axis is months over time. Here, you can see how in the winter downwelling prevails, but in the summer time we mainly have upwelling favorable winds. However, these summer periods are punctuated by positive values of wind stress, demonstrating that alternations between upwelling and relaxation occur several times throughout the spring and summer period.

Figure 1: Example plot of northerly wind stress plot taken from NOAA Buoy 4601 in 2016 (near our Port Orford, Oregon study area).

The role of upwelling intermittency has been explored in previous work and was posited as the Intermittent Upwelling Hypothesis (IUH) by Menge and Menge 2013. Figure 2, left, demonstrates this hypothesis in theoretical plots. In panel A we see that the rates of ecological processes such as primary productivity and prey response are maximal in at middle values of persistent upwelling and downwelling. In panel B. we see ecological processes positively increase with an index of upwelling intermittency. In Figure 2, right, the authors tested this hypothesis on chlorophyll-a and barnacle and mussel larval recruitment across several study sites and found the results did closely match theory.

Figure 2: Left, Intermittent Upwelling Hypothesis (IUH) theoretical plots showing predicted unimodal relationship between nutrient availability and prey response along a gradient between persistent upwelling and persistent downwelling (panel A) and the expected linear relationship between nutrient availability and upwelling intermittency (panel B); Right, Chlorophyll-a, barnacle, and mussel recruitment responses to an upwelling and intermittency index. Menge and Menge 2013.

Nearshore systems in the CCS, like the ones described in this Menge and Menge 2013 paper, are vastly understudied. And while there is a growing body of literature investigating the role of intermittent upwelling on various prey metrics (Mace & Morgan, 2006; Roegner et al 2007; Benoit-Bird et al., 2019) as well as cetacean movement (Ryan et al., 2022), to our knowledge no study has yet assessed the role of intermittent upwelling on nearshore prey availability and marine mammal occurrence.

To investigate the role of intermittent upwelling, we used the coastal upwelling transport index (CUTI) as our proxy for upwelling. Using daily CUTI values we generated a cumulative upwelling index and number of relaxation events for each year of the study (Figure 3.). This cumulative upwelling information was used to define the day of spring transition (ST) and end of the upwelling season for each year (2016-2021), following the upwelling phenological definitions from Bograd et al. 2009.

Figure 3: Summed running mean of Cumulative Upwelling Transport Index (CUTI) at latitude 42°N across years 2016-2021, initial data source

Using of five-year dataset we investigated functional relationships between each environmental variable and either zooplankton abundance or whale foraging effort using Boosted Regression Tree analysis (Elith et al., 2008).  Model results demonstrate that  for both zooplankton and whales, species occurrence is high at the intersection between moderate values of accumulated upwelling and with an increasing number of relaxation events. Overall, this work identifies intermittent upwelling as a primary driver of zooplankton abundance and gray whale foraging effort in a nearshore region of Oregon.

Winds in the California Current System are projected to get stronger with climate change, and if upwelling-favorable winds increase in duration and intensity, this could potentially threaten this balance between relaxation and upwelling. While these changes may mean greater primary productivity on some scales, how exactly this increase might affect the very nearshore regions and intermittent upwelling is unknown. Thus, research should continue long-term monitoring of nearshore areas to assist with adaptive management solutions in the face of environmental change.

Preparing this manuscript for my first-first author publication has been another new and exciting process. I feel so grateful for my time as a Master’s student in the GEMM Lab, and for the support of my lab mates, the HMSC community, family, and friends who cheered me on each step of the way to the finish line.  

Figure 4: Toasting to a successful master’s defense seminar with GEMM Lab mates, friends and family.

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Benoit‐Bird, K. J., Waluk, C. M., & Ryan, J. P. (2019). Forage species swarm in response to coastal upwelling. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(3), 1537-1546.

Bograd, S. J., Schroeder, I., Sarkar, N., Qiu, X., Sydeman, W. J., & Schwing, F. B. (2009). Phenology of coastal upwelling in the California Current. Geophysical Research Letters, 36(1).

Curtis Roegner, G., Armstrong, D. A., Hickey, B. M., & Shanks, A. L. (2003). Ocean distribution of Dungeness crab megalopae and recruitment patterns to estuaries in southern Washington State. Estuaries, 26, 1058-1070.

Elith, J., Leathwick, J. R., & Hastie, T. (2008). A working guide to boosted regression trees. Journal of animal ecology, 77(4), 802-813.

