
Registration for the 2018 Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium is now open!

This symposium, hosted by the OSU Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, and the Arts, provides undergraduates with an excellent opportunity to showcase their research or creative activity. OSU undergraduates in all years of study, all academic disciplines, and all stages of research or creative work are eligible to present. Students will be able to choose whether they would like to present a poster and/or a 3-minute lightning talk. We also invite students with artistic/creative projects and distance students to reach out so we can do our best to accommodate other presentation types.

We appreciate your help forwarding this email to students you think may be interested. The deadline for registering is August 21stat 11:59pm and the event will be held on the morning and afternoon of Thursday, September 13th (exact time and location to follow).

Details and the registration link are available at:

Please mark your calendars to join us for this exciting opportunity to celebrate our undergraduates and their hard work!



Sophie Pierszalowski

Undergraduate Research Coordinator

Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & the Arts (URSA)


Greetings, ONAMI Member Researchers.
We would like to inform you of four internships that may be of interest to your students.  All are part of the ONAMI Graduate Internships in Startups program.  The internships are with Energy Storage Systems (ESS Tech, Inc.), Valliscor, LLC., Abom, Inc., and Cascade ProDrug. 
The ONAMI Graduate Internships are open to graduate students who are currently working with ONAMI Member Researchers, or who have completed their MS or PhD within the last year.  The position descriptions for allof theinternships are attached. Please share these opportunities with your students who may be interested and qualified.
Interested students should send their resume and cover letter to:
·        ESS Tech, Inc., to Julia Song, CTO,
·        Abom, Inc. to Don Megrath,
·        Valliscor, LLC to Rich Carter, co-founder and CEO,
·        Cascade ProDrug to Augie Sick,

Pleasecopy Cindy Dahl ( submissions.
About ONAMI Graduate Internships in Startups:
ONAMI Graduate Internships in Startups (GIST) Program:  ONAMI will fund internships for qualified grad students or recent graduates at ONAMI portfolio companies for 6-9 months.  This is a great opportunity for a student to determine if the startup environment is an attractive career option. Experience to date has proven the internships beneficial to both company and student.

When a match is found (this is determined by the student and company), ONAMI will enter into an agreement with the company, and the student will become a company employee or contractor.  ONAMI will fund the internship at the rate of $25/hour, paid to the company.  The company will provide the intern with salary (at least $25/hour), supervision, training, materials and mentorship.   (Any additional compensation or benefits are the option of the company.)  ONAMI will fund the company up front for half of the internship.  Brief (non-confidential) monthly reports from the student, as well as a mid-term review by both company and student will determine if the internship will proceed. At that point, ONAMI will fund the remainder of the internship.

We look forward to hearing from students interested in the internships.

The Amherst College Department of Chemistry
( invites applications for a fulltime
tenure-track appointment in experimental physical chemistry at the rank of assistant
professor beginning in July 2019. Amherst College is coeducational and one of the most diverse
liberal arts colleges in the country. Forty-five percent of our students identify as domestic
students of color, and another 10 percent are international, with non-U.S. citizenship; 17 percent
are the first members of their families to attend college. Amherst is committed to providing
financial aid that meets 100 percent of every student’s demonstrated need, and 58 percent of our
students receive financial aid. Our expectation is that the successful candidate will excel at
teaching and mentoring students who are broadly diverse with regard to race, ethnicity,
socioeconomic status, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, and religion. Located in the
Connecticut River Valley of western Massachusetts, Amherst participates with Hampshire,
Mount Holyoke, and Smith Colleges and with the University of Massachusetts in the Five
College Consortium.
The position requires a Ph.D. in chemistry and calls for teaching general chemistry and advanced
physical chemistry at the undergraduate level. Opportunities for teaching electives and
. interdisciplinary courses are also available. The successful candidate will be expected to
establish a vigorous research program in physical chemistry in which undergraduates can
substantively participate. Applicants with expertise in any sub-discipline of experimental
physical chemistry-for example, energy storage, materials chemistry, biophysical chemistry, or
environmental chemistry-are encouraged to apply.
Applicants should submit electronically to a cover Jetter; a
curriculum vitae; a statement of teaching philosophy, including philosophy of teaching a diverse
student body; a detailed description of research plans; and the contact information for three
confidential references. Review of applications will begin September 14, 2018, and will
continue until the position is filled. Questions may be directed to Professor Anthony Bishop,
chair of the Department of Chemistry, at
Amherst College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages persons of all genders,
persons of color, and persons with disabilities to apply. The college is committed to enriching its
educational experience and its culture through the diversity of its faculty, administration, and

Congratulations to all our Spring 2018 Honor Roll students!

