Our scholarship application for academic year 2012-13 is now live. The application will remain open until March 16th. Current COS students with 28 cumulative OSU credits through winter are eligible to apply.

There has been a change from previous years and now the process is entirely online. There is no paper application. Refer to http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/node/108 for more information and a link to the online application.

Below please find some FAQ’s that may help you field questions from students. You are also welcome to refer students to the Dean’s Office. We are happy to help.


What is the GPA cut off?

Most scholarships require a 3.5 GPA. There are scholarships that have lower GPA requirements. Encourage students to apply. It doesn’t cost anything but time to fill out the application. In general, 3.0 is the lowest GPA threshold for scholarships.


When is the deadline?

March 16th 11:59 pm


What is the credit hour requirement? Does it include Winter term? What if I don’t have 28 credit hours?

We require 28 OSU credit hours completed by the end of winter term. The 28 credit hours is a firm requirement as we review applications. *Note, the online system will not preclude students with less than 28 from filling out an application.


When will we be notified?

Students notified in early May.


When is the Scholarship Reception?

Wednesday, May 23rd 3 – 5 pm


Which scholarships will I be reviewed for?

Each applicant will be evaluated for any scholarship for which they qualify i.e. major, research interest, or career goal specific


Below is the email that went to students today:


Dear College of Science Students,

Applications for College of Science scholarships for continuing students for academic year 2012 – 13 are now available!

Complete information on eligibility along with a link to the application link can be found here:


The 2012-13 application is open on February 1, 2012 and closes on March 16, 2012. If you have previously applied for scholarships through the College of Science, please note that there is no longer a paper application and you’ll need to apply entirely online.

We look forward to awarding this year’s scholarships to our many bright and talented students.

Thank you & sincerely,


Claire Colvin, Ed.M.

Head Advisor


Oregon State University | College of Science

128 Kidder, Corvallis, OR  97331

Appointments: 541-737-4811

Email: claire.colvin@oregonstate.edu


Respect is a core value and is widely honored by the members of our University community.  The University is committed to sustaining a respectful community environment that is, as much as possible, experienced by all as safe, inclusive and welcoming.

While we realize that the core value of respect is widely reflected in most of our day-to-day interactions, the University provides resources to assist employees who may be subjected to inappropriate conduct such as abusive, threatening, discriminatory or harassing behaviors.

By agreement with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 503, the University has committed to remind employees each year of resources available to assist them with inappropriate conduct.  Any employees subjected to inappropriate workplace conduct should feel free to take their concerns to their supervisor or unit head, the Office of Human Resources, or for concerns of discriminatory or harassing conduct to the Office of Equity and Inclusion.

Of course the most effective way to sustain a respectful community is through the good faith efforts of each and every one of us.  We appreciate and thank you for your efforts to create, foster and sustain a respectful and inclusive work and learning environment at OSU.


FY2013 RFP for Technology Resources Fund Grants

Through the University’s Technology Resources Fund (TRF), more than $7.4 million will be available for FY2013 projects that improve student learning at OSU through better access to information technology and technology services.  Past grants have ranged from $5,000 to $1.2M. Faculty, staff and sponsored student organizations are invited to submit proposals.


Lois Brooks, Vice Provost for Information Services, has released the Request for Proposals for the Fiscal Year 2013 (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013) round of funding and invites the university community – students, faculty and staff – to submit proposals.

Proposals are due February 21, 2012 at 5:00 p.m.


In response to campus input and advice on the TRF, to better meet the needs of students and to realign the Technology Resource Fee process with the institutional strategic plan and IT governance structure, the approach to awarding and managing TRF funds has been modified.


Types of Grants Available

Two types of grants are now available:

1.            Start-up projects – one-time projects are sought, with a special interest in new and innovative ideas.

2.            Recurring programs – programs that have previously received TRF awards or anticipate requesting TRF awards in future rounds of funding

No less than 10% of the available funding will be reserved for start-up grants.


