The Department of Physics welcomes biophysicist Gaudenz Danuser to present the 38th annual Yunker Lecture. His talk explores the paradigm of “form follows function,” delving into the interplay between cell shape and molecular action that governs function, particularly in cancer cells, on Monday, October 9 in the Memorial Union Horizon Room. The talk, “Cell Shapes Keep Cells in Shape,” will begin at 5 p.m. with a light reception beforehand at 4 p.m. Danuser is the chair of the Lyda Hill Department of Bioinformatics and the director of the Cecil H. and Ida Green Center for Systems Biology at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. His research focuses on measuring and modeling non-genetic mechanisms of cancer metastasis and drug resistance. Making discoveries by computer vision of molecular and cellular mechanisms to enhance observation steers Danuser’s research. We hope to see you at this inspiring talk! 
Learn More
Monday, October 9, 2023MU Horizon Room
4 p.m. refreshments
5 p.m. lecture

To make accommodations for disabilities, contact us at 541-737-3854 or
The Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & the Arts (Office of URSA) is excited to announce this year’s call for faculty summary submissions for the 2023-2024 URSA Engage Program, which is designed to provide first- and second-year students, and transfer students in their first year at OSU, opportunities to pursue research or a creative activity under the guidance of an OSU faculty mentor.    The  mentor  summary submission form can be found at this  link.    Below are the steps involved for the URSA Engage Program. More detailed information about eligibility and deadlines can be found on our website.   Faculty submit the mentor summary form by Sunday, October 15, 2023, at 11:59pm. The opportunities submitted by faculty will be posted on our website for students to view on October 16th.Students will read through mentor summaries and fill out a form that will be emailed to faculty mentors they are interested in working with.  Faculty and students will then discuss shared interests and whether they want to work together on a project. We encourage faculty to host networking hours to chat with students prior to allowing them to apply.  Faculty will ultimately decide which student(s) they will allow to move forward with an application to the URSA Engage Program. Students who have secured a mentor will then apply to the URSA Engage Program. The Office of URSA will evaluate student applications.   We appreciate your partnership and willingness to mentor students early in their careers at OSU!   

Stephanie & Steve 

Stephanie Ramos, MS 
Associate Director of Undergraduate Research  
Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & the Arts 
she, her, hers  

Steven Wuhs, Ph.D.
Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Oregon State University 541.737.5105

Please share this call for The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group, Allen Discovery Center (ADC) Program Neurobiology in Changing Environments with any eligible and interested faculty. 

There will be one $10M award. 


Teams embracing the call will integrate the interdisciplinary expertise needed to connect neurobiological resilience capabilities with phenomenological observations. We expect competitive proposals will leverage existing field and neurobiological baseline data to reveal fundamental adaptation principles, employ innovative technology, use rigorous experimental methodology and analytical tools, and integrate expertise in fields including but not limited to control theory, engineering, and computation. Preference will be given to approaches that chart a course for others and shed light on the adaptive capacity of neural systems writ large. 

LOI Submission 

LOIs are due by 12 noon Pacific Time on September 20, 2023, and should be submitted through the submission portal accessible on our website. Submitters will be asked to provide contact information and upload their LOI. 

Application Key Dates 

Letter of Intent Due September 20, 2023
Notification of Full Application Invite by December 6, 2023*

Full Application Deadline January 24, 2024*

Finalist Interviews May 2024* 

Notification of Award by July 2024* 

Award Start October 2024* 

*Tentative date

We are pleased to invite you to submit a proposal in response to the attached Request for Proposals (RFP) on the topic “Broadening Participation in Science and Engineering Higher Education” to strengthen diversity talent pipelines for Intel’s workforce growth in Oregon, Arizona, and New Mexico.


Proposal Submission Deadline (PIs): October 18th, 2023 

Response Date to Proposal (Intel): November 16th, 2023

This RFP opportunity is open by invitation only to Intel’s regional universities and colleges.   More information about this program, including example topics of interests and guidelines for submission, can be found in the attached RFP document.  Proposals are encouraged to collaborate with other institutions in the region including universities, community colleges, technical colleges, trade schools and the K-12 system.  Invitees may freely select additional academic collaborators. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us via email.


University Research and Collaboration

Intel Corporation | Intel Labs


Good Morning!

Could you please share the following message with your department? Especially those interested in nanomaterial and single-nanoparticle studies. It contains information on opportunities for your undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs to be involved at the Spring 2024 & 2025 ACS National Conventions in New Orleans, LA and San Diego, CA, respectively. Thank you, we appreciate it! 

TLDR: Various opportunities for undergrads, graduate students, and postdocs at the Spring 2024 ACS National Convention held in New Orleans, LA in March 2024. 

Hello! My name is Zac O’Dell and I’m currently a 4th year graduate student at Temple University. I am also the chair of the Spring 2024 GSSPC, a team of graduate students from Temple, Indiana University, and Texas A&M who have been selected to organize a symposium at the Spring 2024 American Chemical Society national convention in New Orleans titled ‘Nanoparticle Heterogeneity: Realizing Strengths by Embracing the Differences’. I’m reaching out today to let you know about some opportunities for your department’s undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs to not only attend our symposium, but also present their research, and host the next graduate student symposium at the Spring 2025 ACS national convention in San Diego! 

·         Undergraduate Travel Grant 

o    Apply for a travel grant to attend our symposium and network with leading PIs, postdocs, and graduate students in the field of single-nanoparticle studies! 

·         Speaker Application 

o    Graduate students and postdocs in the field of single metal nanoparticle studies are encouraged to apply to give a 15-minute oral presentation of their work among leaders in the field! 

·         Host the next GSSPC at the Spring 2025 ACS National Convention 

o    Graduate students are invited to put together a team, a symposium theme, and a list of plausible speakers in order to apply to host the next graduate student symposium! 

I have also included more general information about our symposium in the attachments that I hope you will share with your department, especially those interested in nanomaterials and single-entity chemistry. Please visit our website ( or follow us on Twitter ( for more information and updates about the symposium, and feel free to email with any questions! 

Thank you! 

Please share this opportunity with early career biomedical researchers.  Only one researcher from Oregon State can apply and internal applications are due in Infoready on July 7.

SponsorTitle and DescriptionAmountDeadlineNotes
Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. FoundationBiomedical Science Grants
The Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation supports early-stage biomedical investigators engaged in basic and translational research that has the potential to make fundamental advances in biomedical science.

The funds are designed to provide to tenure track faculty members in their first to fourth year, at American Institutions, who hold M.D. and/or Ph.D. degrees, start-up support to move the project forward to the point where R01 or other independent funding can be obtained. Applicants with current R01 funding should not apply.

Beginning in 2023, the grant provides $75,000 annually for a period of up to three years. Grants are not renewable. Institutions may submit one proposal per session. The Foundation will not fund overhead.

LIMITED SUBMISSION.  Please follow the directions here to complete an Oregon State University Notice of Intent if interested in applying.
$225,0008/1/2023LIMITED SUBMISSION