Mace, A. J., & Morgan, S. G. (2006). Biological and physical coupling in the lee of a small headland: contrasting transport mechanisms for crab larvae in an upwelling region. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 324, 185-196.

Menge, B. A., & Menge, D. N. (2013). Dynamics of coastal meta‐ecosystems: the intermittent upwelling hypothesis and a test in rocky intertidal regions. Ecological Monographs, 83(3), 283-310.

Oestreich, W. K., Abrahms, B., McKenna, M. F., Goldbogen, J. A., Crowder, L. B., & Ryan, J. P. (2022). Acoustic signature reveals blue whales tune life‐history transitions to oceanographic conditions. Functional Ecology, 36(4), 882-895.

Roegner, G. C., Armstrong, D. A., & Shanks, A. L. (2007). Wind and tidal influences on larval crab recruitment to an Oregon estuary. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 351, 177-188.

Ryan, J. P., Benoit‐Bird, K. J., Oestreich, W. K., Leary, P., Smith, K. B., Waluk, C. M., … & Goldbogen, J. A. (2022). Oceanic giants dance to atmospheric rhythms: Ephemeral wind‐driven resource tracking by blue whales. Ecology Letters, 25(11), 2435-2447.

The whales keep coming and we keep learning: a wrap up of the eighth GRANITE field season.

Clara Bird, PhD Candidate, OSU Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences, Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab

As you may remember, last year’s field season was a remarkable summer for our team. We were pleasantly surprised to find an increased number of whales in our study area compared to previous years and were even more excited that many of them were old friends. As we started this field season, we were all curious to know if this year would be a repeat. And it’s my pleasure to report that this season was even better!

We started the season with an exciting day (6 known whales! see Lisa’s blog) and the excitement (and whales) just kept coming. This season we saw 71 individual whales across 215 sightings! Of those 71, 44 were whales we saw last year, and 10 were new to our catalog, meaning that we saw 17 whales this season that we had not seen in at least two years! There is something extra special about seeing a whale we have not seen in a while because it means that they are still alive, and the sighting gives us valuable data to continue studying health and survival. Another cool note is that 7 of our 12 new whales from last year came back this year, indicating recruitment to our study region.

Included in that group of 7 whales are the two calves from last year! Again, indicating good recruitment of new whales to our study area. We saw both Lunita and Manta (previously nick-named ‘Roly-poly’) throughout this season and we were always happy to see them back in our area and feeding on their own.

Drone image of Lunita from 2023
Drone image of Manta from 2023

We had an especially remarkable encounter with Lunita at the end of this season when we found this whale surface feeding on porcelain crab larvae (video 1)! This is a behavior that we rarely observe, and we’ve never seen a juvenile whale use this behavior before, inspiring questions around how Lunita knew how to perform this behavior.

Not only did we resight our one-year-old friends, but we found two new calves born to well-known mature females (Clouds and Spotlight). We had previously documented Clouds with a calf (Cheetah) in 2016 so it was exciting to see her with a new calf and to meet Cheetah’s sibling! Cheetah has become one of our regulars so we’re curious to see if this new calf joins the regular crew as well. We’re also hoping that Spotlight’s calf will stick around; and we’re optimistic since we observed it feeding alone later in the season.

Collage of new calves from 2023! Left: Clouds and her calf, Center: Spotlight and her calf, Right: Spotlight’s calf independently foraging

Of course, 71 whales means heaps of data! We spent 226 hours on the water, conducted 132 drone flights (a record!), and collected 61 fecal samples! Those 132 flights were over 64 individual whales, with Casper and Pacman tying for “best whale to fly over” with 10 flights each. We collected 61 fecal samples from 26 individual whales with a three-way tie for “best pooper” between Hummingbird, Scarlett, and Zorro with 6 fecal samples each. And we continued to collect valuable prey and habitat data through 80 GoPro drops and 79 zooplankton net tows.

And if you were about to ask, “but what about tagging?!”, fear not! We continued our suction cup tagging effort with a successful window in July where we were joined by collaborators John Calambokidis from Cascadia Research Collective and Dave Cade from Hopkins Marine Station and deployed four suction-cup tags.