Use of Funds

TRF funds may be used for the following purposes:

•             New applications of information technology, e.g. interactive courseware, that improve student access to learning and the tools required for learning or that improve the student learning experience, including through improved pedagogy.

•             Spaces where students use computers, including, but not only, traditional facilities like classrooms and computer labs.  Or, equivalent forms of computer access through such mechanisms as virtual desktops or pools of loaned equipment that broaden access to IT resources beyond traditional labs and classrooms.

•             Other supporting services, software and systems, for example: providing e-mail and minimal electronic storage space for students; workshops and courses to enhance student use of information technologies; audio-visual or multimedia support of student projects/presentations; student software licenses


Review of Proposals

Proposals will be reviewed by a committee of faculty, staff and students that will make advisory recommendations to the University’s Instructional IT Committee and IT Infrastructure Committees and ultimately to the Vice Provost for Information Services who will make final funding determinations.  Reviewers will consider factors such as the following: alignment with the University’s strategic directions; evidence for the quality and likely effectiveness of pedagogy or service delivery models; collaboration and cooperation among campus units; number of students affected relative to the amount requested, co-investment and/or non-financial support by project sponsors; cost-effectiveness; past successes with similar projects and sustainability of the project.



For more information, consult the Fiscal Year 2013 TRF Request for Proposals, http://oregonstate.edu/leadership/provost/trf/request.

TRF Online Application:

To submit a proposal: http://oregonstate.edu/trf/submit


Contact Information:

David Barber,

TRF Administrator &

Senior Program Manager

Information Services

Phone: 737-2367

E-mail: David.Barber@oregonstate.edu

[Updated: Thursday, January 9, 2012]


CORVALLIS, Ore. – Mas Subramanian, an internationally recognized chemist at Oregon State University, will receive the 2012 Chemical Research Society of India Medal, awarded to outstanding chemists of Indian origin who work outside of India.

Subramanian, the Milton Harris Professor of Materials Science in the OSU Department of Chemistry, will be honored at the 2012 CRSI 14th National Symposium in Chemistry in India this February.

An expert in such fields as high-temperature superconductivity, thermoelectrics, magnetoresistive materials, catalysis and solid-state dielectrics, Subramanian has discovered and developed many new materials. A recent discovery of new color pigments received worldwide attention.

Before joining OSU, Subramanian was a scientist at DuPont Central Research and Development. He has published nearly 300 papers in professional journals, which in turn received more than 12,000 citations. His work has yielded 54 patents that are in place or pending.

Subramanian received a doctoral degree from the Indian Institute of Technology in 1982, and is also a signature faculty fellow in the Oregon Nanoscience and Microtechnology Institute.

About the OSU College of Science: As one of the largest academic units at OSU, the College of Science has 14 departments and programs, 13 pre-professional programs, and provides the basic science courses essential to the education of every OSU student. Its faculty are international leaders in scientific research.



As you know, your graduate program is scheduled for a Graduate Council Program Review either next year or the following.   You are therefore invited to attend the Graduate School’s Program Review Workshop on Wednesday, March 7th, 1:30 pm-3:00 pm in MU 208 (LaRaza).

The purpose of this workshop is to help departments and programs that will be reviewed in 2012-2014 prepare for those reviews. We will introduce the Program Review Guidelines, which are attached, and we will be pleased to address any questions you might have about your self-study document or any of the other part of the review documentation and preparations. You are welcome to forward this email and/or bring others who will assist in your review preparation.

The graduate degree programs for review in 2012-2014 are:

  • Applied Anthropology
  • Botany and Plant Pathology
  • Chemistry
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Applied Ethics
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Toxicology
  • Mathematics
  • Adult Education
  • College Student Services Administration
  • Human Development and Family Studies
  • Wood Science
  • Civil Engineering
  • Construction Engineering Management

See you on March 7rd, 2012.

