College of Science Faculty and Staff:

I am pleased to inform you that I have appointed Dr Vincent Remcho, Professor and Associate Dean, as Interim Dean of the College of Science, effective Monday, March 5. It is anticipated that Vince’s appointment will last for several months or more, while the University searches for a permanent Dean.

In addition to leading the College of Science, Vince will also work with the Deans of the Colleges of Liberal Arts and Education to advance targeted areas within the Division of Arts and Sciences.

Dr Larry Rodgers, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, will chair the search committee for Dean of the College of Science. The search process will commence soon, and my office will provide updates along the way.

Please join me in congratulating Vince on his new role, and again acknowledging Sherm Bloomer for his many years of excellence in leadership as Dean of the College of Science. I have attached our press release regarding Vince’s appointment.


Sabah Randhawa

Provost and Executive Vice President

Remcho Press Release


It is with pleasure that I am able to inform you that the following member of your faculty is among the 149 Outstanding Referees of the Physical Review and Physical Review Letters journals, as chosen by the journal editors for 2012.




Initiated in 2008, the Outstanding Referee program expresses appreciation for the essential work that anonymous peer reviewers do for our journals. Each year a small percentage of our 60,000 active referees are selected and honored with the Outstanding Referee designation. Selections are made based on the number, quality, and timeliness of referee reports as collected in a database over the last 25 years. The program recognizes about 150 referees each year, although larger groups were selected in 2008 and 2009. A full listing and further details on the program are available here:  I am also attaching a press release that your institution might use if it wishes to publicize the honor that your faculty member has received.

Please allow me to congratulate you and your faculty member on this honor, and thank you for your support and contributions to the APS journals and to the physics community.




Gene D. Sprouse

Editor in Chief

American Physical Society


IST 520 “Responsible Conduct of Research” will be taught again this. The prefix IST (Interdisciplinary Studies) may not be one that students run across when searching for courses, so we are asking that you bring it to the attention of students.


Course Name:                         Responsible Conduct of Research

Course Number:                      IST 520 CRN Number: 58859

Course Credits:                       1 credit Course

Grading:                                  P/N

Fall Term 2011 Schedule:        Tuesdays, 4:00 to 4:50 pm

Location:                                 StAg 310

Format:                                   Each meeting will be a combination of lecture and discussion

Class preparation:                   Approximately 2 hours of reading background material for the discussion and a writing assignment on a case study

The instructors are:                Courtney Campbell, Steve Durkee, Martin Fisk, Rich Holdren,

Lisa Leventhal, Craig Marcus, Barbara Taylor, Nicole Wolf and Lisa Ganio


The lecture topics are:

  • mentor/trainee responsibilities;
  • research ethics, ethical decision making;
  • research misconduct, plagiarism;
  • data management, collection, sharing, and ownership;
  • collaborative science;
  • animal welfare;
  • use of human subjects in research;
  • conflicts of interest;
  • peer review.


Spring and Fall events are rapidly approaching and I wanted to make you aware of a couple upcoming college wide student events. Please mark you calendars!


New Ambassador & Leadership Academy Reception

May 23rd, Wednesday

MU Ballroom- East Alcove

4:00-5:30 pm


Celebrating Student Excellence

May 23rd, Wednesday

MU Ballroom


(Doors will open at 5:30 following the reception)



June 16th, Saturday

MU Quad- College Line up

Reser Stadium- Commencement Ceremony


Fall Kick-Off Social

September 20th, Thursday

MU Brick Mall/West Lawn of Strand


(New student walk will be starting at 3:00 in the center of the Quad)


OSU Community Members,

As a part of OSU’s commitment to supporting students and employees in pursuing happy, balanced and fulfilling lives, OSU Childcare and Family Resources along with University Events will be coordinating Bring Your Kid to Campus Day on Friday April 27, 2012. This event is a way to celebrate family, the importance of education and highlight the myriad of family-friendly activities on campus.

Friday, April 27, 2012, is an early release day for the Corvallis School District, and coincides with the national Bring Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day (Thursday April 26th). We are asking for campus-wide collaboration to make this day a huge success. Please take a moment to share this information throughout your colleges and departments.  We encourage departments to have discussions ahead of time with employees and students, so that campus classrooms, work spaces and common areas can be inclusive and family-friendly on April 27th.

In March, Childcare and Family Resources will start soliciting for campus-wide participation in the form of family-friendly activities and tours.  At the beginning of April another announcement will be sent with specific registration information that includes a list of family-friendly activities that will be available on campus that day. For more information on this event, please see attached document.  If your department is interested in having a family-friendly activity listed in the schedule of events for the day, please contact Childcare and Family Resources at or 541-737-4906.  Any questions should be directed there as well.

Steve Clark

Vice President

University Relations and Marketing


Dear Colleague,

Upcoming Deadlines for Division of Organic Chemistry Initiatives

Fall National Meeting Abstract Deadline:  March 19, 2012

The 244th ACS National Meeting will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Abstracts for the Division of Organic Chemistry (ORGN) are due March 19, 2012. Please submit abstracts using the Online Abstract Submittal System PACS at Extended abstracts are no longer required.  If you do not have web access contact the program chair well in advance of the deadline:  Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Magid; 1383 Jasper Drive; Ambler, PA 19002; email:

Spring National Meeting:  March 24-28, 2012

The 243rd ACS National Meeting will be held in San Diego.  We hope to see you there.