It’s hard to believe all the work we’ve accomplished in the past five months, and I continue to be honored and proud to be on this incredible team. But as this season has come to a close, I have found myself reflecting on something else. Learning. Over the past several years we have learned so much about not only these whales in our study system but about how to conduct field work. And while learning is continuous, this season in particular has felt like an exciting time for both. In the past year our group has published work showing that we can detect pregnancy in gray whales using fecal samples and drone imagery (Fernandez Ajó et al., 2023), that PCFG gray whales are shorter and smaller than ENP whales (Bierlich et al., 2023), and that gray whales are consuming high levels of microplastics (Torres et al., 2023). We also have several manuscripts in review focused on our behavior work from drones and tags. While this information does not directly affect our field work, it does mean that while we’re observing these whales live, we better understand what we’re observing and we can come up with more specific, in-depth questions based on this foundation of knowledge that we’re building. I have enjoyed seeing our questions evolve each year based on our increasing knowledge and I know that our collaborative, inquisitive chats on the boat will only continue inspiring more exciting research.

On top of our gray whale knowledge, we have also learned so much about field work. When I think back to the early days compared to now, there is a stark difference in our knowledge and our confidence. We do a lot on our little boat! And so many steps that we once relied on written lists to remember to do are now just engrained in our minds and bodies. From loading the boat, to setting up at the dock, to the go pro drops, fecal collections, drone operations, photo taking, and photo ID, our team has become quite the well-oiled machine. We were also given the opportunity to reflect on everything we’ve learned over the past years when it was our turn to train our new team member, Nat! Nat is a new PhD student in the GEMM lab who is joining team GRANITE. Teaching her all the ins and outs of our fieldwork really emphasized how much we ourselves have learned.

On a personal note, this was my third season as a drone pilot, and honestly, I was pleasantly surprised by my experience this season. Since I started piloting, I have experienced pretty intense nerves every time I’ve flown the drone. From stress dreams, to mild nausea, and an elevated heart rate, flying the drone was something that I didn’t necessarily look forward to. Don’t get me wrong – it’s incredibly valuable data and a privilege to watch the whales from a bird’s eye view in real time. But the responsibility of collecting good data, while keeping the drone and my team members safe was something that I felt viscerally. And while I gained confidence with every flight, the nerves were still as present as ever and I was starting to accept that I would never be totally comfortable as a pilot. Until this season, when the nerves finally cleared, and piloting became as innate as all the other field work components. While there are still some stressful moments, the nerves don’t come roaring back. I have finally gone through enough stressful situations to not be fazed by new ones. And while I am fully aware that this is just how learning works, I write this reflection as a reminder to myself and anyone going through the process of learning any new skill to push through that fear. Remember there can be a disconnect between the time when you know how to do something well, or well-enough, and the time when you feel comfortable doing it. I am just as proud of myself for persevering as I am of the team for collecting so much incredible data. And as I look ahead to my next scary challenge (finishing my PhD!), this is a feeling that I am trying to hold on to. 

Stay tuned for updates from team GRANITE!

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Bierlich, K. C., Kane, A., Hildebrand, L., Bird, C. N., Fernandez Ajo, A., Stewart, J. D., Hewitt, J., Hildebrand, I., Sumich, J., & Torres, L. G. (2023). Downsized: Gray whales using an alternative foraging ground have smaller morphology. Biology Letters19(8), 20230043.

Fernandez Ajó, A., Pirotta, E., Bierlich, K. C., Hildebrand, L., Bird, C. N., Hunt, K. E., Buck, C. L., New, L., Dillon, D., & Torres, L. G. (2023). Assessment of a non-invasive approach to pregnancy diagnosis in gray whales through drone-based photogrammetry and faecal hormone analysis. Royal Society Open Science10(7), 230452.

Torres, L. G., Brander, S. M., Parker, J. I., Bloom, E. M., Norman, R., Van Brocklin, J. E., Lasdin, K. S., & Hildebrand, L. (2023). Zoop to poop: Assessment of microparticle loads in gray whale zooplankton prey and fecal matter reveal high daily consumption rates. Frontiers in Marine Science10.

Cruising through space and time – a GEMM Lab’s journey in the Northern California Current

By Solène Derville, Postdoc, OSU Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences, Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab

Last month I had the privilege to participate in the 2023 September Northern California Current (NCC) cruise onboard the NOAA RV Bell M. Shimada. These cruises are part of a long-term NOAA/NWFSC effort to study the NCC ecosystem and they have been taking place every February, May, and September since 2002. Thanks to a collaboration with NOAA (and more specifically the NCC cruise chief scientist Jennifer Fisher), the GEMM Lab has been able to put marine mammal observers on these cruises since 2018.

