CH Prof Sandra Loesgen to participate in Microbiology Student Association Research Symposium
Spring 2018 Updates from the Career Development Center
Dear Colleagues,
There are several updates from the Career Development Center. We are thrilled to partner with you on students’ career success.
Student Drop-In Appointments
The Career Development Center offers 15-minute drop-in appointments for students seeking career assistance Monday – Friday, 9 A.M. – 4 P.M., in-person at our location in Kerr:
The Career Development Center
A110 Kerr Administration Building (the former campus tours office)
Please note that drop-ins are available when classes are in session; furthermore, there are no drop-ins on the day of the career fair (4/25).
Spring 2018 Career Events for Students
The Career Development Center now hosts consistent workshops on a variety of professional development topics for all students each term. Encouraging attendance is a fantastic way to help develop your students’ professional skills; please see the list of workshop topics and dates below.
Spring Professionalism Series Events
All events take place 12-1p.m. in the SEC Involvement Lounge unless otherwise noted.
Please encourage your students to attend these workshops covering various aspects of the career development process; click on each link for more information.
- 4/3 – Resumes & Cover Letters 101
- 4/11 – Communicating Your Skills
- 4/11 – Webinar: Ace Your Interview
- 4/17 – Networking Online & Off
- 4/19 – Online Career Connections: Peer Resume Reviews
- 5/1 – Get a Dam Job
- 5/8 – Level Up Your Interview Skills
- 5/10 – International Students & Careers
- 5/16 – Negotiate with Confidence
- 5/17 – Resumes & Cover Letters 101
- 5/23 – Negotiate Like a Pro
- 5/24 – Level Up Your Interview Skills
To download Professional Series screens, posters, and other assets, please click here.
Career Expo Events
It’s almost time for winter term’s Career Expo. This is an entire week of events for students to develop their professional skills, culminating in a career fair where students will get to interact with employers who want to hire OSU students.
- April 24 | Speed Mock Interviews (In-person and virtual) | 12pm-4pm | MU Multipurpose Room
- April 25 | Spring Career Expo
The entire OSU community is invited to attend the career fair; please take this opportunity to chat with employers who may be hiring your students, and of course, we welcome anyone who would like to volunteer.
Please encourage your students to volunteer for this event; benefits include volunteer experience (which is great on a resume!) and face time with employers. Interested volunteers can sign up here for various shifts to accommodate your schedule.
To download Career Expo screens, posters, and social media images, please click here.
Oregon State is on Handshake
Handshake is Oregon State’s new hub for everything students need from college to career. The Handshake platform was designed by students, for students with one goal in mind: to help college students find their way to their dream careers.
The more students use Handshake, the smarter it gets. When a student inputs their interests, preferences, and outcomes, the Handshake platform delivers content and jobs tailored to them. At this point in the 2017-2018 academic year, over 33% of students have completed their profiles.
If you want to get in the system and see what students see, please request an account in Handshake here; once approved, you will be able to navigate the system as a student.
Winter Term Highlights
- 40 mock interviews with employers were facilitated during expo week.
- Oregon State hosted 145 companies for five days of career events.
- 1055 students attended the Career Expo.
- Students had interviews with 44 different employers who conducted 286 post-career expo interviews.
- Of the interviewees, 58 students received multiple invitations to interview.
- Career Development Center faculty and staff conducted 713 drop-in appointments.
Careers in your College
Here are your college contacts for spring term:
- Amanda Cordes
- College of Engineering
- Britt Hoskins
- College of Agricultural Sciences
- College of Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences
- College of Forestry
- Karla Rockhold
- College of Liberal Arts
- College of Education
- Claire Wu
- College of Public Health & Human Sciences
- College of Science
- Graduate School
For all other inquiries, please contact the Career Development Center at or 541-737-4085.
If you work with students in the College of Business, please contact Dan Ziriax in the COB Career Success Center.
Thank you for investing in our students’ futures. We look forward to partnering with you in creating excellent professional development and career opportunities for students at Oregon State.
The Career Development Center | 541-737-4085
Meningococcal B update for faculty and staff
OSU faculty and staff,
Based on employee interest, Oregon State University has partnered with Samaritan Health to hold an optional Meningococcal B vaccination clinic for faculty and staff on April 9 and 10 on the Corvallis campus for faculty and staff on April 9 and 10.
While we are holding these optional vaccination clinics, we want to emphasize that the advice we have received about the risk of Meningococcal B disease for our employees has not changed. Public health authorities continue to advise the university that the “at risk” population for Meningococcal B disease is students 25 years of age and under, particularly those who live in congregate housing, or who are members of campus fraternal organizations.
In previous outbreaks of meningococcal disease on college campuses around the country, university employees have not been found to be at generally increased risk. Because of this, we have not mandated vaccinations for employees. Instead, we have encouraged our faculty and staff to consult with their medical care providers or a local urgent care clinic regarding the risk of contracting Meningococcal B disease and the advisability of vaccination.
If you will be attending the optional MenB clinic, please register at Meningococcal B Vaccination Clinic Signup – OSU Faculty/Staff. Registering, will help to ensure adequate staffing and availability of the vaccine. Registrations for the clinics will close at midnight on Wednesday April 4, to allow sufficient time for ordering and delivery of the vaccine for the clinic.
Faculty/Staff vaccination clinic information:
- Monday, April 9, noon to 5 p.m.
- Tuesday, April 10, 8 a.m. to noon
If you have any questions, please contact Employee Benefits at
Mike Green Donna Chastain
Vice President Director & Interim CHRO
Finance & Administration Office of Human Resources
Funding Opportunities
There are significant pools of money attached to these new solicitations, and short lead times due to the delays in federal appropriations. Please share this email, discuss these with your colleagues and call me or another PD if you are considering applying.Several of these opportunities are for special kinds of proposals/awards: EAGERs and RAISEs. You can read more about these mechanisms in the NSF PAPPG, Chapter II.EConvergence Research (NSF 18-058) – explicitly multidisciplinary/interdisciplinary/transdisciplinary. This might support some of those spinoff projects that aren’t CHE-focused enough for CCI funding. These are RAISE proposals (see PAPPG ), up to $1.0 million in funding over three years. This DCL is written incredibly broadly, so your proposal could be in any area covered by NSF. There might be an extra kick for proposals relating to some of the 10 Big Ideas. Deadlines May 1 and Oct 15TRIPODS+X (NSF 18-542) – link your CCI science community to TRIPODS data researchers, do data science! Different tracks for Visioning (workshops, conferences, community building, up to $200,000); and Research (doing science!, up to $600,000). Deadline May 29, 2018.Enabling Quantum Leap in Chemistry (NSF 18-051) – Supplements and EAGERs, Deadline May 1.There are a LOT of opportunities being posted every week now. Most of these are cross-cutting opportunities that are multi-PI & multidisciplinary. They are trying to track these on the 10 Big Ideas pages, but you might also want to subscribe to the notifications available on the NSF home page. I’ll try to remember to send them out, but you don’t want to be waiting on me….If you’ve looked at the NSF budget request for FY 2019, you’ve noticed that NSF plans to set aside significant pools of money for the 10 Big Ideas. This is also being implemented in the FY 2018 budget – the CHE budget is smaller, but CHE researchers can compete for research money in these 10 Big Ideas. We hope your CCI will help lead the way for chemistry researchers to see their science in the 10 Big Ideas.
Improving Graduate Student Preparedness for the Chemistry Workforce
Dear Colleague:
The Division of Chemistry (CHE) supports masters and doctoral students to acquire the knowledge, experience, and skills needed for highly productive careers. This Dear Colleague Letter describes opportunities for supplemental funding to enhance the training experience of graduate students supported by active CHE research grants who are considering careers outside of academe.
Examples of experiences targeted by this opportunity include, but are not limited to, one to three month internships or similar experiences in industry (including start-up companies), state or federal government laboratories, policy organizations, and non-profit foundations. Consideration would also be given to professional development courses on, for example, innovation and technology commercialization, business and entrepreneurship training, and communicating science to the public. (Note: Such courses should be outside the student’s dissertation coursework.) Activities that include an international component are encouraged. It is expected that student participation in these activities will enhance their competitive position in the job market outside of academe. Note: Funding requests for conference attendance will not be considered for this supplemental funding opportunity.
