We didn’t have it last term, but we’ve got an update now, so CONGRATULATIONS to last terms Chemistry Honor Role Students!!

Amanda Abbott

Corinne Brucks

Kali Burkhardt

Tora Cobb

Shannon Davis

Andrea Domen

Mai Duong

David Encke

Mitchell Fargher

Derek Franco

Elizabeth Gass

Laura Hale

Jacquellyn Helm

Timothy Hemphill

John Hergert

Joshua Holmes

Michael Hughes

Thomas Ketsdever

Jennifer King

Kevin Kovalchik

Jamy Lee

Stephanie Lilly

Ezri Martinez

Sarah Melancon

Kristine Nguyen

Hason Nikkel

Jackson Olson Dougan

Shelby Paulson

Jordan Rains

Ryan Rains

Bryan Rogers

Jenna Schardt

Connor Smith

Nathan Stencel

Nathan Stephon

Matthew Stolt

Halley Todd

Joshua Windheim

Arsalan Zolfaghari


Congratulations to the Winter Term 2013 Chemistry Honor Role!!

Dakota Backus

Kayla Bell

Scott Belozer

Like Brennema

Kristen Brewster

Corrine Brucks

Kali Burkhardt

Tora Cobb

Mark Delgado

Andrea Domen

Gillian Downey

Mai Duong

Brandice Durfee

David Encke

Derek Franco

Mackenzie Frey

Elizabeth Gass

Laura Hale

Benjamin Hamzel

Hared Harzan

Timothy Hemphill

John Hergert

Joshua Holmes

Jennifer King

Kevin Kovalchik

Jamy Lee

Sara Melancon

Kristine Nguyen

Philip Nguyen

Kyle Packan

Shelby Paulson

Ryan Rains

Elyssa Ridinger

Nathan Stephon

Ryan Stiegler

Matthew Stolt

Halley Todd

Anthony Vierira

Joshua Windheim

Tianqi Zhang

W. M. Keck Foundation

The Keck Foundation seeks to support outstanding basic research in science, engineering and medicine that will have a significant impact in solving complex issues and problems. The Foundation strives to fund endeavors that are distinctive and novel in their approach

Guidance for preparation of concept papers: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/keck

Interested faculty should email their concept paper to Martha Coleman, Director of Principal Gifts for Foundation Relations at the OSU Foundation at: martha.coleman@oregonstate.edu.

Deadline to submit concept papers to Martha Coleman: May 28, 2013

Any questions about these concept papers can be directed to Martha Coleman at 503-553-3409.

NEW! LPI blog: Please welcome the fledgling blog http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/linuspaulinginstitute/  to the OSU social media flock. It will feature  inside views of micronutrient investigations;  lay explanations of discoveries;  timely  responses to news about nutrition; highlights of students, faculty and staff;   the view from the new facility’s terrace; glimpses into LPI researchers’ own lunch sacks.

NEW! Student sought for researcher of the year: For the first time, OSU plans to recognize an OSU student as its “Undergraduate Researcher of the Year.”  This award, which seeks to recognize significant scholarly efforts (research- or creativity-based) inside and outside of laboratory environments, will be presented to one student participant in the Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence (CUE) event to be held on the MU Quad on May 21.  Students in all majors are eligible.  Nominations for the award are due no later than May 3 and must come from faculty mentors. For a nomination for or for questions, email Kevin Ahern at ahernk@onid.orst.edu

Pacific Power & Light will be updating portions of the power grid on the OSU Corvallis campus over the coming weeks, necessitating some weekend power shutdowns to a number of buildings on campus. The replacement of these older, lesser load switches is part of a plan to provider greater power system stability on campus.

A number of incidents over the last several years on campus, including an electrical fire in steam tunnels underneath campus, and a power outage which prevented alarms from going off during the recent flooding of the Linus Pauling Science Center, have demonstrated the need to provide upgrades to the electrical system. These updates will require power shutdowns on a number of separate occasions, listed below:

April 21

The following buildings will be without power from approximately 8 a.m.-6 p.m.: Covell Hall, Merryfield Hall-West end, Graf Hall, Batcheller Hall, Benton Hall.

These buildings will have the power shut off at 8 a.m. and re-energized at approximately 10 a.m., then de-energized at 5 p.m. and re-energized at approximately 6 p.m.: Milam Hall, Bexell Hall, Kidder Hall, Milne Computer Center, Gleeson Hall, Gilkey Hall, Gilbert Addition, Shepard Hall, Dearborn Hall, Rogers Hall

April 28

The following buildings will be without power from approximately 8 a.m.-6 p.m.: Withycombe, Nash, Gilmore, Ballard Extension, Women’s Building.
June 16

The following buildings will be without power from approximately 8 a.m.-6 p.m.: Withycombe, McNary, Wilson, Callahan.

These buildings will have the power shut off at 8 a.m. and re-energized at approximately 10 a.m., then de-energized at 5 p.m. and re-energized at approximately 6 p.m.:Withycombe, Nash, Gilmore, Ballard Extension, Women’s Building, Snell, McAlexander Fieldhouse, Gladys Valley Gymnastics Center, Pharmacy, Women’s Center, Education, Kerr Admin.

Your contacts for questions and concerns regarding this shutdown are Stuart Larson (stuart.larson@oregonstate.edu) and Scott Drahn (scott.drahn@oregonstate.edu) .  You can also contact the Campus Operations Work Coordination Center (541) 737-2969.

NEW! Open Access Policy Forum:  The Faculty Senate Library Committee is seeking feedback on a proposed campus-wide open access policy.  A draft can be found on the FSLC website (http://oregonstate.edu/senate/committees/library/index.html); open forums for discussion will be held Wed, April 17, 11a.m.-noon, LPSC room 402 and Tuesday, April 23, 2-3 p.m., Valley Library Willamette Room.  All are welcome and encouraged to attend. – Rich Carter will present.

Come hear Dr. Paul King speak about career and internship opportunities at the National Energy Technology Laboratory in Albany, OR. The presentation will be held Wednesday, April 17th from 6-7:30 pm in Gilfillan Auditorium. The event is free and open to all majors, and pizza will be provided. NETL hires students in chemistry, engineering, geology, materials science, computer science, mathematics, and other related fields.

For more information, visit sei.oregonstate.edu.
For questions or accommodations for disabilities, please email sustainable.energy@oregonstate.edu.