As you may have already heard, Matt Wenger has accepted a new position with another business center on campus.  His last day with ASBC was today, June 8.  He has been training his replacement, Jessica Dickason, so we feel he has left the Chemistry grant enterprise in good hands.


Please note the new structure for Chemistry Support:

Jessica Dickason (7-9851, will handle all grant-related invoices, travel and personal reimbursements from grant funds and any purchases of $5,000 or over on grant funds.

Andy Kuback (7-8290, will continue to provide grant-funded transaction approval, grant reports, and labor redistributions on grant indexes, and airfare authorization for outgoing department travel.

Monica Deignan (7-3958, will handle invoice processing on E&G or Foundation funds; travel and personal reimbursements from E&G or Foundation funds (including 201s); Visa redistributions for Chem Stores and the Chemistry Department; any purchases of $5,000 or over on E&G, Foundation, or Startup funds; and Foundation reimbursements.

Dick Toliver (7-1832, will continue to provide E&G-funded transaction approval, E&G reports (including 201s), labor distributions on non-grant indexes, and airfare authorization for incoming department travel.

If you are in doubt on who to talk with about a particular matter, please contact me or Penny.  As always, please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns.


Best regards,



Cindy Alexis | Finance & Accounting Manager
Arts & Sciences Business Center | Oregon State University

2042 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR  97331-2911

Phone: 541.737.0903 | Fax:  541.737.2090 |




As the academic year draws to a close, we would like to take a moment to thank you for hosting a visiting scholar and/or an international employee at OSU. If you are hosting a scholar who will be leaving the country, please remind them to fill out the Departure Form and return it to ISFS.


We would also like to share a newly created web resource for OSU employees who are citizens of the US and traveling abroad to conduct research or work related to employment. While ISFS cannot provide individualized advice on travel and visa issues, we think you will find this resource to be helpful when making international travel plans.


As always, please feel free to email us with any questions you have.


Wishing you all the best,


The ISFS Team, Cindy, Jackie and Charlotte


Cindy Nair

Immigration Programs Specialist

International Scholar & Faculty Services

Oregon State University

Heckart Lodge – 2900 SW Jefferson Way, Corvallis Oregon 97331

Phone: 541-737-6461  Fax: 541-737-6482


On behalf of the Provost and the OSU Faculty Senate I am pleased to announce the approval of the following programs:


  1. BA/BS in Social Science with an Option in Community Development and Leadership. This program will be offered at the OSU-Cascades campus in Bend. The degree is designed to meet a growing demand for an undergraduate Social Science program in Central Oregon. The option in Community Development and Leadership will be unique within the Oregon University System.


For questions regarding this program, please contact Natalie Dollar at


This degree program was approved by the OUS Provost’s Council on June 7, 2012 and will be available beginning Summer term, 2012.


  1. Graduate Certificate in Public Health. The GCPH is a certificate program designed for public health practitioners and others seeking professional development and continuing education.  Its disciplinary foundations are the five core disciplines of public health: epidemiology, biostatistics, health promotion/health behavior, environmental safety health, and health management and policy.  The programmatic focus is basic public health with an elective in health management/policy.


For questions regarding this certificate program, please contact Tom Eversole at or Marie Harvey at .


This certificate was approved by the OUS Provost’s Council on June 7, 2012 and will be available beginning Summer term, 2012.




Attached is a list of possible funding opportunities that were recently released.  All updated opportunities have also been posted to the website at


Please forward along to those who may be interested and have them contact me if they have any questions.  I am happy to meet with departments and  / or individual faculty to discuss particular research interest if you find I may be missing a particular niche.


Thank you,



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration

College of Agricultural Sciences

Oregon State University

138 Strand Agriculture Hall

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002




June 11, 2012


Memo to:            Deans, Associate Deans and Department/Unit Heads


From:                   Pat Hawk



Subject:                REMINDER:  Proposal Submission Process will change on 07/01/2012



Over the past year, the Research Office has implemented both Cayuse 424 and Cayuse SP.  Cayuse SP replaces the paper Proposal Transmittal Form, and will be used for all proposals.  Cayuse 424 is the Federal form set for both and, and can also be used to prepare proposal budgets for proposals going to non-Federal sponsors.   There are two approaching deadlines of which you and your faculty should be aware concerning proposal submission at OSU.