This opportunity is open for M.S. and Ph.D. graduate students currently supported on NSF CHE individual investigator or small group research grants (Centers for Chemical Innovation are excluded from this supplemental funding opportunity). Graduate students must have completed at least one academic year as a full-time student and be in good academic standing within their Department. The academic and industry/government laboratory partners must agree in advance how intellectual property rights will be handled. A statement to this effect should be included in the request (see Preparation Instructions and Allowable Costs).
Supplemental funding requests should be submitted no later than May 15, 2018. The NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) Chapter VI.E.4, provides specific guidance on preparing a request for supplemental funding.
It is expected that the student, graduate research advisor, and internship host/course coordinator will work together to identify innovative experiences that add value to the student’s graduate school training. Supplemental requests must satisfy all the following requirements and must include:
- A one-page (maximum) statement from the student describing how the activity will better prepare him/her to enter the workforce. The statement should identify the skills and experiences that are sought and highlight how the activity will enhance the student’s graduate school training in relation to her/his career goals outside of academe.
- A one-page (maximum) statement from the graduate research advisor indicating concurrence with the student’s plans and including a summary statement that this activity is not expected to adversely affect the student’s progress in dissertation research.
- A two-page (maximum) resume from the graduate student, including year in the graduate school program.
- If an industrial or other laboratory partner is involved, the academic and industry partners must agree in advance as to how intellectual property rights will be handled. A statement to this effect should be included in both the graduate research advisor’s and the sponsor’s letters.
- In the case of a laboratory internship, a letter of commitment from the host institution, briefly outlining the student’s role in the project and indicating how the student will be mentored.
The resume and letters are to be placed in Other Supplementary Documents.
Supplement requests for Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaisons with Industry (GOALI, see PAPPG, Chapter II.E.4) awards should not request the addition of new graduate students to the same industrial collaboration. CHE Graduate Education Supplements for collaboration with another academic partner are not accepted.
Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to discuss with their cognizant CHE program director the proposed activities that would be part of a supplemental funding request. The supplemental funding request limit is $12,000 for a maximum of three months. Eligible costs can include student stipends (if not paid by host institution), travel, temporary relocation, and course fees. Spouse and dependent travel are not permitted.
The Chemistry Division expects to fund 10 supplements in Fiscal Year (FY) 2018, depending on the availability of funds.
Investigators are strongly encouraged to contact their cognizant program directors for more information. For full consideration, requests should be submitted no later than May 15, 2018 for FY 2018.
Cognizant CHE Program Directors:
- Chemical Catalysis (CAT) – Ken Moloy (
- Chemistry of Life Processes (CLP) – Max Funk (
- Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms (CSDM-A) – Colby Foss (
- Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms (CSDM-B) – Tingyu Li (
- Chemical Theory, Models and Computational Methods (CTMC) – Evelyn Goldfield (
- Chemical Synthesis (SYN) – Kevin Moeller (
- Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry (MSN) – Suk-Wah Tam-Chang (
- Chemical Measurement and Imaging (CMI) – Kelsey Cook (
- Environmental Chemical Sciences (ECS) – Anne-Marie Schmoltner (
Anne L. Kinney
Assistant Director
Directorate for Mathematical & Physical Sciences
Undergraduate Student Success Summit
You’re Invited
Provost Ed Feser invites you to a daylong
summit dedicated to student success.
Undergraduate Student Success Summit
Thursday, April 12
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
LaSells Stewart Center
Please join in helping to design OSU’s focus,
planning and prioritization of difference-making
investments supporting all undergraduates at OSU.
Who: Faculty, staff, students
Why: We are looking for your ideas and input to inform and direct the future work at OSU in
advancing student success.
For more information about the Student Success Initiative Steering Committee work, please visit
the Student Success Initiative web page.
For questions or accommodations for disabilities, or 541-737-0715.
PCOSW seeks nominations for the 2018 University Mentoring and Professional Development Award
This award, presented each September at University Day, recognizes a classified employee, professional faculty, or faculty member who excels in mentoring, supporting, and encouraging OSU employees, especially women and those from under-represented groups. The deadline for nominations is Friday, May 4. To access the nomination form link, please visit
Spring Family Weekend Events
Any departments or student organizations planning events during Spring Family Weekend May 4-6 who would like to have their information included in the master program should fill out this form by March 30. If you have already been in contact with Shelly Signs for the Campus Open House, then you do not need to complete the form. If you have any questions, contact Jess Tallant at