This training is appropriate for new faculty, new staff or those seeking a refresher on the proposal management system. A step by step overview of the proposal creation process is presented, highlighting tips, tricks and shortcuts, as well as an explanation of the distinction between 424 and SP functionalities. Wednesday, Nov. 6, from 1-3 p.m. in MU 211
Extended Deadline for Bell Memorial Loan
The deadline to accept nominations for the Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program has been extended to Wednesday, October 30th at 5PM.
Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program
Deadline for Nominations: October 28, 2013, 5PM
The Graduate School is pleased to announce the Jesse M. Bell Memorial Graduate Student Loan Program which was created by the estate of Jesse Bell for the purpose of providing loans for worthy graduate students of high scholastic standing to enable their pursuit of graduate study in an OUS institution.
These non-need-based loans are available on a one-time basis to enrolled graduate students to assist with educational and/or research expenses associated with their advanced degree. Loans up to $5,000 are anticipated, and will be dependent upon the merits of the case, the loan demand, and the current balance available in the loan fund. Requests exceeding $5,000 will be considered on an exception basis.
It is anticipated that up to three awards will be given.
For eligibility criteria, terms and conditions, and application procedures, visit:
Extended Deadline for Delson Bridge to the Future Fund
The deadline to accept nominations for the Delson Bridge to the Future Fund has been extended to Wednesday, October 30th at 5PM.
Delson Bridge to the Future Fund
Deadline for Nominations: October 28, 2013, 5PM
The Graduate School administers an endowment fund created to honor Irma Delson, who dedicated her many years at OSU to serving students from all over the world. The Delson Bridge to the Future Fund is designed to assist students in the final phase of their graduate education to pay research expenses, publication costs, and other incidentals that stand in the way of completing their studies.
It is anticipated that up to two awards will be given.
For eligibility criteria, award guidelines, and nomination procedures, visit:
Funding Opportunities
Some funding opportunities for your students:
1. Ford Foundation Fellowships: Nov 20, 2013;
2. NSF Graduate Research Fellowships: Nov 4th, 2013;
3. Wei Family Foundation Fellowships- (see below)
4. SACNAS is another place for recruiting minority students: (and to advertise for faculty)
3. I have recently met with the Wei Family Private Foundation folks. As some of you may know:
“In 1936 Ms Chung Kwai Lui arrived in the USA as an exchange student on scholarship from China. While experiencing cultural and dietary differences and adjusting to them, she also had to balance her studies with work. She worked at different jobs with odd hours to support herself financially and to avoid interference with her studies. Dr. Chung Kwai Lui overcame these challenges and in 1941 she was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in Physics from Oregon State University. Dr. C.K. Lui went on to become a nationally ranked research scientist who worked on the “Manhattan Project” and who was named “Woman of the Day” by Eleanor Roosevelt on May 30, 1949.”
They support a number of students in science, engineering, mathematics, statistics, etc. at OSU, over a dozen scholarships for over $130k last year alone. There are more funds to support OSU students, and in fact, this year, they had to transfer some funds to students at Columbia since they did not receive enough applications from OSU students. Supports approximately $12k/yr for grad and $9k/yr for undergrad. Check is not written to OSU Foundation (because of its restriction to students of Chinese heritage- too specific), but it is written to OSU student account that the student has a direct control over. It is not sent to the student bank account since that would be taxable. OSU helps the students with general advice regarding those funds.
Please make use of this info as you see fit with your students. Their hope is that Science makes effective use of resources that some of their students are eligible to receive, and recruit the best students to OSU. Their money is restricted to be used for OSU and Columbia only. They typically advertise these through their own websites and network.
Mission Statement
The Wei Family Private Foundation a non-profit organization was established to honor the memory of Dr. (Mrs.) Chung Kwai Lui Wei and Mr. Hsin Hsu Wei. Its purpose is to award scholarship grants to students of Chinese heritage with high academic credentials who are pursuing a degree in Science or Engineering or Mathematics at Oregon State University or an Electrical Engineering graduate degree at Columbia University
- Scholarship Grants to Students of Chinese Heritage
- American or Overseas Born
- GPA: 3.5 or higher
- Pursuing an Electrical Engineering Graduate Degree at Columbia University
- Scholarship Grant Awards
- Up to three grants available per academic year
- Up to 50% of tuition cost per grant
- Scholarship Grant Awards
~ or ~
- Pursuing a Science or Engineering or Mathematics Degree at Oregon State University
- Scholarship Grant Awards
- Up to eight grants available per academic year
- Up to 80% of tuition cost per grant
- Scholarship Grant Awards
Contact Information
TRIAD Scholarships
The OSU TRIAD Faculty Club expects to award one or two $750 scholarships to OSU students of any major. Preference is given to current juniors and seniors. Awards will be based equally on the applicant’s record of academic progress and record of service to the institution or the community. Further details about the scholarship and the application form can be found at:
The application deadline is December 4 and awards will be made in January for the current academic year.
We would be very grateful if you would bring this scholarship program to the attention of your undergraduates.
Ken Krane
Chair, TRIAD Scholarship Committee
Student Scholarship Opportunity
The OSU Alumni Association is offering two $3,500 scholarships for internships in Washington, D.C. No matter their field of study or ultimate career choice, opportunities are available – congressional offices, federal agencies, nonprofit organizations, trade associations, and many other potential sponsors. See links below for application and resources.
Application Deadlines
Spring: February 10, 2014
Summer: May 12, 2014
Scholarship application:
Housing, employment and internships opportunities:
For questions, please contact:
Kate Sanders
OSU Alumni Association
November 1st Parking
According to Parking Services, the Weniger/Gilbert Lot should be available Friday, November 1st until 5pm. After that, everyone is “encouraged to vacate.” See more info at the link below.
Oregon Women in Higher Education Conference
Proposals are being accepted for either a concurrent session or poster to the OWHE conference happening on Jan. 24, 2014 at OSU. Deadline for proposal submission is Nov. 4. See for more details. All conference presenters whose proposal has been accepted will receive free registration if they present at the conference and agree to facilitate one OWHE webinar during 2014-15. Students, faculty and staff of all genders and from both 4-year and 2-year institutions are encouraged to submit proposals and attend the conference. For info: