As the chairperson of an ACS approved program, I hope that you’ll be excited to hear some of the new initiatives that are coming out of the ACS Office of Professional Training (OPT) and the Committee on Professional Training (CPT):

  1. We now have a new logo for ACS approved programs.  This logo can be used on your websites to advertise to students that your chemistry program is approved by the ACS.  Students can also use this image on their posters (or slides) when presenting at local, national, or international meetings.   I’ve attached a full color version in two formats, but we can also provide others if requested (black and white, other formats etc.)
  2. We are currently interested in recruiting faculty members to act as visiting associates for CPT.  Visiting associates perform short (1.2 day) site visits to institutions that are seeking approval.  We typically send out teams of 2 and the site visits occur about 3 times/academic year.  We’re asking you, as chairs of approved programs to forward this message to your faculty members.  If they are interested in participating, or knowing more about the responsibilities of acting as a visiting associate, please have them complete this form:


We’ll also be moving forward with more interactive webinars and tutorials as well as reaching out to the community for thoughts regarding the upcoming revision of ACS Guidelines for Approved Programs.  If you have any questions or comments for us, please feel free to contact me.


Deadline for receipt of materials: October 1, 2018

The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award recognizes graduate students who show exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education; who demonstrate a commitment to developing academic and civic responsibility in themselves and others; and whose work reflects a strong emphasis on teaching and learning. (Information about past recipients of the Cross Award is available here.)

The award honors the work of K. Patricia Cross, Professor Emerita of Higher Education at the University of California, Berkeley. Throughout her career, Pat Cross helped the higher education community better understand our students, their characteristics, and their needs, and recognize what our responsibilities should be. Her ground-breaking scholarship paved the way for a legacy of work on age, socioeconomic class, gender, race, sexual orientation, and numerous other aspects of intersectional social identity.

Please visit our site for complete information.

All doctoral level graduate students who are planning a career in higher education are eligible, regardless of academic department. Graduate students in fields where the Master’s degree is the terminal degree, such as the MFA in art, are also eligible. (Nominees must hold student status in January 2019.)

Applicants must demonstrate:

1. Leadership ability or potential for exercising leadership in teaching and learning, with a strong commitment to academic and civic responsibility; and

2. Leadership or potential leadership in the development of others as leaders, scholars, and citizens.

Nomination Process
A faculty member or administrator must nominate the student, with a supporting letter from a second faculty member or administrator. The following materials must be submitted for an application to be considered:

1. Nomination letter from a faculty member or administrator;
2. Supporting letter from a second faculty member or administrator;
3. Statement from the student indicating how he or she meets the award criteria;
4. A copy of the student’s curriculum vitae.

Nominations can be submitted anytime, but no later than October 1, 2018. Nominees must also complete an online form with all contact information. Only complete nominations will be considered.

The Award
The K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award provides financial support for graduate students to attend AAC&U’s 2019 Annual Meeting, which will be held in Atlanta, Georgia, January 23–26, 2019. All award recipients are required to attend the conference.

The award includes travel, lodging, conference registration, and a one-year affiliation with AAC&U, including subscriptions to all AAC&U periodicals.

The awards will be announced in December 2018, and recognized at AAC&U’s Annual Meeting in January.

Tenure Track Faculty Position
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Atlanta, GA 30332-0400
THE GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SCHOOL OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY seeks to fill a tenure-track faculty position at the assistant professor level. Candidates from all areas will be considered, with opportunities for joint appointments in other departments of science and engineering to facilitate interdisciplinary research and scholarship. These candidates should submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, summary of research plans, description of teaching interests and philosophy, and arrange for submission of three letters of reference. We also seek applications from exceptional candidates at advanced levels who perceive opportunities for exciting synergism with our department and the Institute. Please submit an application letter, curriculum vitae, and a brief description of research plans (particularly if future plans differ significantly from past efforts). All materials and requests for information should be submitted electronically, as per the instructions found at:
The application deadline is October 15, 2018 with application review continuing until the positions are filled. Georgia Tech is an equal education/employment opportunity institution.

Job no: 494947
Position type: Faculty Full Time
Benefit Status: Benefited-Union
Campus: UMass Lowell
Department: Physics and Applied Physics
Salary: Salary commensturate with experience
Applications Open: Aug 16 2018 
Applications Close: Open until filled

General Summary of Position:

The successful applicant must demonstrate strong potential to establish and maintain an externally-funded research program, preferably in radiochemistry and/or nuclear forensics. The successful candidate will be expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, including department core and specialty areas based on the candidate’s expertise, and demonstrate strong potential to supervise postgraduate students.  Successful applicants are expected to develop a strong network of collaborations with colleagues at U Mass Lowell, and established national and/or international researchers, leading to significant impacts in health physics and related fields.

