The University Honors College is now accepting applications to the DeLoach Work Scholarship program for summer and fall terms, 2014. Tenured and tenure-track Oregon State faculty members, as well as senior instructors, can submit proposals for funding in support of Honors College undergraduates working at tasks that advance faculty research and enhance student experiential learning. Other faculty who like to apply should contact the UHC. Proposed work must relate to the area of the nominated student’s academic training and provide a significant learning outcome. The deadline to apply is Friday, May 9. Information regarding awards and the application process is available at
Winter 2014 Lab TA Awards
Congratulations to:
Scott Lafontaine – CH 261
Longteng Tang – CH 261
Ashley Moon – CH 362
Fereshteh Zandkarimi – CH 122
on winning the 2014 Lab TA Awards for Winter Term!
2014 Graduate Research Symposium
Celebrate Earth Day with OSU-ChUME
“OSU-ChUME graduate student mentors invite you to celebrate Earth Day with us in Gilbert 324, 6pm, on April 24, 2014. Come and hear about all the sustainability initiatives occurring within the Chemistry department, and learn how to synthesize biodiesel in your own kitchen! Of course, refreshments will be provided.
OSU-CHUME graduate student mentors are dedicated to building strong, long-lasting, mentoring opportunities for undergraduate students in chemistry-related fields, and empowering them with the tools for successful careers in chemistry and other chemical fields.”
Award Announcement: RERF Spring 2014
The Research Office received 16 proposals for the Research Equipment Reserve Fund (RERF) Spring 2014 solicitation with requests totaling $684,237. After review and evaluation the Research Council provided the Research Office with a prioritized list of proposals recommended for funding. The Vice President for Research has approved 7 proposals for funding with combined budgets of $266,826.
The following proposals have been selected for funding:
- Blunck, David (School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, College of Engineering): “FLIR SC6700 Camera with Required Software and Lens”
- Fang, Chong (Dept. of Chemistry, College of Science): “Advanced Spectroscopic Imaging System for Ultrafast Characterization of Materials”
- Indra, Arup (Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy): “Tali™ Image-Based Cytometer”
- Kosro, P. Michael (College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences): “Repairs to HF Surface Current Mapping System”
- Leid, Mark (Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy): “Synergy™ HT Multi-Detection Platereader”
- Li, Kaichang (Dept. of Wood Science and Engineering, College of Forestry): “Replacement of Fourier Transfer Infrared (FTIR) Spectrometer”
- Taratula, Oleh (Dept. of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy): “BD Accuri C6 Flow Cytometer System”
CSMC Webinar “Postgraduate Career Strategies: Start-up”
CSMC Webinar “Postgraduate Career Strategies: Start-up” | ||||||||||||||||||||||
CH 584: Using Instruments and Online Interactions for Instructional Laboratory Experiments in the Sciences
CH 584 (3 credits)
Using Instruments and Online Interactions for Instructional Laboratory Experiments in the Sciences
Summer Session 2, June 23-July 18th, 2014
Dr. Michael M. Lerner and
Dr. Richard L. Nafshun
Department of Chemistry, College of Science, OSU
Dr. Matt Nyman
Science/Math Education Program, College of Education, OSU
Who should take this course?
- Graduate students in STEM fields
- Current elementary/middle school/high school teachers wanting to add to their technical skills concerning labs and/or needing continuing education credits
- Current community college and university level instructors
- Free choice learning instructors
Students will learn about the availability and implementation of lab packs, virtual instruments and “kitchen science” online activities for use in their instructional setting. Through hands-on exposure to the various methods of lab delivery, students will evaluate efficacy for their own teaching and learning practice. Working collaboratively with others, students will design lessons and units of instruction appropriate to their grade level of interest. These lessons will integrate learning with virtual instruments and online interactions to help learners grasp, visualize, and explain important science and math concepts and practices.
Student activities will be linked to state and national standards appropriate for their educational setting (e.g., for K-12 teachers Math Common Core, Next Generation Science Standards and the National Educational Technology Standards).