Abstract separates for the Division of Organic Chemistry (ORGN) are available free to members via the website at:

The Wednesday evening ORGN–MEDI Poster Session and Social Event in San Diego will be held in the Convention Center Ballroom (Room 20) beginning at 7 pm.  More than 300 posters will be presented. Award winning beer from the Stone and Green Flash microbreweries will be served, in addition to water, soda and food.  At 8:30, the Los Angeles based, seven-member band Old Man Markley will play their uptempo version of Punk-Bluegrass, including banjo, fiddle and washboard.  We will have a dance floor – bring your dancing shoes!

Graduate Research Symposium Applications due April 15, 2012

Applications are sought for the 2012 Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Research Symposium to be held on July 26-29, 2012 on the campus of the University of Colorado, Boulder.  The DOC Graduate Research Symposium provides an opportunity for 50-75 graduate students in organic chemistry to interact with leaders from academia, industry, various funding agencies, and publishers at a single venue.  For further information and to apply see:

Nominations for the Gassman Award due May 1, 2012

The Organic Division requests nominations for the Paul G. Gassman Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes outstanding service to the organic chemistry community. Nominees must be long-standing members of the Organic Division who through their contributions to the organic chemical community in the United States have significantly enhanced the welfare of its members. Contributions to ACS and/or the Organic Chemistry Division, including significant accomplishments in the management and function of the ACS that impact the environment of organic chemistry, leadership and innovation in the Division, and conspicuous service on behalf of organic chemists are appropriate considerations. The due date for the 2012 award nominations is May 1, 2012. See the Gassman Award page ( ) for the procedure to nominate an individual.

Fall Travel Awards Deadline:  May 1, 2012

Applications for DOC Travel Awards to the 2012 ACS Fall Meeting will be accepted until May 1, 2012 through the online application form only. Information on the Awards and the link to the online application form is available on the DOC website at:


Dr. Hari S. & Dr. Renuka R. Sethi Graduate Scholarship Fund

Nomination Deadline April 4, 2012

The Graduate School is pleased to announce the Dr. Hari S. & Dr. Renuka R. Sethi Graduate Scholarship Fund, a merit-based graduate scholarship program with preference given to graduate students studying in the areas of fisheries science or human development.

The Sethi Graduate Scholarship Fund is established through the generous pledge of support provided by Dr. Renuka R. Sethi. While the endowment balance is building, Dr. Sethi’s additional annual gift provides a $950 graduate scholarship which is available for immediate distribution fall 2012.

Domestic and international students are eligible for consideration. All nominees must be enrolled in a graduate degree program in either fisheries science or human development and family sciences and are expected to have a meritorious record.

Deadline for nominations is April 4, 2012.  Information, including nomination instructions, may be found here:


I would like to invite you to participate in discussions about equity, inclusion, and diversity at Oregon State University. As President Ray mentions in his message below, I am working with a self-study team to create a vision and goals for the university community and would like to hear your input and ideas. Learn more about our efforts at

Please join me in creating the desired vision of OSU as an equitable, inclusive, and diverse community:

Employee Forum

Friday, March 2nd


101 Furman Hall

Refreshments will be provided

If you are unable to attend in person, please watch for details about a virtual forum where you can participate in real time, or share your comments now at our online survey:

Thank you for your time. It is important that your voice be heard and included!


Angelo Gomez

Interim Executive Director of Equity and Inclusion

Oregon State University

526 Kerr Administration Building

Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2139

(541) 737-0869


The Oregon State University Libraries is accepting applications for the 2011-2012 Library Research Travel Grants for the spring funding period.  These grants promote faculty scholarship and instructional expertise by supporting faculty travel to libraries and collections outside the state of Oregon.

Up to $2000 per individual will be granted for travel to out-of-state libraries and collections. The award must be used for the exclusive purpose of helping to defray the scholar’s long-distance research travel expenses, which include transportation and per diem expenses only.

Deadline is Friday March 30, 2012. See for more information.  Please direct questions to Jennifer Nutefall, Associate University Librarian for Innovative User Services at 737-8527 or


Greetings Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that the Center for Teaching and Learning is seeking individual professional faculty members or small teams of professional faculty members (2-3 people) from across campus to participate in our spring term Professional Faculty Learning Community (PFLC). This learning community will focus on implementing the well-known and widely adopted Backwards Design Model proposed by Wiggins and McTighe (2005). In doing so, members will make progress toward: (1) developing or refining student learning outcomes, (2) identifying and developing appropriate ways to measure student learning, and (3) creating or redesigning programs or services that support learning and assessment. Additional important information about the PFLC and its curriculum is in the attached document.

If you have an interest in developing learning outcomes for your program or unit or revising those that already exist, developing an assessment plan, and rethinking your current practices I hope you will consider participating in this working community of colleagues.

The PFLC will accommodate approximately 12-15 professional faculty colleagues from across campus. Each learner will actively participate in four three-hour “classes” during fall term for a total of 12 hours (see dates and times below):

Class #1: Wednesday, April 11, 10:00am-1:00pm (lunch included all days)
Class #2: Wednesday, April 25, 10:00am-1:00pm
Class #3: Wednesday, May 9, 10:00am-1:00pm
Class #4: Wednesday, May 23, 10:00am-1:00pm

If you are interested in participating in the spring Professional Faculty Learning Community and you are able to attend all of the dates above, please complete the attached brief application and send to me directly via email or campus mail. Applications will be accepted until the learning community is full.

We’re excited to get this offering underway!
Jessica White, Ph.D.
Assistant Director for Co-Curricular Learning
Center for Teaching and Learning
139 Waldo Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331
ph: 541.737.8576
fax: 541.737.8971


PFLC Spring 2012 Description

PFLC Spring 2012 Application