As a postdoc working on the OPAL project, I have been the main person in charge of processing and analyzing the cetacean data collected across the 10 (now 11!) cruises that the GEMM lab participated in. These data have played a paramount role in improving our understanding of rorqual whale (e.g., blue, humpback, fin) distribution and habitat use off the coast of Oregon (Derville et al., 2022) and assessing the resulting risk of entanglement in fishing gear that they face while migrating and feeding in our waters (Derville et al., 2023). But while I have been very involved in the data analysis side of things, up to now I had never been able to contribute to data collection for this project. First, I was working remotely at the height of the COVID pandemic and second, because the NCC cruises are onboard a NOAA vessel, they have strict limitations on non-US citizens participation. So, you can imagine how excited I was (as a French citizen) to finally set foot on the famous Bell M. Shimada that I had heard so many stories about!

The NCC cruises illustrate how valuable long-term ecosystem monitoring is. Station after station, miles surveyed after miles surveyed, little by little, we learn about the complex ecological relationships and changing patterns that shape life in the ocean. The data, the experience, and the memories accumulated over the years are a true legacy that I have felt very proud to be part of. Finally, being on this ship, I felt like I was walking in the path of so many of my friends who had held those same binoculars before. Florence Sullivan, who pioneered the GEMM Lab’s NCC cruise observer effort in the harsh winter weather of February 2018. Alexa Kownacki (May 2018, May 2019), whose detailed field notes I read years later with emotion and appreciation as they helped me figure out how the Seebird software used to collect data back then (and abandoned since!). Dawn Barlow (Sep 2018, Sep 2019, Sep 2020, May 2021, May 2022), our master observer who is said to be able to detect a whale’s blow 10 miles away in a 10-foot swell and Beaufort sea state 6, all while sipping an Affogato coffee. Clara Bird (Sep 2020, May 2022), who abandoned her beloved nearshore gray whales (twice!) to sail all the way to the NH-200 station (200 nautical miles from land!). Rachel Kaplan (May 2021, May 2022, Sep 2022), our jack of all trades who concurrently studies krill and whales, and by doing so probably broke the record of numbers of times running up and down between the flying bridge and the echosounder screen room down below. Renee Albertson (Sep 2022), a Marine Mammal Institute research associate who shared observations with Rachel until the cruise was cut short by an engine issue that led them to the docks of Seattle. And finally, Craig Hayslip (May 2023), who swapped his usual observer work on the United States Coast Guard’s helicopters as part of the OPAL project for two weeks onboard the Shimada.

What a team!

From left to right and top to bottom: Florence; Alexa; Dawn; Clara; Renee, Rachel and the rest of the science team including Jennifer Fisher and Anna Bolm; Craig; Rachel; and I!

The 11th NCC cruise with GEMM Lab observers onboard was equal to its predecessors as it provided a perfect combination of camaraderie, natural beauty, Pacific Northwest weather, and unexpected change of plans.  After being delayed by one day, we discovered that a big storm system was coming upon us and would have us retreat to Yaquina Bay in Newport for 4 days! Overall, I spent 5 days surveying for marine mammals from the flying bridge, in conditions that went from a beautiful sunny Friday on September 22nd to an impressive Beaufort sea state 7 on the 29th. This experience was the king of weather in which it became particularly cool to be on a ship as big as the Shimada (63 m, 208 feet long!) that can withstand swell and wind better than any ship I had worked on before.

Overall, I observed 36 groups of cetaceans, including seven different species of dolphins and whales: one sperm whale, a possible Sei whale, several fin whales, blue whales, humpback whales, and pods of Pacific white-sided dolphins, Dall’s porpoises and common dolphins. Among the highlights of this cruise was the observation of several blue whales and humpback whales that seemed to be feeding on the western slope of the Heceta bank. My personal favorite memory was also to observe common dolphins -a species that despite its name is not that common (at least not in the nearshore environment) and that I had never seen before in my life! How magnificent and graceful they were… and how lucky was I to be part of this voyage.

From left to right, top to bottom: a CTD deployment from the Bell M. Shimada; a whale’s dinner? Krill collected with a bongo net during a previous cruise; a very distant yet unmistakable sperm whale dorsal knob; a group of common dolphins; a marine mammal observer’s work tools; a blue whale surfacing at dusk.

