Undergraduate Summer Internships with Regional Approaches to Climate Change- Pacific Northwest Agriculture (REACCH PNA) partners. UI, WSU, OSU and USDA-ARS are teaming up to offer a total of 10, 9-week long, internships across the three institutions. Internships will go from 6 June – 5 August for the University of Idaho and Washington State University and 13 June – 12 August for Oregon State University. Application deadline is April 15, 2016. For more information go to https://www.reacchpna.org/2016-summer-internship-program.
Category Archives: Announcements
MRF Awards Pre-Announcement
Do you work with an outstanding researcher?
In addition to their quarterly grant program, once a year the Medical Research Foundation (MRF) recognizes Oregonians who are performing cutting edge research and demonstrating outstanding leadership.
The official call for MRF award nominations will occur in April, and nominations will be due May 27, 2016.
In the meantime, please start thinking about nominating your most talented and promising colleagues for an award. Detailed information about each award including the Mentor Award, Discovery Award, and Richard T. Jones New Investigator Award is available at www.mrf-oregon.org.
Contact Nicole Good 503 552-0677 | goodn@ohsu.edu
RCSA Cottrell Scholar Program
We wish to alert you of funding opportunities for early career faculty holding appointments in Chemistry, Physics or Astronomy Departments.
Our prestigious Cottrell Scholar Award (CSA) is available to early career faculty who conduct high-quality research and educational activities at both research universities and primarily undergraduate institutions across the country.
Please note that CSA submission starts with a pre-proposal due May 16, 2016. Principal investigators with successful pre-proposals will be invited to submit full-proposals, due August 1, 2016. Outstanding candidates are admitted to the ranks of Cottrell Scholars through a stringent peer-review process based on their innovative research proposals and education programs. For the 2016 proposal cycle, eligibility is limited to faculty members who started their first tenure-track appointment anytime in calendar year 2013. Award size is $100,000 and no institutional match is required.
The CSA is the entry point to this exceptional community of teacher-scholars and the program has much more to offer than the initial award. As Cottrell Scholars, PUI and research university faculty benefit from award opportunities throughout their careers, such as TREE, LEAD, SEED, and the FRED award. For more information on the Cottrell Scholar program, please see the RCSA site at http://rescorp.org/cottrell-scholars.
Please forward this information to eligible early career faculty. For questions about the Cottrell Scholar Program, contact Silvia Ronco (RCSA Program Director) at sronco@rescorp.org.
Creating Safety Cultures in Academic Institutions
Doug kindly shared this document that the ACS has provided regarding safety. Safety is important and we need to continue to focus on making our labs as safe as possible.
OLC/Gates Digital Learning Innovation Award
Welcome to the OLC Digital Learning Innovation Award (DLI Award) information section. Here you’ll find information about this award competition and how to submit your application. We look forward to reviewing your submissions, celebrating your successes, and identifying top innovators leading the digital learning landscape. #DLIAward
Undergraduate Radiochemistry Summer School
Dear Colleagues,
We are looking for outstanding candidates for the Undergraduate Radiochemistry Summer School sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy and hosted this year by the Oregon State University School of Nuclear Science and Engineering (NSE) and the Department of Chemistry in Corvallis, Oregon. Running from June 20 through July 29, 2016, the school is for undergraduate students in chemistry, physics, engineering, health physics and related discipline.
The Undergraduate Radiochemistry Summer School will focus on the fundamentals of radiochemistry with an emphasis on the back end of the nuclear fuel cycle. Blending classwork and labwork, students will learn physics of nuclear structure, radioactive decay and nuclear reactions, principles of radiodetection, chemistry of actinides and fission products, production and separation of radionuclides, radiolytic effects. The nuclear fuel cycle will be presented from fundamental chemistry to engineering applications. The core faculty of the summer school are A. Paulenova, W.D. Loveland, M. Nyman and A. Farsoni. Students will also benefit from the expertise of 10 guest lecturers from national labs and academic partners who will present throughout the summer school.
Four of the six weeks are devoted to independent laboratory research projects under the guidance of our faculty. Students will present their results at a student conference at the end of the summer school. In addition, students will tour the Oregon State TRIGA Reactor, and NuScale facilities in Corvallis. They will also visit Richland, Washington for tours of the AREVA, Energy Northwest, and Hanford Site facilities.
12 students (must be U.S. citizen) will be selected and will be provided with a $4,000 stipend as well as coverage of housing and travel costs. Students are expected to participate in all coursework, research and tours. Upon satisfactory completion of the summer school, participating students will receive eight transferable radiochemistry credits at the 400 level. Oregon State University is located in Corvallis, Oregon. Students will stay in Oregon State University residence halls and have full access to university recreation facilities, computer facilities, and library. Applications are due April 20, 2016 with acceptance notification by April 29, 2016. Rising seniors are preferred, but all applications will be reviewed and considered.
The online Application Form and more information is available at http://ne.oregonstate.edu/radiochemistryschool
Questions should be directed to:
Alena Paulenova, summer school director, NSE
Janet Knudson, office manager, NSE
Professional Faculty Award
Nominations are being accepted for the Karel J.H. Murphy Professional Faculty Leadership and Service Award. The award recognizes a professional faculty member who has provided outstanding leadership and service throughout their career both within their Department and in programs and organizations across OSU. The award also honors a legacy of providing ongoing, strategic, and progressive leadership, administrative support and service among Professional Faculty and other OSU employees. The award winner will be presented a plaque and a $1000 check at University day. Nominations due April 7. For more information: Michelle Mahana mahanam@oregonstate.edu