Please see the call below for submission of proposals for an internal to OSU competition for selection to the Murdock Charitable Trust’s equipment grant program. The selected proposals will be invited by DRI to submit an LOI to the Murdock Foundation. Proposals have to be submitted to the DRI on InfoReady. See attached instructions.
Consultation with me and approval via a signed letter from me is required prior to submission of the proposal on InfoReady. Our College is required to certify that the requested equipment or equipment array has the support of the college dean as the highest equipment priority for the particular research unit concerned.
Can you please forward this message to interested faculty in your unit and ask that they reach out to me ASAP and no later than March 7, 2025?
The deadline for submission of proposals to the InfoReady Platform is Friday, March 14 by 11:59 pm. We also advertise this opportunity in our research newsletter ECOS.
Once all proposals have been submitted to me, Eleanor and I will discuss and select proposals for funding and certification. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Vrushali A. Bokil, Ph.D
Associate Dean for Research & Graduate Studies
Professor of Mathematics
College of Science | Oregon State University | 541 737 8062
128F Kidder Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331