More NCC cruise stories…


Derville, S., Barlow, D. R., Hayslip, C. E., & Torres, L. G. (2022). Seasonal, Annual, and Decadal Distribution of Three Rorqual Whale Species Relative to Dynamic Ocean Conditions Off Oregon, USA. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 868566.

Derville, S., Buell, T. V, Corbett, K. C., Hayslip, C., & Torres, L. G. (2023). Exposure of whales to entanglement risk in Dungeness crab fishing gear in Oregon, USA, reveals distinctive spatio-temporal and climatic patterns. Biological Conservation, 109989.

Zoop to poop: Recent GEMM Lab publication reveals high microparticle ingestion by zooplankton and gray whales

By Lisa Hildebrand, PhD student, OSU Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Sciences, Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab

Baleen whales face a multitude of threats on a daily basis. The exposure to some of these threats can be assessed visually. For example, the presence of propeller scars on a whale are indicative that the individual was struck by a boat. However, there are some threats that are not easily detected from visual assessments. One of these threats is the ingestion of microparticles (MPs), which include microplastics and other anthropogenic debris. While MP research has entered its second decade and documentation of MPs in the marine environment is common, we still lack empirical information on the rates of MP ingestion by baleen whales and their prey. Hence, one of the objectives of the Coastal Oregon Zooplankton Investigation (COZI; read more about it in a previous blog), which GEMM Lab PI Leigh Torres led, was to determine to what extent Pacific Coast Feeding Group (PCFG) gray whales and their nearshore zooplankton prey are impacted by MPs. The results of this work were recently published in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science and I am going to summarize them for you here today.

A number of studies have documented MP ingestion in baleen whales, including in humpback (Besseling et al., 2015), fin (Fossi et al., 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017), Bryde’s, and sei whales (Zantis et al., 2022). The effects of ingesting MPs on baleen whales are theorized to include blockage of internal organs, mechanical damage of the digestive tract, false feeling of satiation (full from eating), and potentially leaching of toxicants depending on the length of the digestive period (Donohue et al., 2019; Hudak & Sette 2019; Zhu et al., 2019; Novillo et al., 2020). Despite the fact that MPs have been documented in a number of baleen whale species, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding MP ingestion rates by baleen whales from empirical data, although modeled estimates have been derived for a few species (Zantis et al., 2022; Kahane-Rapport et al., 2022). Basically, we know whales eat MPs because it has been detected in their stomachs, but we do not know how much MPs they consume. The COZI team therefore aimed to quantify baleen whale MP consumption rates from empirically counted MP loads in zooplankton prey and to look at MP exposure of baleen whales from “zoop to poop” (Figure 1). 

Figure 1 Schematic depicting our “zoop to poop” approach. Taken from Torres et al., 2023.

In order to accomplish this aim, we used “zoop” and “poop” samples collected between 2017 to 2019 during the GEMM Lab’s long-term GRANITE (Gray whale Response to Ambient Noise Informed by Technology and Ecology) project. We analyzed MP loads in three prey zooplankton species found in nearshore Oregon waters (the amphipod Atylus tridens and the mysid shrimp Holmesimysis sculpta and Neomysis rayii), all of which are known PCFG gray whale prey (Hildebrand et al., 2021), as well as five fecal samples collected from four unique individual gray whales. While the field collection of these samples was led by the GEMM Lab, the processing and MP analysis was led by Dr. Susanne Brander and conducted by a number of undergraduate student workers. MP analysis is no easy feat as it involves many, many meticulous and time-intensive steps in order to get from a sample of gray whale prey or poop to a known number of MPs that the sample contained. The process involves (1) sorting and identifying the prey into the different species; (2) rinsing the individuals to ensure no external MPs are counted; (3) digesting the sample in potassium hydroxide (KOH) for 24-72 hours; (4) sieving and filtering the digested samples; (5) picking out suspected MPs from the filters and measuring them; (6) analyzing the suspected MPs to confirm chemical composition. On top of all of these steps, anyone working with the samples has to try and minimize potential MP contamination, which is not easy since MPs are practically everywhere, such as synthetic fibers from our clothes or microplastics that are floating around in the air. 

Figure 2 Microparticle (MP) loads and morphotypes by zooplankton species. (A) the number of MPs per 1 gram per species, with the dotted line representing the average MP level in controls. (B) the proportion of MP morphotypes found in each zooplankton species. (C) the proportion of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy categories of MPs found in each zooplankton species. The sample size for each sample is denoted above all columns. Taken from Torres et al., 2023.

