GW Chemistry REU Site — Integrating Green Chemistry and Science Policy Summer Research Opportunity in the Nation’s Capitol for Undergraduates! $6,000 Stipend, Travel and Accommodations Provided ![]() For More Details or Apply Now Dear Chemistry Colleagues, Please help us to spread the word about this truly exciting research opportunity for undergraduates by sharing this broadly with your undergraduates and faculty. REU Site: Advancing Chemistry Research by Integrating Green Chemistry and Science Policy Our NSF sponsored REU program provides a unique interdisciplianry research experience for undergraduates that combines environmental and green chemistry with science policy. Students will conduct research projects with a focus on solving fundamental problems related to either green and environmental chemistry or sustainability, targeting applications in renewable energy, water, renewable feedstocks and healthcare. Over the course of the summer, students will also participate in a series of technical and professional development workshops ranging from K-12 education to understanding the role of government in science and technology. Application Deadline – February 28, 2022 Program Details 10-week program: May 30 – August 5, 2022 $6,000 stipend Travel and accommodation provided Academic, professional development, and social programs Summer research in the nation’s capital!! If there are questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at Thank you for your time! Warm regards, Stephen Boyes and Adelina Voutchkova-KostalREU Site Co-Directors CONNECT WITH US! GO.GWU.EDU/CHEMISTRY800 22nd Street, NW Science and Engineering Hall, Suite 4000 Washington, DC 20052 Phone: (202) 994-6121 |
Monthly Archives: December 2021
Postdoctoral Research Position open
The Mackiewicz Lab ( is looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher scholar to join our team in the Chemistry Department at Oregon State University ( We are developing solutions to overcome challenges in nanomaterials development for use as drug delivery, optical imaging, and cell-labeling in several biomedical applications with collaborative partners at multiple institutions in Oregon. We are working on nanomaterials developed to solve solutions in macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cancer. Our research includes synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, mammalian cell culture, nanoparticle-biological interactions, and nanotoxicology. Candidates who have experience in nanomaterials synthesis, cell culture techniques as well as those who want to pursue areas of research of their own personal interests by writing grant applications or fellowships opportunities are encouraged to apply.
The ideal candidate will have a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, materials science, cell biology, immunology, chemical engineering, or related discipline. Preference will be given to applicants with experience in two or more of these areas:
• Nanoparticle synthesis, surface modification, and characterization
• Mammalian cell culture
• Tissue culture models
• Molecular biology methods
• Cell biology,
• Immunology/immunoengineering
• Optical and electron microscopy
The postdoctoral researcher will develop and implement research ideas, communicate, and coordinate with collaborators, write manuscripts, and present results at conferences/workshops. Therefore, candidates must demonstrate strong oral and written scientific communication skills for publications and grant writing opportunities. They must also have a strong willingness to mentor a diverse team of graduate and undergraduate students. The initial appointment period is one year, with the opportunity for renewal upon satisfactory performance.
Application Process:
Qualified applicants should email their application documents as a single PDF to Dr. Marilyn Mackiewicz ( Please include a subject header in the Post-doctoral Scholar Position OSU. Requested application required documents include:
- Cover letter (brief description of research experience, career goals/expectations, efforts to work with graduate and undergraduate students)
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement (including a summary of research achievements and any potential future research goals, no more than 2 pages)
- List of references (minimum of three referees with names and contact information)
- Two 1st author manuscripts (manuscripts must demonstrate relevant expertise)
Applications that are missing items or not in a single document will not be reviewed. Deadline to apply is January 20th, 2022.
Registration for STEM Academy’s virtual AWSEM (Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering, and Math) Club for 8th-10th graders is open. Club meets on Wednesdays 5-6 p.m. Jan. 26-March 2. Cost is $75. Needs-based scholarships available. For more information:, 541-737-8139 or email
Teaching with Media
Discover ways to create and use media in your teaching as you blend synchronous and asynchronous learning in Corvallis and Cascades campus courses. The Faculty Media Center and CTL invite faculty and GTAs to a one-hour Zoom workshop. Register for Wed., Jan. 26 at 2 p.m., or register for Thurs., Jan. 27 at 10 a.m. Info: Faculty Media Center.
Fall 2021 Undergraduate of the Quarter – Chloe Ramsperger
Chloe Ramsperger has been named one of the Fall 2021 Undergraduates of the Quarter, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. Chloe grew up in Redlands, California, where she attended Redlands High School, home of the Terriers.
When asked why Chloe chose Chemistry, she said, “Ever since I was young, I have had a growing passion for forensic science. Having access to television, I would constantly watch crime shows such as Crime Scene Investigation and Criminal Minds, wishing I was the investigator or the forensic scientist solving the crime. I never thought that wish could become my reality. With my growing interest in forensic science, I entered Oregon State University (OSU) as a chemistry major with an option in forensics. At the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, financial hardships forced me to take a step back from research, so I started working at a dental office. While working there, I realized how much I missed doing research and that chemistry was something that brought me joy and it was something I could always look forward to. At that moment I quickly realized the medical field is not where I wanted my career to be, leading me to believe I should be and want to pursue a Ph.D. in chemistry.

