Open Oregon State is accepting proposals to work with our talented instructional designers and multimedia experts to create OER* modules for BACC core and high DFW courses (courses with high rates of grades of D, F or withdrawals). Funding is provided up to $2,500 to foster faculty participation in providing content and working with our development team todesign and produce modules.
A module can focus on one single idea or learning outcome and is intended to impact student success. 
Accepted and funded projects will be notified approximately two weeks after submission on a rolling basis.  The current RFP closes when available funds are exhausted.  The proposal form can be accessed at
•   The module must focus on a subject or topic that is not already available openly. If it is already available, what is the reason for creating another?
•   The developer must agree to offer the module/short course under a Creative Commons license. Open Oregon State will help you choose thelicense    that works for you.
•   Department Chair/Head approval.
*OERs are digital materials that exist online in the public domain and are offered freely forstudents, teachers and researchers to share, and use and reuse as a means of increasing the world’s access to knowledge.
For more information, contact:
Dianna Fisher
Director, Open Oregon State
541 737 8658

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