  • Effective July 1, 2012, all proposals will be routed through Cayuse SP.  Faculty should no longer be submitting paper-based proposals or the OSU Proposal Transmittal Form.  Multiple training sessions have already been offered on the Cayuse products, and staff from the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) will continue to offer training sessions at least monthly.  An additional session for June has been scheduled for June 22, 2012, in MU 213, from 10:00am – 11:30am.   Faculty and staff can send an e-mail to to reserve a seat in this session.
  • Also effective July 1, 2012, OSP’s web drop capability for packages will be disabled.  These proposals (with the exception of the submissions for OSU’s Statewide Public Service funds) should be prepared through Cayuse 424 and routed through Cayuse SP.
  • Effective July 30, 2012, proposal routing in Cayuse 424 will be disabled, and all proposals will be routed using Cayuse SP.  Any faculty that have begun proposal preparation in Cayuse 424 can contact an OSP staff member for assistance with proposal routing.  As a reminder, the team of Aedra Reynolds, Dawn Wagner and Vickie Watkins support the College of Agricultural Sciences, the College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, the College of Forestry, and the units housed at the Hatfield Marine Science Center.  The team of Eric Anundson, Cindy Rasberry and Lin Reilly support all other units.


Thank you for sharing this information with faculty and staff in your areas.  Please contact Pat Hawk, Director of Sponsored Programs (541-737-6699 or, if you have any questions.


Dr. Daniel Myles has been promoted to Senior Instructor effective July 1, 2012. Dr. Myles is an instructor of organic and general chemistry here at OSU. He joined the chemistry department in the fall of 2007.  He earned his PhD in organic materials chemistry from the University of Victoria (Canada) in 2005. He held postdoctoral positions at the University of Groningen (Netherlands) and the University of Waterloo (Canada). His work in the Netherlands focused on the synthesis of organic-based molecular wires that were used as electronic switches in various device applications. At Waterloo he worked on the synthesis of sulfur-nitrogen based radical compounds. He also taught courses in undergraduate inorganic chemistry at Waterloo.

Welcome, dear reader, to issue 25 of OBC!

The front cover of this week’s issue highlights the work of Rich G. Carter, Oregon State University, and colleagues. In this paper Carter et al. present the development of a proline sulphonamide-catalysed method that facilitates the annulation of α-aryl, α-alkyl-disubstituted aldehydes with acyclic enones to produce highly functionalized cyclohexenones with very good degrees of diastereoselectivity and enantioselectivity.

Proline sulphonamide-catalysed Yamada–Otani condensation: reaction development, substrate scope and scaffold reactivity
Hua Yang, Somdev Banerjee and Rich G. Carter
DOI: 10.1039/C2OB25400J

The inside cover highlights the review of Brian Rasmussenand Jørn Bolstad Christensen that looks at the growing field of organocatalysis with dendrimers. This review outlines advances made in this area of organocatalysis and covers both interior- and surface-based examples, the catalysis of reactions ranging from functional group interconversion and C–C bond forming reactions to enzyme mimicking processes.

Organocatalytic dendrimers
Brian Rasmussen and Jørn Bolstad Christensen
DOI: 10.1039/C2OB25317H



On behalf of the Search Committee for Dean of Engineering, chaired by Dr. Tammy Bray, Dean of the College of Public Health and Human Sciences, I am pleased to invite the OSU community to attend the following forums where our candidates will speak to their vision for the College. There will be plenty of time for Q&A/conversation.

Sandy Woods. June 8. 1030 – 1145 am. MU Journey Room.

Scott Ashford. June 11. 130 – 245 pm. MU Journey Room.

Joe Hartman. June 13. 130 – 245 pm. MU Journey Room.

Ramesh Rao. June 15. 900 – 1015 am. MU Journey Room.


As a reminder, two of our three Dean of Forestry campus forums are yet to come.

Barry Goldfarb. June 6. 1045 am – 1200 pm. Richardson Hall 107.

Thomas Maness. June 11. 1045 am – 1200 pm. Richardson Hall 107.


Campus forums are open to all OSU faculty, staff and students. As previously announced, our Dean of Forestry forums will be recorded and posted to the web on June 12. Our Dean of Engineering forums will be recorded and posted to the web on June 15.