After many long years of lab work (COVID lab restrictions included), we are excited (and a little daunted) to share the results of this collaborative project with you. We detected MPs in all 26 zooplankton prey samples that we analyzed and found that the number of MPs in the three species were pretty similar, with an average of 4 MPs per gram of zooplankton (Figure 2). Over 50% of the 418 suspected MPs that we identified in the zooplankton samples were fibers. We also detected MPs in all five gray whale fecal samples that we analyzed. While we also detected fibers among the 37 suspected MPs pulled from the fecal samples, we found a higher proportion of larger MPs such as fragments and pellets in the “poop” samples, than we did in the “zoop” samples (Figure 3). We also tested some seawater samples as controls to see how the composition of MPs in seawater compared to that of zooplankton and gray whale feces. We found that seawater was dominated by fibers, similar to the zooplankton prey. This finding suggests that the larger MPs (e.g., fragments, pellets) that we found in gray whale feces must be coming from somewhere other than their prey and the ambient seawater. This led us to hypothesize that gray whales are likely exposed to MPs through two pathways, via (1) trophic transfer from their zooplankton prey and (2) indiscriminate consumption of ambient MPs in the benthos while foraging benthically (Figure 1). 

Figure 3 Microparticle (MP) loads and morphotypes found in each of the five gray whale fecal samples analyzed. (A)the number of MPs per gram of fecal sample, with the dotted line representing the average MP level in controls. (B) the proportion of MP morphotypes found in each fecal sample. (C) the proportion of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy categories of MPs found in each fecal sample. The sample size for each sample is denoted above all columns. Taken from Torres et al., 2023.

Next we wanted to estimate the daily ingestion rates of MPs by gray whales. For this estimation, we used our known values of zooplankton MP ingestion (from our analyzed samples) and extrapolated them using daily energetic needs of gray whales (i.e., how many calories does the whale need each day). The only published values of daily gray whale caloric needs are for pregnant and lactating females (Villegas-Amtmann et al., 2015, 2017), which is why we were only able to estimate daily MP ingestion rates for these two demographic groups. The numbers we calculated were rather staggering (and led us to double-, triple-, and quadruple-check our math) as we estimate that if a pregnant gray whale only ate the mysid N. rayii in a day, she would consume 9.55 million MP per day. We made these estimates for all three prey species that we analyzed as well as a “composite preyscape” (an average of the three prey species) and you can see all of those results in Table 1.

Table 1 Estimates of the number of microparticles (MPs) that a pregnant and lactating female gray whale consumes per day generated through extrapolation of results from this study (Microparticles per individual zooplankton; first row) to their daily energetic needs by zooplankton prey species from Hildebrand et al., 2021. Taken from Torres et al., 2023.

These results are frightening. They still are to me even though I have spent months with this knowledge after having done a lot of the data analysis for this project. I think it is particularly frightening to think about the fact that MPs are not the only anthropogenic threat that gray whales (and really any organism in the ocean) are exposed to. The good news is that you can do something to help reduce this threat in the oceans. Below are just a few suggestions of what you can do to reduce MP pollution to the environment:

  1. A major source of pollution in the ocean comes from microfibers through our laundry (as you saw in our results). You can help stop this pathway by simply using a Cora Ball or installing a filter (such as this one) in your washing machine that captures microfleece & polyester fibers.
  2. Minimize your use of single-use plastics. There are so many ways to do so including reuseable water bottles, travel mugs for coffee or tea, fabric totes as shopping bags, carry a set of utensils for takeout food, beeswax wraps instead of plastic wrap or sandwich bags.
  3. Use public transport when possible as another huge source of microplastics comes from tire treads! This solution also helps reduce your carbon footprint.