Program Review Guidelines

On behalf of Rick Spinrad, Vice President for Research:

The January 24th pre-solicitation webinar to discuss the DRAFT RFA for the upcoming USAID University Engagement through Higher Education Institutions opportunity received so much interest that the sponsors have decided to schedule another opportunity for faculty to discuss the DRAFT USAID RFA. This is a comment period and not an RFA per se, but the proposed program is a $100 million effort over 5 years.

Please forward this webinar opportunity to faculty that may be interested.

The USAID webinar is scheduled for January 30, 2012

Details are at:  http://universityengagement.usaid.gov/

USAID DRAFT RFA: http://universityengagement.usaidallnet.gov/sites/default/files/draft_rfa_for_commentl.pdf


To support your efforts to recruit diverse Chemistry & Physical Sciences Faculty, Academic Careers Online hosts the 4th annual Online Diversity Job Fair through the end of February (to coincide with Black History Month.)

How does it work? We built a large database of diverse faculty, doctoral students, and professionals in all academic and administrative areas, and using push-technology we alert them of your job in theOnline Diversity Job Fair. This includes applicants from diverse backgrounds as well as those in short supply such as women in science, technology, math and engineering, or males in nursing and education. It is very pro-active.

Any travel? It’s online so no need to travel and no access barriers for applicants to view your job opening.

How much? Each job opening advertisement, which automatically includes participation in the Online Diversity Job Fair, is USD 195

To post a job and participate: www.AcademicCareers.com or www.UniversityDiversityJobFair.com, select “Employers enter here” and follow the simple steps. You will receive an invoice later via email and can pay by purchase order, university check, or credit card.

I am here to help you. For a faster response do not hit the reply button but use the email address below.

Robert J. Kuhne, Ph.D.
Academic Careers Online
485 Devon Park Drive, Suite 116
Wayne, PA 19087, USA
Telephone: 610-964-9200
Email: Info@AcademicCareersOnline.com


College of Science Faculty, Staff and Students:

As you know, Dr Sherm Bloomer will begin his appointment as Director of Budget and Fiscal Planning on February 1, 2012. I have initiated an expedited internal search to identify an interim dean. The interim dean will lead the College until a permanent dean is appointed and begins her/his appointment.

Dr Mark Zabriskie, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, will serve as chair of the screening committee for the interim dean position. The other members of the screening committee will be confirmed soon. In the meantime, the position announcement is attached and applications for the position are welcome. Please note the February 6 application deadline.

I will initiate the search for a permanent Dean in the near future, but first, I will identify a date and time for a College forum so that I have an opportunity to meet with you to hear about your expectations for the position.


Sabah Randhawa

Provost and Executive Vice President

Interim Dean of Science Job Description

The Research Office is requesting letters of intent from interested faculty for the National Science Foundation (NSF) – Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program.

Please forward this funding opportunity announcement to faculty that may be interested.

Letters of intent submission deadline to the Research Office: Monday, March 5, 2012

The IGERT program has been developed to meet the challenges of educating U.S. Ph.D. scientists and engineers with interdisciplinary backgrounds, deep knowledge in chosen disciplines, and technical, professional, and personal skills. The program is intended to establish new models for graduate education and training in a fertile environment for collaborative research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. It is also intended to facilitate diversity in student participation and preparation, and to contribute to a world-class, broadly inclusive, and globally engaged science and engineering workforce.

Building upon the IGERT platform, the purpose of this IGERT solicitation is to support new models in graduate education in which students are engaged in an environment that supports innovation to learn through hands-on experience how their own research may contribute in new ways to benefit society and to learn the processes for the successful implementation of such contributions.

Guidance for preparation of Letters of Intent may be accessed at: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/igert.htm

NSF – IGERT program guidelines: http://www.nsf.gov/pubs/2011/nsf11533/nsf11533.htm

Letters of Intent should be submitted electronically to Debbie Delmore, Research Office at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu as a MS Word document.

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Delmore at (541) 737-8390.