For further information, please contact one of the instructors or:
Kim Thackray
OSU Chemistry online coordinator
Materials Science Seminar
Marie Krysak, Intel Corporation – Monday, April 21, 2014, 3:00pm, 212 Kearney
Investigation of metal-oxide based nanoparticle resists for EUV lithography
The semiconductor industry has been driven by Moore’s law, which states that the number of transistors on integrated circuits will double approximately every two years. A key factor in the continued scaling of transistors is the use of lithography to pattern various device features. The industry has consistently developed new lithographic exposure tools, using shorter wavelengths to achieve higher resolution patterns. One promising candidate for next-generation lithography and the extension of Moore’s Law is extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUVL). Resist materials innovation is required to enable the use of EUVL in production. This talk will focus on our efforts to assess metal oxide-based nanoparticles as novel EUV resists, and their potential advantages over organic-based chemically amplified resists. Spectroscopic techniques such as Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) and Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) were used to probe the patterning mechanism of these materials. Resist formulations have been evaluated using EUV exposures. These results and the mechanistic insights they provide will be discussed.
Speaker Bio:
Dr. Krysak is currently a process engineer in the Components Research department at Intel Corporation. She is in the novel materials group, focusing on research areas essential to pushing the limits of innovation for the semiconductor industry. She received her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in 2007 from Rochester institute of Technology, and her masters and PhD in Chemistry in 2012 from Cornell University.
Funding Opportunities
Undergraduate Research, Innovation, Scholarship and Creativity (URISC)
Applications are being accepted for Fall, Winter and/or Spring Term(s) 2014-15
Application Deadline to the Research Office: Monday, May 5, 2014
Program description and application:
The Research Office URISC program supports undergraduate research activities from all academic disciplines within Oregon State University. “Research” at OSU is interpreted broadly to reflect what goes on not only in laboratories and field stations, but also in libraries, art studios, and music practice rooms. The URISC program is intended to enable OSU undergraduate students to develop a scholarly relationship with faculty early in their academic careers.
A Special Science Call for Proposals is now open for high-impact research that advances BER scientific missions by taking advantage of recently established or developing technical resources at EMSL.
This call focuses on research in selected topics that would be enabled by the following unique scientific resources in EMSL:
- Radiochemistry Annex
- Quiet Wing Microscopy and NanoSIMS Capabilities
- High Resolution and Mass Accuracy Mass Spectrometry Capability
Proposals may be submitted at any time before September 15, 2014, and external review and award decisions will be made upon receipt of the proposals to expedite access. A limited pool of staff and instrument time has been set aside for this Call, and researchers are encouraged to submit early to be considered.
Applications must be submitted electronically through EMSL’s User Portal, and adhere to the 2014 Proposal Guidance. Preference will be given to BER-sponsored research proposals and those proposals that are ready for an immediate start to accelerate scientific advancement and impact. Proposals that demonstrate the value of integrating these capabilities with other EMSL capabilities are especially encouraged.
Questions regarding EMSL’s user program or specifics about this new Call opportunity may be directed to the User Support Office (509-371-6003,
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Grand Challenges Explorations, Round 13
Gates Foundation Deadline: May 6, 2014
Funding: $100,000 for Phase I Grants
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is currently accepting applications for the Grand Challenges Explorations Round 13, Phase I program.
Explorations Round 13 Topics:
- New Ways of Working Together: Integrating Community-Based Interventions
- Explore New Ways to Measure Fetal and Infant Brain Development
- Inciting Healthy Behaviors: nudge, disrupt, leapfrog, reach
- Novel Enabling Tools and Models Supporting Development of Interventions for Enteric Dysfunction
- Innovations in Feedback & Accountability Systems for Agricultural Development
For related questions, contact Aaron Shonk, Director, Foundation Services at OSU Foundation at 541-737-6961 or
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences 2014 Funding Opportunity
Dreyfus Foundation Initial Inquiry Deadline: June 5, 2014
Dreyfus Foundation Proposal Deadline: August 18, 2014
The Special Grant Program encourages proposals that are judged likely to significantly advance the chemical sciences. Examples of areas of interest include (but are not limited to): the increase in public awareness, understanding and appreciation of the chemical sciences; innovative approaches to chemistry education at all levels (K-12, undergraduate, and graduate); and efforts to make chemistry careers more attractive.
