We are currently seeking nominations of students to be considered for the 13th Annual St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital National Graduate Student Symposium (NGSS). This exceptional academic and professional development opportunity for PhD-level students will be held March 25-29, 2014, on the St. Jude campus in Memphis, TN.

The NGSS is an all-expenses-paid symposium to which 40 of the top PhD-level graduate students from around the country are invited to participate. To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and their estimated graduation date must be between April 2014 and July 2015.

Preference will be given to students whose work is relevant to the ongoing research at St. Jude. Information about our current research programs is available at www.stjude.org/basic-science-faculty, and the St. Jude Scientific Report can be viewed at www.stjude.org/sci-rpt.

Neither the symposium nor the application process is advertised; thus, students can apply only if they are nominated by a faculty advisor. There is no limit to the number of students an individual can nominate; however, nominations must be received by October 31, 2013. Please feel free to forward this information to your Graduate Program Directors or other faculty members who may wish to nominate their best students to attend this event.

Invitations to apply will be sent to nominated students in November, and completed applications must be received by December 5, 2013. A committee of St. Jude faculty members will review all applications and select the students who will be invited to attend the symposium. Those selected will be notified by January 24, 2013.

To nominate one (or more) PhD candidates to be invited to apply for the NGSS, please visit www.stjude.org/ngss and submit the student’s name, e-mail address, and approximate graduation date using the nomination form. Nomination of exceptional under-represented minority students is encouraged.
For students graduating before April 2014 who are interested in postdoctoral fellowships at St. Jude, please contact postdoc@stjude.org.

I would be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the symposium or postdoctoral opportunities at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Linda Harris, PhD
Associate Director & Liaison for University Affairs
Office of Academic Programs in Biomedical Sciences
St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Mail Stop 276
262 Danny Thomas Place
Memphis TN 38105
Tel: 901-595-3833


DOE Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRCs)

Funding Opportunity Number: DE-FOA-0000987

FOA Attached

To ensure coordination of effort, the Research Office is asking for a short statement of intent from PIs that are interested in submitting a proposal to the DOE EFRCs program. The statement should not exceed three pages and include a brief description of the proposed scope of work to allow the Research Office to evaluate competing proposals and identification of all investigators and partners.

Submit statement of intent to Debbie Delmore, Research Office at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu by Wednesday, October 9, 2013.

In 2009, the Office of Basic Energy Sciences (BES) in the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science established the Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) program. These integrated, multi-investigator centers involve various combinations of researchers at universities, national laboratories, nonprofit organizations, and for-profit firms. The EFRCs have conducted fundamental research focused on one or more “grand challenges” and use-inspired “basic research needs” identified in major strategic planning efforts by BES and the scientific community. These centers bring together the skills and talents of teams of investigators to perform energy-relevant basic research with a scope and complexity beyond that possible in standard single-investigator or small-group projects. The multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary nature of these centers fosters an environment in which innovations are encouraged and scientific breakthroughs accelerated to provide the basis for transformative energy technologies. The EFRCs pursue the fundamental understanding necessary to enhance U.S. energy security and to meet the global need for abundant, clean, and economical energy.

The Office of Basic Energy Sciences announces the re-competition of the EFRCs and encourages both new and renewal applications. Applications will be required to address both use-inspired priority research directions identified by the series of “Basic Research Needs” reports and scientific grand challenges identified in the report Directing Matter and Energy: Five Challenges for Science and the Imagination, both of which are described below. In addition, as appropriate, applicants are encouraged to consider the incorporation of research approaches outlined in the following two reports: 1)Computational Materials Science and Chemistry: Accelerating Discovery and Innovation through Simulation-Based Engineering and Science; and 2) From Quanta to the Continuum: Opportunities for Mesoscale Science. All of these reports can be found here: http://science.energy.gov/bes/news-and-resources/reports/.

DOE Letter of Intent Deadline: November 13, 2013

DOE Application Due Date: January 9, 2014


Thank you,


Hi all—Please read on for information about the 2nd Annual SEMI Pacific Northwest Professsional Development Seminar and pass this along to fellow students who may be interested. Attendance is free, but you do have to register (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LF9QD38). This link will also be accessible at the MBI website.

SEMI Professional Development Seminar

Jobs in the Micro and Nano Electronics Industry: Connecting College Students to Industry

8am to 3pm

Friday, October 25, 2012

Microproducts Breakthrough Institute, Corvallis HP Campus

This event is sponsored by SEMI Pacific Northwest, the participating high-tech companies, ONAMI, Oregon State University and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

Who should attend?

College students and recent graduates interested in career opportunities in the semiconductor and related high technology industries.


To excite students about career opportunities in high tech and to provide valuable, practical information that will help them choose career directions and plan for success.


8:00am          Check-in & Breakfast, HP Building 10, St. Helens Room

8:30am          Welcome Remarks

8:35am          Overview of SEMI

8:40am          Panel Discussion and Q&A: Jobs in the Micro and Nano Electronics and High Tech Semiconductor Industry

10:00am       Break

10:20am       Strategies: How to Land a Job in High Tech

11:00am       The Interview: Prep • Dynamics • Dos & Don’ts • Good vs Bad Mock Interviews

12:00pm       Migration to HP Building 11 & Lunch

1:00pm         Breakout Sessions (Pick two):

1.       Life in the Real World: Academia to Industry

2.       The Business Side: Using Your Technical Skills for a Career in Sales, Marketing, Finance or Operations

3.       A Day in the Life of a High-Tech Engineer

4.       Jump-Start Your Career

2:00pm         Networking & Optional Tours of the MBI

3:00pm         Adjourn


Attendance is free of charge, but registration is required. The registration website is: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LF9QD38. Early registration is appreciated so that we can gauge interest and attendance. Please register no later than Friday, October 11. And please tell your friends!