During her junior year of high school, her uncle flew her up to Oregon to visit universities in the Pacific Northwest. While visiting OSU, she fell in love with the campus, and she knew it would allow for innovation and give her the best education in comparison to other schools. Her decision was made.
She is currently doing research in Dr. Kyriakos Stylianou‘s Materials Discovery Lab (MaD Lab), which has considerable expertise in the synthesis and characterization of metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). Over the summer, Chloe received the Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) fellowship, by which she began researching numerous organic transformations that could benefit from the use of a heterogenous catalysis. While looking at the hydrocyanation for the conversion of alkenes to nitriles, she stumbled upon the Strecker synthesis for amino acids. She found a considerable amount of published research on this one-pot synthesis, but nothing seemed to involve the use of a MOF exhibiting strong Brønsted acidity that does not compromise the framework, be an environmentally friendly synthetic route, and be cost effective. While this work is still in its early steps, this preliminary work has demonstrated a successful conversion and high percent yield using a MOF with Brønsted acid sites. These preliminary results were used as the basis for the development of the project proposed for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program.
Chloe was at a poster presentation session for careers in chemistry, Dr. Rich Carter asked her where she saw herself in the future, to which she answered, “a forensic odontologist”. At that point he told her about Dr. Dipankar Koley’s research group, in which they used electrochemical techniques to fabricate sensors and different polymers to study dental plaque biofilms and restorative dental materials. She immediately sought out a research position in his lab because she knew she would gain valuable experience to prepare her for graduate school and become an independent researcher and mentor.
After graduation, Chloe hopes to work in industry for the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year then move onto graduate school to pursue a Ph.D. in Organic chemistry.
Outside of school Chloe loves to rock climb, hike, play volleyball, and listen to music.
In closing, Chloe stated, “though my academic career seems to be entrenched, by copious opportunities I have received, it could not have been done without the academic support from my mentors and encouragement from my parents. My undergraduate career at Oregon State University has solidified my ambition to become an educator, mentor, and communicator to transform chemistry.”
Fall 2021 Undergraduate of the Quarter – Eli Henderson
Elias “Eli” Henderson has been named one of the Fall 2021 Undergraduates of the Quarter and we couldn’t be prouder.
Eli was born and raised in Eugene, Oregon, and graduated from South Eugene High School, home of the Axe. He stated that he likes all science, but chemistry is, “so cool with so many different applications that it seems like a good place to begin.” When asked why he chose OSU, Eli said it was mostly a financial decision. “I didn’t want to pay out of state tuition and OSU has a good science program so I knew it would be a good fit.”

Eli said he wanted to get into doing science that wasn’t in the form of the normal courses. He wanted to be able to have a goal for some project that he could study on his own time. To that end, Eli is currently researching with Marilyn Mackiewicz in the Mack Lab. The Mack Lab focuses on making metallic based nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Eli works specifically with Nickel. “I have been working on making Nickel nanoparticles that are suspended in water.
While he’s not 100% sure what his plans are post-graduation, he is currently working towards a focus in education, and contemplating getting a masters on his way to a teaching license to teach high school.
Outside school, Eli likes to rock climb and explore Corvallis. When he’s exploring, he likes to find the small stores around town and see what is going on.
His favorite book is The End of Boys by Peter Hofmeister, a book he says he’s just finished re-reading. The author was his English teach in high school, and is about the author’s life growing up in Eugene. “It feels very familiar to me,” Eli says. His favorite food is the curry at Thai Chili. He likes to go in on Fridays, saying it’s a good way to wrap up the week.
Eli says he’s really appreciative of this opportunity, and we’re so happy to be able to provide it for him.
Apply for FY22 PCOSW scholarship and project funding
The President’s Commission on the Status of Women invites applications for funding to faculty, students and staff who are pursuing professional development, research or other opportunities that support PCOSW’s mission. Apply by Friday, Feb. 4. Visit for detailed guidelines, qualification requirements and application link. Questions? Contact
Dec. 13 – Meet an Intel hiring manager (student event)
Intel is holding a virtual Intel Day – Monday, Dec. 13. They are looking for Juniors/Seniors/Master’s students for internships and full-time hire. To register for a 10-minute appointment with a hiring manager from Intel, visit the website. Spots will go quickly!
Virtual Intel Day – Monday, Dec. 13 @ 2-4 pmRegister here:
To share a resume with the hiring managers:
Scholarship list
The Pauahi Foundation has a list of ~140 scholarships that are available to college students (mostly undergraduate, some graduate). Note that a lot of the scholarships are NOT dependent upon being Native Hawaiian, upon being enrolled in a Native Hawaiian language or education program or upon being a graduate of Kamehameha Schools. Please forward this info to your lists.
Pauahi Foundation
Pauahi Foundation offers a variety of scholarships by private donors for undergraduate and graduate students.
Application opens: Nov. 8, 2021
Application deadline: Dec. 23, 2021
Each scholarship has unique eligibility criteria. Please review each scholarship to determine those you are eligible for.
General criteria for all scholarships:
- Must be either a classified undergraduate or graduate student
- Will enroll in a degree-seeking program, unless specifically noted
- Will enroll in a two- or four-year, accredited institution in Hawai’i or the continental U.S.
- Will enroll as a full-time student, unless specifically noted