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Phillips, Director, Office for Research Development at
-National Science Foundation (NSF)- Innovation Corps Sites Program (I-Corps Sites)
NSF 14-547
Research Office, Office for Research Development Letter of Intent submission deadline: Monday, May 5, 2014
Synopsis of Program:
The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to develop and nurture a national innovation ecosystem that builds upon research to guide the output of scientific discoveries closer to the development of technologies, products and processes that benefit society.
In order to contribute to a national innovation ecosystem, NSF established the NSF Innovation Corps Sites Program (NSF I-Corps Sites). Sites are funded at academic institutions, having already existing innovation or entrepreneurial units, to enable them to:
- Nurture students and/or faculty who are engaged in projects having the potential to be transitioned into the marketplace. I-Corps Sites will provide infrastructure, advice, resources, networking opportunities, training and modest funding to enable groups to transition their work into the marketplace or into becoming I-Corps Team applicants (see NSF Innovation Corps Program, NSF 12-602).
- Develop formal, active, local innovation ecosystems that contribute to a larger, national network of mentors, researchers, entrepreneurs and investors.
The purpose of an I-Corps Site is to nurture and support multiple, local teams to transition their ideas, devices, processes or other intellectual activities into the marketplace.
Anticipated Funding Amount: $1,500,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 15 I-Corps Sites awards annually, pending availability of funds
Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: 1
Limit on Number of Proposals per PI or Co-PI: 1
Guidance for preparation of letter of intent to the Research Office, Office for Research Development::
Submit electronically as a MSWord or PDF document to:
For further information, please contact Mary Phillips, Director of the Office for Research Development at
-National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program
NSF 14-548
Research Office, Office for Research Development Letter of Intent submission deadline: Monday, April 21, 2014
Synopsis of Program:
The NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) program is designed to encourage the development of bold, new, potentially transformative, and scalable models for STEM graduate training that ensure that graduate students develop the skills, knowledge, and competencies needed to pursue a range of STEM careers. The NRT program initially has one priority research theme – Data-Enabled Science and Engineering (DESE); in addition, proposals are encouraged on any other crosscutting, interdisciplinary theme. In either case, proposals should identify the alignment of project research themes with national research priorities and the need for innovative approaches to train graduate students in those areas. The National Science Foundation (NSF) seeks to develop and nurture a national innovation ecosystem that builds upon research to guide the output of scientific discoveries closer to the development of technologies, products and processes that benefit society.
Anticipated Funding Amount: $24,000,000 to $30,000,000
Estimated Number of Awards: 8-10
Limit on Number of Proposals per Organization: 2
Guidance for preparation of letter of intent to the Research Office, Office for Research Development::
Submit electronically as a MSWord or PDF document to:
For further information, please contact Mary Phillips, Director of the Office for Research Development at
The Research Office, Office for Research Development is requesting letters of intent for the NSF – Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM) program
Deadline to submit letters of intent to the Research Office: Monday, April 21, 2014
Synopsis of Program:
NSF announces a fourth year of a program on collaborative research and education in the area of scalable nanomanufacturing, including the long-term societal implications of the large-scale implementation of nanomanufacturing innovations. This program is in response to and is a component of the National Nanotechnology Initiative Signature Initiative: Sustainable Nanomanufacturing – Creating the Industries of the Future ( Although many nanofabrication techniques have demonstrated the ability to fabricate small quantities of nanomaterials, nanostructures and nanodevices for characterization and evaluation purposes, the emphasis of the scalable nanomanufacturing program is on research to overcome the key scientific and technological barriers that prevent the production of useful nanomaterials, nanostructures, devices and systems at an industrially relevant scale, reliably, and at low cost and within environmental, health and safety guidelines. Competitive proposals will incorporate three elements in their research plans:
- A persuasive case that the nanomaterials, nanostructures, devices or systems to be produced have or are likely to have sufficient demand to justify eventual scale-up;
- A clearly identified set of research issues for science and engineering solutions that must be addressed to enable the production of high quality nano-enabled products at low cost; and
- A compelling research plan with clear research objectives and approaches to overcome the identified research issues.
