Undergraduate of the Quarter - Winter 2012
Undergraduate of the Quarter – Winter 2012

Corey Wright is a senior undergraduate student in the Chemistry Department at Oregon State University and has been selected a Winter 2012 Chem Major of the Term.  Corey grew up in Dallas, OR on a small farm.  His interest in chemistry started during high school and he has had a long standing desire to become a medical doctor.  He hopes to enroll in medical school in Fall 2013.  Corey has excelled in his courses with his favorite chemistry classes to date being “Organic chemistry lab with Emile” and Quantum Theory with Professor Wei Kong.   This unusual combination of favorite courses likely contributed to his current research project which is a collaboration between emeritus faculty members Joe Nibler (a physical chemist) and Jim White (an organic chemist).   In his spare time, Corey likes to play soccer and music as well as interact with new international students.  He has been to Mozambique twice to do charitable work – once with an orphanage and once with street boys.  Corey feels he is blessed to have the education and opportunities he has had at OSU and we are honored to have such high achieving students amongst our ranks!

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