NEW! Undergraduate Research Funding Opportunity: The Research Office is accepting applications for the Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC) program for Fall, Winter and/or Spring term(s) 2013-14. This program supports undergraduate research activities from all academic disciplines within the University. Program description and application: Information: Debbie Delmore at Submission Deadline: May 13.
ISPAC 2013
We are pleased to announce that registration and abstract submission for the 24th meeting of the International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 2013), to be held in beautiful Corvallis, Oregon USA September 8-12, 2013, is now open:
Sessions topics include:
- Analytical Measurements
- Toxicology and Metabolism
- Environmental Fate and Transport
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- PACs in Food and the Environment
- PAC Emissions and Cook Stove Interventions
- Risk Assessment and Remediation
- Environmental Forensic Investigations
- Human Exposure
- Health Effects of PACs
- PACs in Tobacco Research
- PACs in Consumer Products and their Environmental Effects
- PACs at Contaminated Sites
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 3, 2013
Early Bird Registration Deadline: June 30, 2013
Hotel Group Rate Deadline: August 8, 2013
We look forward to seeing you in Corvallis this September!
Staci Simonich Andreas Sjodin
ISPAC 2013 co-chair ISPAC 2013 co-chair
Faculty/Staff Funding Opportunity
The Division of International Programs is pleased to announce the launch of the Faculty Internationalization Grants, a re-designed and expanded version of the IP Faculty Grants.
This initiative is part of our ongoing efforts to support OSU’s internationalization agenda, which includes recruitment and retention of diverse international students, developing and supporting education abroad opportunities for OSU’s domestic students, promoting global learning through curricular and co-curricular means, and fostering strategic international partnerships to promote faculty research and outreach activities.
Faculty Internationalization Grants are designed to encourage and support OSU faculty who are working to further OSU’s internationalization efforts as well their own professional involvement in activities that enhance our teaching, research and engagement with topics and colleagues beyond the U.S.
Grants of up to $2,500 are available to OSU faculty to help promote international research, partnership, and collaboration. The applicant’s unit is expected to share the cost of this investment to promote internationalization across the University. Awards will be made on an on-going basis and there is no deadline.
Please see the links below to learn more about Faculty Internationalization Grants and to submit an online application.
Description and Award Criteria
If you have questions about this program, please contact Charlotte Moats-Gallagher [541.737.6406,].
Call for Award Nominations
Start early to get your nomination packets in by the deadline!
Do you know a professional faculty or classified employee who goes above and beyond the call of duty? If you would like to recognize someone in your unit or elsewhere on campus who exemplifies great service to OSU, please review the website below and/or attached Word file for information on how to nominate an exemplary employee for 2013. Nomination packets must be submitted to the Office of Human Resources by Friday, May 31, 2013.
For clarification or questions regarding these materials, please contact Jeri Hemmer, Associate Director for Employee and Labor Relations, at 541-737-0547; or by e-mail:
Spring 2013 Newsletter
Funding Opportunity
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences 2013 Funding Opportunity
Dreyfus Foundation Initial Inquiry Deadline: June 5, 2013
Dreyfus Foundation Proposal Deadline: August 21, 2013
Please forward this funding opportunity request to faculty that may be interested.
The Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences encourages proposals that are judged likely to significantly advance the chemical sciences. Examples of areas of interest include (but are not limited to): the increase in public awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the chemical sciences; innovative approaches to chemistry education at all levels (K-12, undergraduate, and graduate): and efforts to make chemistry careers more attractive.
Complete details and application information are available on the Dreyfus Foundation website at:
If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Delmore, Research Office at
Funding Opportunity
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry 2013 Funding Opportunity
Please forward this funding opportunity request for applications to faculty that may be interested.
Dreyfus Foundation Deadline: August 14, 2013
Funding: $120,000 over two years
Applications should describe innovative fundamental research in the chemical sciences or engineering related to the environment. Examples include but are not limited to the chemistry associated with: the climate, the atmosphere, aquatic or marine settings, toxicology, soil or groundwater. Also of interest are chemistry-related energy research (renewable sources, sequestration, etc.), and new or green approaches to chemical synthesis and processing, with a clearly stated relation to the environment.
Applications are accepted from principal investigators that have well-established research efforts in environmental science or engineering.
Complete program details:
If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Delmore, Research Office at
repost from January 10, 2012
Undergraduate Research Launches Student To New Heights
When Sam Bartlett ran into his advanced organic chemistry professor, Chris Beaudry, at the near-campus coffee shop Interzone in spring 2010, he had more than a caffeine quest on his mind.
Bartlett, a chemistry major at Oregon State University, approached Beaudry and asked if there were any undergraduate positions available in Beaudry’s research group. Read More…
Mike Lerner to present at Sloan Symposium
- Professor Mike Lerner is presenting a session this month at the Sloan Consortium 6th Annual International Symposium; the title of his presentation is “Collaborative Web-Based Laboratories for Online Science Courses”.
Weekit Sirisaksoontorn Awarded 13-14 Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship Award
April 1, 2013
Memo To: Rich Carter, Department Head
Department of Chemistry
From: Fran Saveriano
Director of Graduate Student Financial Support and Recruitment
Subject: 2013-14 Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship
I am pleased to inform you that your nominee, Weekit Sirisaksoontorn, has been awarded a $3,250 Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship award for the 2013-14 academic year. Weekit’s award letter is attached – please deliver it as soon as possible.
Congratulations on Weekit’s selection in this prestigious university-wide fellowship competition. Selection for this award is certainly an honor for which Weekit may be justifiably proud.
Thank you for participating in this process and advancing your nominee for consideration in this year’s Oregon Lottery Graduate Scholarship competition.
Please let me know if you have questions.