Besseling E., Foekema E. M., Van Franeker J. A., Leopold M. F., Kühn S., Bravo Rebolledo E. L., et al. (2015). Microplastic in a macro filter feeder: humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliaeMar. pollut. Bull. 95, 248–252. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2015.04.007

Donohue M. J., Masura J., Gelatt T., Ream R., Baker J. D., Faulhaber K., et al. (2019). Evaluating exposure of northern fur seals, callorhinus ursinus, to microplastic pollution through fecal analysis. Mar. pollut. Bull. 138, 213–221. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2018.11.036

Fossi M. C., Panti C., Guerranti C., Coppola D., Giannetti M., Marsili L., et al. (2012). Are baleen whales exposed to the threat of microplastics? a case study of the Mediterranean fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus). Mar. pollut. Bull. 64, 2374–2379. doi: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2012.08.013

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Krill Intentions: Bringing Lessons Home from a Winter of Fieldwork

By Rachel Kaplan, PhD student, Oregon State University College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences and Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences, Geospatial Ecology of Marine Megafauna Lab

Hello from Palmer Station, Antarctica! I’ve spent the last five months here in a kind of parallel universe to that of my normal life in Oregon. It’s spring here at the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), and since May I’ve been part of a team studying Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) – a big change from the Oregon species I typically study, and one that has already taught me so much.

I am here as part of a project titled “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: The effect of autumn diet on winter physiology and condition of juvenile Antarctic krill”. Through at-sea fieldwork and experiments in the lab, we have spent this field season investigating how climate-driven changes in diet impact juvenile and adult krill health during the long polar night. Winter is a crucial time for krill survival and recruitment, and an understudied season in this remote corner of the world.

Figure 1. Recently collected Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) await identification and measuring.

Within this field season, we have been part of two great research cruises along the WAP, and spent the rest of the time at Palmer Station, running long-term experiments to learn how diet influences krill winter growth and development. The time has passed incredibly fast, and it’s hard to believe that we’ll be heading home in just a couple weeks.

There have been so many wonderful parts to our time here. While at sea, I was constantly aware that each new bay and fjord we sampled was one of the most beautiful places I would ever have the privilege to visit. I was also surprised and thrilled by the number of whales we saw – I recorded over one hundred sightings, including humpbacks, minke, and killer whales. As consumed as I was by looking for whales during the few hours of daylight, it was also rewarding to broaden my marine mammal focus and learn about another krill predator, the crabeater seal, from a great team researching their ecology and physiology.

In between our other work, I have been processing active acoustic (echosounder) data collected during a winter 2022 cruise that visited many of the same regions of the WAP. Antarctic krill have been much more thoroughly studied than the main krill species that occur off the coast of Oregon, Euphausia pacifica and Thysanoessa spinifera, and it has been amazing to draw upon this large body of literature. 

Figure 2. The active acoustic data I’m working with from the Western Antarctic Peninsula, pictured here, was collected along a wiggly cruise track in 2022, giving me the opportunity to learn how to process this type of survey data and appreciate the ways in which a ship’s movements translate to data analysis.

Working with a new flavor of echosounder data has presented me with puzzles that are teaching me to navigate different modes of data collection and their analytical implications, such as for the cruise track data above. I’ll never take data collected along a standardized grid for granted again!

I’ve also learned new techniques that I am excited to apply to my research in the Northern California Current (NCC) region. For example, there are two primary different ways of detecting krill swarms in echosounder data: by comparing the results of two different acoustic frequencies, and by training a computer algorithm to recognize swarms based on their dimensions and other characteristics. After trying a few different approaches with the Antarctic data this season, I developed a way to combine these techniques. In the resulting dataset, two different methods have confirmed that a given area represents krill, which gives me a lot of confidence in it. I’m looking forward to applying this technique to my NCC data, and using it to assess some of my next research questions.

Figure 3. A combination of krill detection techniques selected these long krill aggregations off the coast of the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP).

Throughout it all, the highlight of this season has been being part of an amazing field team. I’m here with Kim Bernard (as a co-advised student, I refer to Kim as my “krill advisor” and Leigh as my “whale advisor”), and undergraduate Abby Tomita, who just started her senior year at OSU remotely from Palmer. From nights full of net tows to busy days in the lab, we’ve become a well-oiled machine, and laughed a lot along the way. Working with the two of them makes me sure that we’ll be able to best any difficulties that come up.

Now, our next challenge is wrapping up our last labwork, packing up equipment and samples, and getting ready to say goodbye. Leaving this wild, remote place is always heartbreaking – you never really know if you’ll be back. But there’s a lot to look forward to as we journey north, too: I can’t wait to hug my family and friends, eat a salad, and drive out to Newport to see the GEMM Lab. I’m excited to head back to the world with everything I’ve learned here, and to keep working.

Figure 4. Kim (left), Abby (middle), and I (right) hike on the Marr Ice Piedmont during a gorgeous day off.