Al Rahbi, Rahma Hamed Abdallah
Aldous, Tanner John Edward
Alghumiz, Nasser Turki N
Austin, Molly Clair
Ayres, Coby Lucas
Bailey, Conner Forest
Bemis, David James
Bloom, Madeline Belle
Brown, Jessica Camille
Browne, Makenna Renee
Cayton, Devin C
Chen, Kathryn P
Cleary, Lauren Jessica
Conroy, Jocelyn Jayne
Cyganiak, Nora Grace
Downey, Quinn L
Eckhardt, Emily Lynn
Fantoni, Costanza
Frank, Andrew Robert
Fuller, Duncan David
Garcia, Jeffrey
Haggerty, Caoilinn Melvina Marie
Hargrave, Haily Kaylan
Herb, Jackson Eli
Huggins, Nicholas Byler
Hummingbird, Eshe Jael
Hunter, Kye Evan
Kinch, Samuel Joseph
Koga, Kenneth Yuto
La Jeunesse, Jesse Lee
Marshall, Stephanie Jean
Nagasaka, Cocoro Andrew
Nguyen, Dominic T
North, Jacob L
Ocel, Duncan Reed
Oldfield, Mathew Aaron
Pearson, Ashley Nicole
Qi, Yitong
Ray, Mariya Jo
Rear, Henry Richard
Reeder, Eryn E
Renken, Scott James
Reynolds, Tyelor Scot
Richards, Maxson Elliot
Scheleen, Erik
Seevers, Travis Kermit
Shupe, Hannah Joy
Silvestre Pattarasirin, Juan Atis
Smith, Hannah R
Srey, Jason
Svadlenak, Scott Ryan
Thompson-Hernandez, Ian Ogun
Tsutsui, Mikayla Kuhilani
Unitan, Lindsay Janelle
Vergis, John M
Walls, William G
Weeks, Emma Drake
Westlake, Rebecca Lynn
Wolff, Samuel Kenneth
Yang, Jasmin Shaolee
Yi, Heidi Sue
Young, Dylan C
Dr. John Schlueter, NSF Program Director for “Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future” program (DMREF, will be visiting OSU on July 11.
Mas Subramanian is hosting a seminar from 1-2 PM in Gilbert 324 where Dr. Schleuter will describe the program and hold a Q&A. See for more details.

The Office of the Registrar is recruiting for their next FERPA Learning Community. This learning community will have folks complete different FERPA activities that are meant to expand one’s knowledge of FERPA and provide some tangible collateral to use with one’s department. The LC will meet from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on July 10, July 24, July 31, Aug. 21, Sept. 4 and Sept. 18. If you are interested, please fill out this survey by July 1. Questions? Contact

Sept.16-23, 2018, is Welcome Week, a time to celebrate and welcome our new and returning students to campus. An outline of events can be found at A more complete schedule will be available in late August/early September. If you are interested in offering an event during Welcome Week you can submit events online at:

The Water Main, feeding Gilbert Hall, is leaking.  Facilities needs to get in to replace the feed pipe.  The repair means ALL water will be shut off in Gilbert Hall this Tuesday morning, June 19th.  The shut-down will affect everything: Bathrooms, Sinks, Labs, Hot Water, and even the fire suppression sprinkler system, etc.

Facilities estimate the repair will take 2 to 4 hours. First thing Tuesday, they are going to start draining the building water systems.  They will then replace the defective pipe, test for leaks, and re-fill the building water lines.

For planning purposes, I’m thinking we will not have water back until noon. I would also caution that when you use water Tuesday afternoon, to slowly open the valves in case there is ‘burping’ or sputtering of any trapped air.

Everyone may want to bring in some drinking water and find alternate locations for bathroom facilities:  Gilbert Addition (yes, they will still have water), Rogers Hall, Weniger Hall, Monroe Businesses(?), etc.

Please pre-plan for this repair evolution.

Thank you,



Rusty Root

Coordinator-Building Services

Linus Pauling
Date Time Site Device Count Notes
6/18/2018 9am-5:30pm Linus Pauling 136 Access to Elevator Shaft Required
6/19/2018 7:30am-6pm Linus Pauling Finish  
Date Time Site Device Count Notes
6/20/2018 7:30am-6pm AG Life Sciences 102 Access to Elevator Shaft Required
Gilbert Hall & Gilbert Addition
Date Time Site Device Count Notes
7/5/2018 11am-9pm Gilbert Hall 30  
    Gilbert Hall Addition 15  
Radiation Center
Date Time Site Device Count Notes
7/31/2018 11am-9pm Radiation Center 154