The successful candidate will be expected to have a sound working knowledge of laboratory and field instrumentation used in measuring ionizing radiation, radioactivity analysis, external and internal radiation dosimetry, radiation shielding, and an active involvement in research. Knowledge of appropriate regulations (e.g., U.S.N.R.C. U.S.D.O.E.) and the work of various groups and agencies that have responsibility for setting standards and making recommendations concerning radiation protection (e.g., NCRP, ICRP, IAEA, Homeland Security) is expected. Certification by the American Board of Health Physics is desirable; an uncertified candidate would be expected to pursue certification as he/she became eligible.

The University of Massachusetts Lowell is part of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts university system and maintains a Radiation Laboratory that includes a 1 MW research reactor, a 5.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator, laboratories for nuclear instrumentation, radiochemistry, dosimetry, and other applications. With a department of 25 tenure-track physics professors, assisted by six lecturers, the University offers a Health Physics option for a B.S degree in Physics, an M.S. degree in Radiological Sciences and Protection, a Ph.D. degree in Physics, and a Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology.

Minimum Qualifications (Required):

  • A PhD in Health Physics (must have PhD in hand by the time of appointment)

Special Instructions to Applicants:

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. However, the position may close when an adequate number of qualified applications are received.

Please include (1) a curriculum vitae, (2) a cover letter, (3) copies of several recent publications, (4) a statement of research and teaching interests not to exceed three pages. Names and contact information for three references will be required at the time of application.

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Michigan invites applications for a tenure-track position in any area of chemistry or biochemistry (including analytical, chemical biology, education, inorganic, materials, organic and physical) with an anticipated start date of September 1, 2019. The position is expected to be filled at the assistant professor level; but, applicants at all levels of professor rank will be considered. This position will be a University-year appointment (9-months academic year salary with summer salary supported by research funds). Candidates are expected to develop an internationally recognized program of scholarly research and to excel in teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Detailed information regarding the electronic application process and required materials is available on-line:
Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2018. Information about the Chemistry Department is available on the web:
Questions about the application process may be sent to
The University of Michigan is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and is supportive of the needs of dual career couples, women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

I am writing with a friendly reminder that registration for the 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium closes tomorrow, Tuesday, August 21st at 11:59pm! We appreciate your help forwarding this email to students you think may be interested.


This symposium, hosted by the OSU Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and the Arts, provides undergraduates with an excellent opportunity to showcase their research or creative activity. OSU undergraduates in all years of study, all academic disciplines, and all stages of research or creative work are eligible to present. Students will be able to choose whether they would like to present a poster and/or a 3-minute lightning talk. We also invite students with artistic/creative projects and distance students to reach out so we can do our best to accommodate other presentation types.


The event will be held on the morning and afternoon of Thursday, September 13th (exact time and location to follow). Details and the registration link are available at:


Please mark your calendars to join us for this exciting opportunity to celebrate our undergraduates and their hard work!


Thank you

The Renewable Energy Scholarship Foundation is now soliciting applications for the scholarships to be given in 2019. (Of course, applications are always accepted, but they are actively solicited throughout the fall and winter, with a deadline of Feb 15.) We will be giving at least two scholarships this year, possibly more depending on fundraising. One will be designated for an undergraduate. If you know any top students studying renewable energy, in any sense, in Oregon or Washington, please encourage them to apply. All information is on our website,


Thank you!


Dave Reingold, President

To: Portland ACS Members and Interested Parties

From: Martha Dibblee, email administrator


Tenure Track Position in Chemistry at Reed College

Reed College invites applications for a tenure-track position in chemistry to begin in August 2019. We welcome candidates in any area of chemistry whose research interests focus on quantitative measurement. The successful applicant will be expected to teach in the general chemistry sequence and in upper level courses such as analytical and/or physical chemistry. A Ph.D. is required; postdoctoral experience preferred but not required. The successful candidate also will advise senior thesis students in yearlong research projects. The chemistry department occupies a dedicated building with individual faculty research labs, and has excellent resources for innovative teaching and research, including a research nuclear reactor, a 400 MHz NMR, an X-ray powder diffractometer, GC-MS, LC-MS, ICP-MS, a new Gamry Instruments potentiostat, and a molecular modeling laboratory.


The Reed community values cultural and intellectual pluralism as essential to the excellence of our academic program. In the letter of application, we encourage you to address how your teaching, scholarship, mentorship, and/or community service might support the commitment to diversity and inclusion articulated in the College’s diversity statement ( Application materials (a cover letter, curriculum vitae, an outline of research interests, and a statement of teaching interests and philosophy) and contact information for three references should be submitted throughInterfolio at Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but they should be received by October 12, 2018 to guarantee full consideration. For further information about this position please contact Arthur Glasfeld( An Equal Opportunity Employer, Reed values diversity and encourages applications from underrepresented groups.