Check the Announcements Listings at mbi-online.org for updates.

Sponsors and Organizers

Organizers are the SEMI Pacific Northwest  Steering committee and the Education and Workforce Development sub-committee. Members are community-oriented with a key objective of helping college students to meet the demands of today’s high tech work force and succeed in their careers. Industry volunteers will share what the high tech industry looks for when they recruit for new graduates. This group is eager to meet students and to prepare students for the 21st century workforce.

Special thanks to FEI Company for all event food and refreshments and to ONAMI for underwriting of conference facilities.


Instructors are volunteers from Applied Materials, Cascade Microtech, ESI, FEI Company, Intel Corporation, Lam Research, LatticeGear, Oregon State University, and Valqua America. They hold positions in Human Resources, Recruiting, Engineering, Marketing, Finance and Management.

For accommodations for persons with disabilities, please contact Danielle Clair at 541-713-1348.

The Research Office has become aware of the following National Science Foundation (NSF) program. Please forward this funding opportunity to faculty that may be interested.

NSF – Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRC) Program


To ensure coordination of effort, the Research Office is asking for a short statement of intent from PIs that are interested in submitting a proposal to the NSF – I/UCRC program. The statement should include a brief description of the proposed scope of work and identification of all investigators and partners.  Submit statement of intent to Debbie Delmore, Research Office at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu by Monday, October 14, 2013.

The I/UCRC program develops long-term partnerships among industry, academe, and government. The centers are catalyzed by a small investment from the NSF and are primarily supported by industry center members, with NSF taking a supporting role in the development and evolution of the center. Each center is established to conduct research that is of interest to both the industry members and the center faculty. An I/UCRC contributes to the nation’s research infrastructure base and enhances the intellectual capacity of the engineering and science workforce through the integration of research and education. As appropriate, an I/UCRC uses international collaborations to advance these goals within the global context.

NSF Letter of Intent Deadline: January 6, 2014

If you commute to work by bike, bus, carpool/vanpool, or walking, you may be concerned with how to get home in case of an emergency. The Cascades West Rideshare Emergency Ride Home (ERH) program is here to help. This new FREE program is open to anyone who works in Linn, Benton or Lincoln Counties. Sign up today! See the full program description and enrollment instructions at http://oregonstate.edu/atac/emergency-ride-home

The Research Office, Incentive Programs is accepting applications for the RERF Fall 2013 solicitation. The intent of the RERF program is to enable faculty to acquire, repair, renovate, or improve equipment directly used for research. Program description and application: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/rerf. Information: Debbie Delmore at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu. Deadline: Nov. 11.

To promote easier access to classroom teaching resources, access codes will not be required to access teaching stations in all General Purpose Classrooms starting this fall. Touch panels will be “touch and go”; warm up time is still required before selecting a source to power on the projector. If you need special software installed, please visit http://oregonstate.edu/is/classroom-technologies/classrooms/software-request before the term begins or as soon as possible.  Any questions or concerns can be directed to Media Services, diane.cooper@oregonstate.edu or call 541-737-2121.

The Research Office is accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC) program for Winter and/or Spring term(s) 2013-14. This program supports undergraduate research activities from all academic disciplines within the University. Program description and application: http://oregonstate.edu/research/incentive/urisc. Information: Debbie Delmore at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu. Submission Deadline: Nov. 4.

Visiting position in Inorganic Chemistry at Reed College. The Chemistry Department invites applications for a three-semester, visiting position, preferably at the assistant professor level, in Inorganic Chemistry beginning January 2014. A PhD is required and postdoctoral experience is preferred. The successful candidate must have a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching and research. Teaching duties will include general chemistry, a sophomore-level course in inorganic chemistry including laboratory, and an advanced topics course. The successful candidate will also advise senior thesis students in yearlong research projects. The Chemistry Department occupies a dedicated building with individual faculty research labs, and has excellent resources for innovative teaching and research, including a 400 MHz NMR, an X-ray powder diffractometer, an inert atmosphere glove box, a new Gamry instruments potentiostat, and a molecular modeling laboratory.

The Reed community values cultural and intellectual pluralism as essential to the excellence of our academic program. In the letter of application, we encourage you to address how your teaching, scholarship, mentorship, and/or community service might support the commitment to diversity and inclusion articulated in the College’s diversity statement (http://www.reed.edu/diversity). Application materials (a cover letter, curriculum vitae, an outline of research interests, and a statement of teaching philosophy) and three letters of recommendation should be forwarded as PDF (preferred) or Word attachments to inorganic.search@reed.edu. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but they should be received by November 1, 2013 to guarantee full consideration.  For further information about this position please contact Arthur Glasfeld (glasfeld@reed.edu). An Equal Opportunity Employer, Reed values diversity and encourages applications from underrepresented groups.