Proposals submitted to this program should consider addressing aspects of the nanomanufacturing value chain:
- Novel scalable processes and techniques for large-area or continuous manufacturing of nano-scale structures and their assembly/integration into higher order systems;
- Fundamental scientific research in well-defined technical areas that are compellingly justified as approaches to overcome critical barriers to scale-up and integration; and
- Design principles for production systems leading to nanomanufacturing platforms; identification of metrology, instrumentation, standards and control methodologies needed for process control and to assess quality and yield.
Competitive proposals are expected to address the training and education of students in nanomanufacturing. While not required, the involvement of an industrial partner or partners is strongly encouraged and has the potential to significantly strengthen a proposal.
Guidance for preparation of letters of intent to the Research Office:
NSF – SNM program information:
Information: Mary Phillips, Director, Office for Research Development at
Submit letters of intent electronically to Debbie Delmore at
The Research Office, Office for Research Development is requesting letter of intent for the NSF – Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM) program.
Deadline to submit letters of intent to the Research Office: Monday, April 21, 2014
Synopsis of Program:
In this solicitation, significant changes have been made to the long-standing Ethics Education in Science and Engineering (EESE) program. To better reflect the program’s new focus, we have decided to change its title to Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM). Whereas EESE was centered on graduate education, this new solicitation is directed towards research that addresses the formation of ethical STEM students, faculty, and researchers at all levels, through a variety of means beyond conventional classroom instruction.
Cultivating Cultures for Ethical STEM (CCE STEM) funds research projects that identify factors that are effacacious in the formation of ethical STEM researchers in all the fields of science and engineering that NSF supports. CCE STEM solicits proposals for research that explores the following: ‘What constitutes ethical STEM research and practice? Which cultural and institutional contexts promote ethical STEM research and practice and why?’ Factors one might consider include: honor codes, professional ethics codes and licensing requirements, an ethic of service and/or service learning, life-long learning requirements, curricula or memberships in organizations (e.g. Engineers without Borders) that stress social responsibility and humanitarian goals, institutions that serve under-represented groups, institutions where academic and research integrity are cultivated at multiple levels, institutions that cultivate ethics across the curriculum, or programs that promote group work, or do not grade. Do certain labs have a ‘culture of academic integrity’? What practices contribute to the establishment and maintenance of ethical cultures and how can these practices be transferred, extended to, and integrated into other research and learning settings?
Successful proposals will include a comparative dimension, either between or within institutional settings that differ along these or other factors.
CCE STEM research projects will use basic research to produce knowledge about what constitutes responsible or irresponsible, just or unjust scientific practices and sociotechnical systems, and how to best instill students with this knowledge.
Guidance for preparation of letters of intent to the Research Office:
NSF – CCE STEM program information:
Information: Mary Phillips, Director, Office for Research Development at
Submit letters of intent electronically to Debbie Delmore at
The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.
Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry
Please forward this funding opportunity to faculty that may be interested.
Dreyfus foundation Deadline: August 11, 2014
Funding: $120,000 over two years
Applications should describe innovative fundamental research in the chemical sciences or engineering related to the environment. Examples include but are not limited to the chemistry associated with: the climate, the atmosphere, aquatic or marine settings, toxicology, soil or groundwater. Also of interest are chemistry-related energy research (renewable sources, sequestration, etc.), and new or green approaches to chemical synthesis and processing both with a clearly stated relation to the environment.
Applications are accepted from principal investigators who have well-established research efforts in environmental science or engineering.
Complete program details:
If you have any questions, please contact Mary Phillips, Director, Office for Research Development at
Powered By Orange Looking for Graduates
The Powered By Orange office is looking for members of the Class of 2014 to profile in conjunction with commencement. Interested?? Contact Callie Newton.
Callie Newton
Interactive Communications
Oregon State University
cell: 541.990.7573 | office: 541.737.8323
Here’s some examples from last year: