Please notify others in your department who use any type of compressed gas that there will be compressed gas safety training on Tuesday, May 22.  There will be two sessions; the first will focus on compressed gas usage in shops and art, the second will cover more research and cryogenic uses.  A demonstration will conclude each session, in which liquid nitrogen will be used to convert common ingredients into a special treat for all.

Please post the attached flyer, and encourage people to attend this important training.  Pre-registration is highly recommended – email (include name, OSU ID, and department) to sign up.  Space is limited.


Compressed Gas Training Flyer

On behalf of the Provost and the OSU Faculty Senate I am pleased to announce the approval of the following certificate:

Food in Culture and Social Justice Undergraduate Certificate

Beginning this summer the School of Language, Culture and Society will offer an interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate. Students who complete this certificate will not only have a clear idea of the cultural bases of food and food production, but will obtain some experience working towards community food security. The core will consist of courses in Anthropology, History and Ethnic Studies and a team-taught course on Food Systems.  Electives are divided evenly between coursework in other humanities and social science disciplines and coursework in Agriculture, Nutrition, Food Science and Public Health. All programs include at least 1 credit of experiential/service learning which will be spent volunteering with food-related organizations.

For questions regarding this program, please contact Joan Gross at

This certificate was approved by the OUS Provost’s Council on May 3, 2012 and will be available beginning Summer term, 2012.

May 8, 2012

To the OSU Community:

Most voters received their ballot in the mail for the May 15th Presidential Primary Election on Saturday, April 28th.  The last day a ballot will be mailed to a voter for the current election is Thursday, May 10th.

If you have not received a ballot, contact your County Elections Office to check on your voting status.

  • · Benton County Elections Office: 541-766-6756 or

  • · For a complete list of Oregon County Elections Offices:

Please take time to familiarize yourself with the issues that are on the May ballot.

For complete online access to the voters’ pamphlet:

In order to be counted, your ballot must be received by a County Elections Office or deposited in an official ballot drop site no later than 8:00 PM on Election Day: Tuesday, May 15th.

Note: Postmarks do not count. The ballot must be deposited or received by May 15th.  If you are mailing your ballot, in order to ensure that it is received in time, mail it no later than Thursday, May 10th.

There is an official ballot drop site on the OSU Campus:

OSU Valley Library
Mon. – Thur. 7:30 AM to midnight
Fri. 7:30 AM to 10:00 PM
Sat. 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM
Sun. 10:00 AM to midnight

In Benton County there are four 24-HOUR OFFICIAL BALLOT DROP BOXES:

Benton County Courthouse

Courthouse lawn on 4th Street

Handicapped entrance on 5th Street

120 NW 4th St. – Corvallis

Wells Fargo Bank

Next to Pizza Hut in the Timberhill Shopping Center

2543 NW Kings Blvd. – Corvallis

Lincoln Health Center

Drop box in parking lot

121 SE Viewmont Ave. – Corvallis

Ray’s Food Place

North Albany Shopping Center

621 Hickory Ave. NW – North Albany

Other official drop sites include:

Corvallis Public Library
645 NW Monroe Ave. – Corvallis
Mon. – Thur. 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM
Fri. – Sat. 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

LBCC – Benton Center
757 NW Polk Ave – Corvallis
Mon. – Thur. 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM

Fri. 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

PLEASE NOTE: On Election Day all official ballot drop sites will be open until 8:00 PM

For more information about other official ballot drop sites in Benton County: 541-766-6756 or

For information about official ballot drop sites in other counties:

If your ballot is from another county, you may drop it off at ANY official County ballot box, as long as you do so no later than 8:00 PM Tuesday, May 15th. The county receiving the ballot will route it to your home county for counting.

For voting and election information from the Secretary of State’s website:

I hope you will take time to participate in the May 15th Presidential Primary Election.



Edward J. Ray


To:             Oregon State University Community

From:           Sabah Randhawa, Provost and Executive Vice President

Subject:        2012 Spring Recognition Events

OSU takes pride in its many outstanding programs, the interdisciplinary collaboration of our faculty, and the university’s historic strengths in forestry, agriculture and engineering now being joined by emerging programs such as nanotechnology, computational genomics and healthy aging. We take pride in the enormous impact that all of these programs make to help the people of Oregon, the nation and the world – now estimated to be more than $2 billion a year.

Please join me in celebrating the excellence created by our faculty and students by attending the Spring Recognition Events listed below.

Tuesday, May 8, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., we’ll honor the OSU authors and editors who published books in 2011, with readings and discussions. This event will take place in the second floor rotunda of The Valley Library. OSU faculty members publish, on average, 30 books every year, a tremendous creative accomplishment.  You can see a full display of their work in the library lobby during the entire month of May.

Wednesday, May 9, we will recognize our 2012 Distinguished Professors – the highest academic honor that OSU can bestow. The 2012 Distinguished Professors are Dr. Andrew Blaustein, professor of Zoology and Director of the Environmental Sciences Graduate Program; and Stephen Giovannoni, a professor and Pernot Endowed Chair of Microbiology. Each will present a lecture to the campus community in the Willamette Room of the CH2M HILL Alumni Center, Dr. Giovannoni at 10:30 a.m., and Dr. Blaustein at 2:00 p.m.

Monday, May 21, celebrate our outstanding students from across campus at the All University Student Recognition and Awards Event taking place in the Memorial Union Lounge and Ballroom.  Beginning at 6:30 p.m., gather in the MU Main Lounge for a pre-program reception, followed by a Formal Dessert Reception and Award Ceremony from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. in the MU Ballroom.  A formal invitation with request for online RSVP will be sent out at a later time.

Thursday, May 31, we will be celebrating OSU’s undergraduate researchers, who engage in discovery and creative expression above and beyond their classroom assignments. Undergraduates from all disciplines will present their current and recent projects, showcasing the diversity of topics, approaches and interests at Oregon State.  These are the leading scientists and scholars of the future. Join us in the Memorial Union from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to view their accomplishments.

To learn more about any of these events, visit


All updated opportunities have been posted to the website at

Please forward along to those who may be interested and have them contact me if they have any questions.  I am happy to meet with departments and  / or individual faculty to discuss particular research interest if you find I may be missing a particular niche.

Thank you,



Liz Etherington

Sponsored Research Program Administration

College of Agricultural Sciences

Oregon State University

138 Strand Agriculture Hall

Office: 541-737-3429

Cell: 541-740-0002



NEW! Dreyfus Foundation: The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation is accepting applications for the Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry. Deadline: August 20. Applications should describe innovative fundamental research in the chemical sciences or engineering related to the environment. Guidelines: Information: Debbie Delmore, (541) 737-8390.


Date:            May 3, 2012

To:               OSU Faculty and Staff

From:          Vickie Nunnemaker

Special Assistant to the Faculty Senate President

Subject:       University/Faculty Senate Committee Participation

Committee Interest Form Due No Later Than May 17, 2012

Faculty and staff input on institutional policies and procedures is essential to the overall governance of the University. For this reason, standing committees of faculty and staff are formed annually to address topics and issues of interest. Committee participation is a beneficial staff development opportunity that increases department and unit visibility, and supports the development of our university. In addition, promotion and tenure expectations require faculty to perform appropriate service that contributes to the effectiveness of their departments, colleges and the University, and of their professions. Participation also offers an opportunity to become acquainted with others throughout the OSU community.

On behalf of the university, I invite you to volunteer for committee service by completing the online form at This information will be provided to the various offices involved in making committee selections. Although we cannot guarantee membership on the committee of your choice, we will do everything possible to use your talents. Please complete the form only and do not send additional materials such as vitae, etc.

If you wish to resign from current committee membership, please either contact your committee chair or e-mail and include your name, the name of the committee from which you wish to resign and your date of resignation.

Thank you for your willingness to participate in shared governance.

Vickie Nunnemaker
Special Assistant to the Faculty Senate President
Oregon State University – Faculty Senate Office
107 Gilkey Hall – Corvallis OR 97331-6203
541-737-4344 (ofc); 541-737-4489 (fax)



OSU Corvallis Campus Community,

In light of the losses we have experienced through recent deaths in our community, we want to make sure that you are aware of resources to assist you personally and our community broadly as we support one another.  The individual ways in which we experience loss differ, and we want to remind students, faculty, and staff that no one needs to face their feelings of loss and grief alone. We’d like to take this opportunity to remind you that, in addition to the support you may draw from your own friends and family, we also have many resources available here at Oregon State University.

We thank those who have recognized and responded quickly to the needs of our community, in particular the Student Care Team, Counseling & Psychological Services counselors, Public Safety dispatch and officers, and Oregon State Police.

During difficult times like this, may we continue to listen to, support, and rely on each other. We are grateful to be a part of a caring community.

Mamta Accapadi and      Jackie Alvarez

Dean of Student Life             Director, Counseling & Psychological Services

COUNSELING & PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES :Monday – Friday 8am-5pm · 541.737.2131 · 500 Snell Hall

  • Same day counseling appointments available
  • Emergency consultations: Please call during office hours for more information if you have an immediate need to meet with a counselor
  • CAPS services are covered by student fees
  • Click here for information on how to make your first appointment


PEBB contracts with Cascade Centers, Inc., to offer EAP services to agencies and employees.   Your call is answered by a mental health professional (no recordings) and is anonymous and completely confidential.

  • Find a counselor in your area
  • Locate community resources
  • Schedule an appointment.

STUDENT LIFE ON-CALL TEAM for non-emergency student assistance weekdays 8am – 4:30pm, 541.737.8748 option 1.

CAMPUS EMERGENCIES – Oregon State Police/Public Safety at 541.737.7000 or dial 911

THE STUDENT CARE TEAM meets regularly and is also available for consultation if you would like to speak with someone about ways to best support a student and/or manage a student situation. Contact the Student Care Team through Lisa Hoogesteger in the Office of the Dean of Student Life at 541-737-3343.


May 3, 2012

TO:                 OSU Faculty and Staff

FROM:           Sabah Randhawa

Provost and Executive Vice President

RE:                  Procedures for Clearing Spring Degree Candidates

As you know, graduating seniors enrolled in courses with final examinations are required to take such examinations during the regularly scheduled Final Examination Week of Spring Term.  Since personal diplomas will be awarded to graduates at Commencement on Sunday, June 17, 2012 Oregon State University will again adhere to the following procedures for clearing Spring Term degree candidates.

I am writing to ask all faculty and staff to once again cooperate fully with the procedures used so efficiently in the last nineteen years.  The key features are outlined below.  Please remember that a preliminary grade of “I” will probably prevent the awarding of a diploma at Commencement.

If you have specific questions about procedures, please contact Kent Kuo in the Office of the Registrar.


Procedures for Clearing Spring Degree Candidates for Commencement 2012

1. Monday, May 7, 2012– “Preliminary” web grade rosters will be available to instructors.

2. Monday, May 14, 2012– Preliminary grades are due at Registrar’s Office by noon. Grades will reflect anticipated final grade.

3. Wednesday, May 16, 2012– The Registrar’s Office staff will provide the Graduate Dean’s Office with preliminary grades for each candidate for Masters and Doctor’s degree and begin the customary final Bachelor’s degree checking procedures to include the following:

a. Notify students who are clearly ineligible and those who are in doubt on the basis of:

  • Institutional graduation requirements
  • College/school and departmental graduation requirements (according to advice from Head Advisers)

b. Advise students who may be petitioning for exceptions to institutional, college, or departmental requirements.

4.  Finals Week – Monday, June 11 to Friday June 15, 2012.  Faculty will notify the Registrar’s Office, as soon as possible, after each final examination if a degree candidate will receive a final grade of D, F, N, or I/GRADE.  Unless otherwise notified, final decisions on receipt of diploma will be based on the preliminary grades reported on May 14.

If the final grade significantly differs from the preliminary grade given, please e-email the information to on or before Wednesday, June 13, 2012.

5. Sunday, June 17, 2012 –Commencement

  1. Baccalaureate degree candidates in doubt may participate in Commencement, but will receive a diploma case with a letter (not a diploma) pointing out that final grades will be required to confirm their status.
  2. Degree candidates found to be clearly ineligible for a degree by the preliminary grades may not participate in Commencement, unless they have applied to graduate in either the Summer 2012 or Fall 2012 terms. Any undergraduate degree seeking student who has filed to graduate in either the Summer 2012 or Fall 2012 terms are eligible to participate in the Spring 2012 Commencement ceremonies.






I would like to personally invite your department to the Sustainable Textiles Symposium, May 14, 2012 at the LaSells Stewart Center.

Of special interest to chemistry students and faculty, we have two presenters that will discuss issues in sustainability as it applies to the dyeing and finishing processes in textile production.

Becky Hurd, Senior Materials Researcher in Apparel Innovation, Nike, Inc.
Her current work involves driving Nike towards more sustainable textile production methods by implementing technologies that provide the opportunity to reduce water and energy use in the dyeing of textiles.  This work culminated with a recent announcement that Nike is partnering to scale waterless dyeing technology.  This partnership is the direct result of her eight-year sustainability research project to develop supercritical fluid CO2 dyeing technology for the textile industry. Ms. Hurd is speaking at 9:15am.

Also, Steve Richardson, Director of Materials at Patagonia will discuss the companies goal to receive Bluesign designation for all its dyestuffs and finishes. Bluesign is an independent auditor of raw materials in the textile industry. More extensive information can be found at
Mr. Richardson is speaking at 11 am.

If you feel the symposium’s presentations would benefit your department please pass along the announcement.

Thank you.

Angela Wartes
Student, Department of Design and Human Environment

Announcing the:

Sustainable Textiles Symposium

May 14, 2012
9am – 5:30 pm
LaSells Stewart Center, OSU

The Symposium will feature presentations from several industry leaders in sustainable textile development, recycling, labeling, new manufacturing processes, design and certification. Please visit for schedule and more information. Free admission and open to all.

Presentation Highlights:

Steve Richardson, Director of Materials, Patagonia, Inc., will discuss the Common Threads Initiative, the Footprint Chronicles and Bluesign designation.

Becky Hurd, Senior Materials Researcher in Apparel Innovation, Nike, Inc., will talk about the innovations in waterless dyeing techniques.

Connie Karr, Oregon Tilth, will introduce the Global Organic Textile Standard and the certification process for textiles around the world from the crop to the sewing table. See website for full speakers list.

For questions please contact Angela Wartes, or Brigitte Cluver,

See you at the Symposium!

The Symposium is made possible by a 2012 grant from the Student Sustainability Initiative and with assistance from the Department of Human Environment.