Sustaining Excellence in Higher Education with Dr. Jasmine Crenshaw

Join us at the Fall 2021 Faculty, Food and Fun on November 9th from 4-6 PM! This 2-hour event will be hosted by InclusiveExcellence@OSU and feature a guest speaker, Dr. Jasmine Crenshaw.

Dr. Crenshaw is a nationally recognized leader at the intersection of diversity, inclusion, equity and higher education. Come connect with your colleagues and enjoy finger foods and beer/wine as you participate in a dynamic and interactive workshop about incorporating inclusive teaching practices.

This event will be a hybrid in-person and virtual workshop. Join us in person at the Horizon Room in the Memorial Union or remotely via Zoom. Click below for more information and to RSVP!

Click for more information and to RSVP

Become a science writer! For those who love science and storytelling: Develop your communication skills as a paid writer-intern in the College of Science. In this position, you will improve your science writing skills with mentors, get published in Impact, our online magazine and in print publications, and strengthen your resume or grad school application. Required: a love of science, mathematics or statistics and an appreciation and aptitude for writing. Several 15 hour/per week positions available. Write to for more information.

Part of the College of Education’s popular E-Learning Instructional Design Certificate series, this six-week online course introduces you to essential tools for teaching/training online. Learn to choose technologies and applications to effectively support instruction and achieve learning outcomes. Register through Nov. 8. Hurry, space is limited. Learn more

The President’s Commission on the Status of Women invites applications for funding to faculty, students and staff who are pursuing professional development, research or other opportunities that support PCOSW’s mission. Apply by Friday, Oct. 29. Visit for detailed guidelines, qualification requirements and application link. Questions? Contact

Please join a Panel of experts on recruiting and retaining Tribal Students on October 28th at 2:00 Central Time. This panel will be composed of administrators from Land-Grant Colleges and Universities from around the US to answer questions about how they recruit, retain and graduate Tribal students from Land-Grant Universities. Please register in advance ot hear this amazing panel of speaker share their expertise. 

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Please be aware that the solicitation for the Mathematical and Physical Sciences- Ascending Postdoctoral Research Fellowships (MPS-Ascend) (NSF 22-501) is available and a WEBINAR will be held on November 10.  Please see the link below for details.

MPS-Ascend is a program created to  provide support for postdoctoral fellows who will broaden the participation of groups that are  underrepresented in mathematical and physical sciences (MPS) fields in the U.S. including Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics, Latinos, Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians and other Native Pacific Islanders and enable the fellows to develop as future leaders in MPS. 

The UCLA Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is seeking outstanding candidates for tenure–track or tenured faculty positions at the level of Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor.  

We are conducting three faculty searches in the fields of biochemistry (open rank), chemistry (open rank), and medicinal chemistry (endowed chair position; Associate & Full Professors only).  We would greatly appreciate it if you can share the attached flyer with your department/division and research group alumni members. 

Application link:

4:00 PM, Monday, October 18: Getting a job on Capitol Hill
This event includes a panel of four recent OSU Alumni who will speak about their experiences applying for and working on Capitol Hill. Panelists include an Investigator with the Senate Finance Committee; a Staff Assistant in the Senate; a Press Assistant in the House; and a Scheduler/Executive Assistant in the House.
The event is in-person (Bexell 417) and over Zoom.
Questions? Contact Dr. Christopher Stout:

5:00 PM, Wednesday, November 3: Campus-Wide Internship Forum
The Legislative Internship Forum is cosponsored by ASOSU, ASCC, and the School of Public Policy. It is intended for all undergraduate students, regardless of major, who are thinking about winter, spring, and summer internships in Washington, DC and Oregon at the state and federal levels. The agenda features those who have interned in Salem and DC, current legislative staffers, an academic advisor and information about resources and scholarship opportunities. 
The event is in-person and Zoom
Corvallis: ALS 4001
OSU-Cascades: Tykeson Hall 109   
Questions? Contact Jock Mills: