The Faculty Recognition and Awards Committee is now accepting nominations for the inaugural Faculty Industry Partnering Award:

The Faculty Industry Partnering Award recognizes a faculty member who achieves extraordinarily high impact innovations through research collaborations with industry.


The selection criteria include:

  • exceptional engagement in collaborative research with industry
  • research leadership recognized nationally and internationally
  • high degree of student engagement in industry research efforts


Additional information, including nomination procedures, are available online at Nominations are due in the Faculty Senate Office on September 6.


This is a new award and the timeline is short to accommodate awarding of a recipient at the 2012 University Day. In subsequent years nominations for this award will be solicited earlier in the academic year.


NSF – Small Business Technology Transfer Program Phase I Solicitation FY-2013 (STTR)

NSF Letter of Intent Due Date: October 20, 2012 – November 20, 2012

The Small Business Technology Transfer program stimulates technological innovation in the private sector by strengthening the role of small business concerns in meeting Federal research and development needs, increasing the commercial application of federally supported research results, and fostering and encouraging participation by socially and economically disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses.

The STTR requires researchers at universities and other non-profit research institutions to play a significant intellectual role in the conduct of each STTR project. These researchers, by joining forces with a small company, can spin-off their commercially promising ideas while they remain primarily employed at the research institution.

Research Topic for this Solicitation:

NSF seeks to help reach the nation’s biological innovation goals, and the larger objective of growing the bioeconomy. The bioeconomy has emerged as a national priority because of its growth potential across many key industries and its societal benefits, which include transforming manufacturing processes, increasing agricultural productivity, advancing medicine, addressing energy needs, and meeting challenges in the environment. The STTR research topic for this solicitation is Enhancing the Bioeconomy using emerging Biological Technologies (EBBT). Proposals must use a biologically-based approach, such as synthetic biology, systems biology, metabolic engineering, proteomics, bioinformatics, and computational biology, to address business opportunities in key industry sectors including biomedical, biomanufacturing, and sustainable agriculture.

Limit on Number of Proposal per Organization: 2

WEBINAR: A webinar will be held within 6 weeks of the release date of this NSF solicitation to answer any questions about the solicitation. Details will be posted on the SBIR/STTR website: as they become available.


Thank you,



Debbie Delmore
Incentive Programs Manager
Research Office
Oregon State University

MAILING ADDRESS: A312 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR  97331-2140
Fax: 541-737-9041


The Department of Defense (DoD)

Fiscal Year 2013 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP)


Full Proposal Deadline: September 28, 2012

DURIP is designed to improve the capabilities of U.S. institutions of higher education to conduct research and to educate scientists and engineers in areas important to national defense by providing funds for the acquisition of research equipment. This announcement seeks proposals to purchase instrumentation in support of research in areas of interest to the DoD, including areas of research supported by the administering agencies.

Through this DURIP competition, the DoD intends to award approximately $42 million for FY 2013, subject to the availability of funds. These funds will be awarded via grants made by the Army Research Office, Office of Naval Research, and Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Grants will be for the purchase of research equipment costing $50,000 or more, which typically cannot be purchased within the budgets of single-investigator awards. With few exceptions an individual award may not exceed $1,500,000 in DoD funding.

Sufficient funds are not available to meet all the instrumentation needs of universities. Awards, therefore, will be made to universities conducting, or being demonstrably capable of conducting research (with the proposed new equipment) in areas of interest to the DoD. DURIP awards are typically one year in length.

There are no limits to the number of applications an applicant may submit.

DoD DURIP information:;jsessionid=SMTnQh5FxT8FS8z22vmgCQdzMr6H7TGvmhT232x2FGtJ2Sx3sTPY!955625390?oppId=182673&mode=VIEW


Thank you,



Debbie Delmore
Incentive Programs Manager
Research Office
Oregon State University

MAILING ADDRESS: A312 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR  97331-2140
Fax: 541-737-9041

Fiscal Year 2013 Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP)


DALLAS — Dallas High School science teacher Lee Jones’ last experience with organic chemistry was in college. But this summer, he is conducting research that may speed the development of new prescription drugs.

Dallas High School science teacher Lee Jones adds more solvent to a filter medium while working on an organocatalyst July 23 at the Linus Pauling Science Center of Oregon State University in Corvallis.Photo by Pete Strong

Dallas High School science teacher Lee Jones adds more solvent to a filter medium while working on an organocatalyst July 23 at the Linus Pauling Science Center of Oregon State University in Corvallis.

Jolene Guzman

July 31, 2012

DALLAS — Dallas High School science teacher Lee Jones’ last experience with organic chemistry was in college. But this summer, he is conducting research that may speed the development of new prescription drugs.

Jones is part of the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Partners in Science Program, which offers grants for high school science teachers to assist scientists on basic research over two summers.

He is working with Rich Carter, a professor and chairman of the Department of Chemistry at Oregon State University. Together, they are refining the process for developing a catalyst to create amino acids used in the production of pharmaceuticals.

Jones spent the first five weeks of his “summer vacation” refreshing his memory on organic chemistry before moving on to more advanced research.

“This past week is when we’ve been pioneering things that have never been done, which is kind of exciting,” Jones said in a recent interview.

The focus of Jones’ research is a compound called “Hua Cat I,” named after Hua Yang, the researcher who first developed it with Carter. “Cat” stands for catalyst. Hua Cat is an “organocatalyst,” meaning it’s a natural compound that can be used with organic solvents to create desired reactions, making it environmentally friendly.

The problem with Hua Cat, as it is called around the lab, is that it is incredibly time-consuming to create.

“They do a lot of research that ties into this catalyst,” Jones said. “My (task) is to find a better way to make it. It’s kind of a pain. It takes like two weeks.”

Jones is developing a three-step process to create the catalyst faster. Then, after completing that task, he is hoping to create a “flow reaction” system, with which the compound can be made continuously for experiments that need to be conducted over time.

“If we can get that working — that’s the goal of the summer,” he said. “So when someone needs the catalyst, they can just set up the flow apparatus.”

Jones and Carter are coordinating the process with Synthetech, an Albany-based firm that assists in the development of new drugs.

Jones is relishing the experience of working with organic chemistry again.

He’s spending nine to 10 hours per day in the recently opened, state-of-the-art Linus Pauling Science Center at OSU. He said working with Carter and Synthetech, he is gaining experience in the research and industrial sides of science. Those are lessons he will be able to use in classes this coming school year. Jones said he is using some of the same concepts in the lab that he will teach in class.

“That is a big portion of what we talk about in AP chemistry, solubility and molecular forces,” Jones said. “That is going to tie in great with that. It’s a real-world connection.”

While Jones is excited about entering uncharted territory with the research this summer, he said it’s not groundbreaking.

“They (Carter’s team) all use Hua Cat, but they don’t really have the time to spend a couple months to find a way to make it better,” Jones said. “It’s nothing super challenging. It’s not like I’m discovering something amazing.”

Carter said Jones might be downplaying his role.

He said Hua Cat is a chiral compound, the type used in the development of the majority of drugs.

“We think it will be really useful,” Carter said. “We think it will make it (Hua Cat) cheaper and more widely used. He is going to have a real meaningful impact.”

Carter said he’s impressed with Jones’ work and believes by the end of the summer, he will be making new discoveries on his own.

“He is full of energy,” Carter said. “If I could clone him, I would.”

Jones, who wanted to work in organic chemistry when he applied for the grant, said the hours are long, but he’s happy to spend the summer on the research.

“It’s neat … the possibility of getting that one flow set up this summer and having that be my contribution to the world of chemistry,” he said.


If your department will be searching for new faculty this coming year, I encourage you to attend the Academic Employment Initiative (AEI) poster session at the Fall ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia, PA.  This is an excellent opportunity for you to meet informally with some of the 72 academic job candidates who will be presenting posters Monday evening, August 20, 8-10 PM at the SciMix at the Pennsylvania Convention Center–Hall D.

A list of the job candidates, brief bios, and links to abstracts of their presentations can be accessed at There will also be a check-in table for faculty recruiters at the head of the poster session onsite.

If you would like more information about AEI or if a representative from your university will be attending, please contact Dr. Corrie Kuniyoshi (cc’d). For any other offerings from the ACS Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars, please write to or visit

We look forward to seeing you and/or your colleagues at SciMix on Monday, August 20 in Philadelphia, PA.






Joe Z. Sostaric, Ph.D.

Program Manager

Graduate & Postdoctoral Scholars Office Education Division


American Chemical Society

1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036 | T (202) 872-8734 | F (202) 833-7732


Instructor Positions in Chemistry: The Virginia Tech Department of Chemistry is seeking TWO Instructors. The first is for its General Chemistry Program. Posting number: 0111340. This is a one-year appointment with intent for renewal. The second is for an Instructor for Analytical Labs, Physical Chemistry Labs and Physical Chemistry for Life Sciences Lecture. Posting number: 0121397. Applicants for either position should have experience teaching Chemistry in large classrooms. A Ph.D. in Chemistry is required. Applications should be submitted electronically at Applicants should provide a cover letter, curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation (sent directly to EMillie Shephard, Department of Chemistry, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 24061), and a brief statement of teaching philosophy. Virginia Tech is an equal opportunity employer.  Applications from women and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged.


The 2012 Pauling Symposium & Banquet will be held on Saturday, October 6, 2012 on the campus of The University of Washington.  The 2012 Medalist is Professor Robert J. Cava, Russell Wellman Moore Professor of Chemistry at Princeton University.

There is no charge or need to RSVP for the symposium.  Attached is a flyer which contains contact information for the banquet ($).  I will forward an update (schedule and specific location) as October 6 approaches.





Dr. Richard L Nafshun
Department of Chemistry
Oregon State University
139 Gilbert Hall
Corvallis, Oregon 97331

Pauling Symposium Flyer

Attached are some additional funding opportunities that were recently released.  All updated opportunities have also been posted to the website at

Please forward along to those who may be interested and have them contact me if they have any questions.  I am happy to meet with departments and  / or individual faculty to discuss particular research interest if you find I may be missing a particular niche.


Thank you,



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration

College of Agricultural Sciences

Oregon State University

138 Strand Agriculture Hall

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002


To the OSU Community:

The U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) will be implementing a revised set of regulations pertaining to Research and Financial Conflicts of Interest (COI) on August 24, 2012. To be compliant with these new rules, the Oregon State University (OSU) Research Office, in conjunction with a faculty advisory committee, has developed a revised institutional policy and annual declaration form.

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012, our office will launch the revised COI online system. The new form has a different look and feel from the current version.  In addition to the materials previously collected, the new form requests information that allows us to better distinguish potential conflicts from more typical and non-problematic financial interests.  Also, because of the revised regulations, we will now be requiring individuals who are serving as investigators on sponsored projects but who were not previously required to submit a declaration form to enroll in the system.

Investigators funded by the PHS agencies*, including Principal Investigators (PI), Co-Investigators (Co-I), Post-doctoral Fellows or Scholars, and Research Associates will be required to complete the new form by August 24, 2012. Investigators not currently funded by any of the PHS agencies will complete the new form at the time of their annual renewal.

If you have questions, please contact the COI office at or 541-737-4692.


*Includes the National Institutes of Health, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.


OSP SWAT team will be doing training on CAMPUS on 08/07/2012, and they would like to utilize our building for the training from 530PM – 900PM.  Specifically, they would like to use GILB 124 and well as the stairwell for some of the training.  They will be doing a campus wide notification that the team will be doing training on campus that day.   Sgt. Schleicher will be the point of contact and will be in contact with us to firm up the details.  Please let me know immediately if there are any unforeseen conflicts with this plan.