Funding Opportunity

Sponsor:         Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Global Health: Development of a Rapid Immunity Assessment Tool

Amount:         Based on project scope and timing

Deadline:        Letters of Inquiry must be submitted by March 27, 2012 at 10:00 a.m.

Pacific Standard Time

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is currently seeking letters of inquiry for the new grant program for Global Health: Development of a Rapid Immunity Assessment Tool.


The purpose of this request for Letters of Inquiry is to solicit inquiries toward the development of a prototype and the detailing of a commercialization plan for a tool that rapidly assesses the immune status of children against selected vaccine- preventable diseases (e.g. tetanus, measles, etc.). The ideal tool would be low cost, easy to use in the field, and on a large scale, by those working in national immunization programs. This tool would be used as an adjunct to current vaccination coverage surveys – to help more accurately determine/validate coverage levels and assess population-level immunity. Letters of inquiry should address how the potential recipient would develop a prototype tool and create a plan for commercialization.


The Gates Foundation expects to invest up to $6 million toward this project over a three year period. It is likely that the total amount awarded will be split between a number of grant recipients, with varying award amounts based on project scopes and timing. Ideally, prototype development will be complete by the end of 2013. The commercialization plan should detail how the product could be produced at scale by 2015.

Execution of Agreement and Related Issues

Funding Modes: Generally, the Gates Foundation funds projects such as this one through grants. In some circumstances, the Foundation may determine that an alternative funding mechanism such as Program Related Investment (PRI) is appropriate.  The funding mode and terms will be determined by the Foundation taking into account various factors.

Data Sharing: Depending on the final funding agreements, Gates may require confidential access to details of technologies employed as well as production costs, at the time of funding and/or at a future date as a condition of funding.

To view the complete request for LOIs visit:

Letters of Inquiry must be submitted electronically, using the forms and process described at:

If you anticipate difficulty in meeting this deadline, or if you have questions about how to apply, you can contact the Gates Foundation at:

For related questions, contact Martha Coleman, Director of Foundation Relations at OSU Foundation at 541-737-6961 or


Undergraduate of the Quarter - Winter 2012
Undergraduate of the Quarter – Winter 2012

Mai Doung is a senior undergraduate student in the Chemistry Department at Oregon State University and has been selected a Winter 2012 Chem Major of the Term.  Mai grew up in Portland, OR and graduated from David Douglas High School.  When applying for college, she selected OSU after having been awarded the first Sally Runes-Hicks Scholarship (  Her interest in chemistry was sparked by her high school chemistry teacher Renee Gibb.  Since her time at OSU, her favorite chemistry courses have been in the area of organic chemistry because, as Mai is quick to point out, “it made the most sense to me.”    She is currently conducting research in Claudia Maier’s laboratory where she works with mass spectrometry instruments.  For fun, Mai enjoys hiking and hanging out with her friends. She is a chemistry major with an education option and hopes to become a high school chemistry teacher when she graduates.  Students like Mai will help to inspire the next generation to focus on the sciences and we are honored to have her as a Chemistry major in our Department and a student at OSU!

Hi all,

It has come to my attention that faculty out in the departments are unaware the business center staff can assist with budget development and preparation for grant proposals.  After discussion with Mark Johnson, we have asked Penny Pinard, the ASBC Finance Coordinator whom many of you met at our recent budget meetings, to be the main contact for your PIs.  If any of the PIs need any assistance with budget development, please have them contact Penny at or at extension 7-1220.

Let Penny, Mark, or I know if you have any questions or concerns.





Cindy Alexis | Finance & Accounting Manager
Arts & Sciences Business Center | Oregon State University

2042 Cordley Hall, Corvallis, OR  97331-2911

Phone: 541.737.0903 | Fax:  541.737.2090 |


NSF – IGERT Letters of Intent: The Research Office, Incentive Programs is requesting Letters of Intent for the NSF – Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program. The program is intended to establish new models for graduate education and training in a fertile environment for collaborative research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. Letter of Intent guidelines: Research Office submission deadline: March 5. Information: Debbie Delmore


NEW! Research Funding Opportunity for Undergrads: The Research Office is now accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship & Creativity (URISC) program for Summer term 2011-12. This program supports undergraduate research activities. Applications are due by Monday, March 5. Program description and application: Information contact: Debbie Delmore at or (541) 737-8390.


The Ben and Elaine Whiteley Endowment for Materials Research, established in 2007, provides support for materials research in the College of Science. In particular, it provides fellowship support for students to work full time during the Summer in a research laboratory, working on materials research related topics.

Application procedure

Students submit an application to the chair of the chemistry or physics department by March 15. The chairs of the chemistry and physics departments will select one or two recipients and announce the decision before March 31. Students should submit the following material:

• Personal statement: short statement of advocacy why you should be awarded a fellowship

• Curriculum Vitae

• Research proposal: short description of research plans for Summer

• Letter of support from adviser

• Copy of transcript

Previous recipients

Year       Recipient             Adviser  Work area

2011      Whitney Shepherd            Oksana Ostroverkhova    Organic semiconductors

2011      Adeniyi Adenuga               Vince Remcho    Carbon nanotubes

2010      Jason Francis      Janet Tate           Electronic materials

2010      Tosapol Maluangnont     Mike Lerner        Graphite chemistry



This is to inform you that there is a new link to the NSF – IGERT guidance for preparation of Letters of Intent  to the Research Office. The Incentive Programs web site has been upgraded.

Please forward this new link to faculty that may be interested in the NSF – IGERT program.

As a reminder letters of intent are due in the Research Office by Monday, March 5, 2012.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,


Debbie Delmore
Coordinator of Special Programs
Research Office
Oregon State University
A312 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR  97331-2140
Fax: 541-737-9041


Undergraduate of the Quarter - Winter 2012
Undergraduate of the Quarter – Winter 2012

Corey Wright is a senior undergraduate student in the Chemistry Department at Oregon State University and has been selected a Winter 2012 Chem Major of the Term.  Corey grew up in Dallas, OR on a small farm.  His interest in chemistry started during high school and he has had a long standing desire to become a medical doctor.  He hopes to enroll in medical school in Fall 2013.  Corey has excelled in his courses with his favorite chemistry classes to date being “Organic chemistry lab with Emile” and Quantum Theory with Professor Wei Kong.   This unusual combination of favorite courses likely contributed to his current research project which is a collaboration between emeritus faculty members Joe Nibler (a physical chemist) and Jim White (an organic chemist).   In his spare time, Corey likes to play soccer and music as well as interact with new international students.  He has been to Mozambique twice to do charitable work – once with an orphanage and once with street boys.  Corey feels he is blessed to have the education and opportunities he has had at OSU and we are honored to have such high achieving students amongst our ranks!