April 24, 2012

10:00 am – 3:00 pm

LaSells Stewart Center

The suture clinic is coming once again to the Health Professions Career Fair.  The clinic will be conducted at 1 pm at the LaSells Stewart Center and hosted by Kaplan and the medical students at Western University – Lebanon branch.  The clinic will be limited to 40 students where 25 can pre-register through a doodle poll http://www.doodle.com/ztnwumb3x774i2uc.  The last 15 spots are saved for walk-ins on the day of the fair and student can register at the Kaplan table.

In addition, we have door prizes this year to include gift certificates to the book store; all you need to do is come to the Fair and talk to some of the school representatives awaiting your inquiries.  Information about attending schools can be found at http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/node/165.  Student information can be found at http://www.science.oregonstate.edu/node/164.

Students with questions can contact me directly.


Ariella C. Wolf

College of Science Advisor

Oregon State University

128 Kidder Hall

Corvallis, OR 97333



Please note my office hours:

Monday to Thursday

8:00 am – 1 pm




Michelle Kutzler, Chair of the Faculty Senate Promotion and Tenure Committee, and I would like to make you aware of a forum that we are holding to give participants an overview of the promotion and tenure (P&T) process and guidelines.  The forum will focus on faculty members who are going up for promotion and/or tenure in the near future.  A second forum will be scheduled this Fall for department heads and chairs, as well as chairs of department and/or college level P&T committees (details will be shared at a later date).  All faculty and staff are welcome to attend either of the sessions if interested.


P&T Open Forum for Faculty

May 10th, 2012

9:30 – 11:00 am

MU 213 – Pan-Afrikan Sankofa


Please RSVP to sara.eklund@oregonstate.edu no later than May 1st if you will attend.

For your reference, the P&T guidelines can be found at http://oregonstate.edu/admin/aa/faculty-handbook-promotion-and-tenure-guidelines.




Rebecca Warner

Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs

628 Kerr Administration

Oregon State University

541.737.0732 phone

541.737.3033 fax


A student assistance fund in memory of Grace Wu, former Assistant Director of Personnel Services, was established in 1983.

As a member of the awards committee for the fund, I am asking for your assistance in identifying students eligible to receive the award.  Academic criteria or financial need will not be a consideration in the selection of a recipient.  Rather, the recipient must have made outstanding contributions to the campus and community, as well as having shown unbiased leadership.

The amount of the award is $500 and the selection criteria are as follows:

  • Recipient must be a full-time student in good academic standing attending Oregon State University.
  • Recipient must have sophomore, junior or senior class standing as of spring term 2008.
  • Recipient must demonstrate unbiased leadership.
  • Recipient must make outstanding contributions to campus and community life.

Please forward the attached nomination form to staff members in your department who may be aware of students eligible to receive the award.   Staff and faculty may not nominate family members.   The deadline for nominations is April 23, 2015.   The nomination forms should be directed to Patti Brady-Glassman, Financial Aid and Scholarship by 5:00 p.m.

The Recipient and their nominator will be invited to the Student Recognition and Awards Banquet being held on May 21, 2012.

Thank you for your assistance.

Patti Brady-Glassman


CORVALLIS — An Oregon State University scientist who has monitored air in China and measured pollution from California to the Arctic will address air quality in the West at the Monday, April 9, Corvallis Science Pub.

The program begins at 6 p.m. at the Old World Deli, 341 Second St. in Corvallis. It is free and open to the public.

Staci Simonich, an environmental chemist and professor in the OSU College of Agricultural Sciences, has been tracking sources of contamination in high-elevation parks, including Sequoia in the Sierras, Washington’s Olympic and Denali in Alaska.

She will discuss her research on regional and international sources of pollution in the western United States. Using facilities in Oregon and other western states to track air movement, she and her colleagues have correlated the results of air and soil sampling in parks with events such as forest fires and pesticide use. She will discuss the factors that influence pollutant transport to and distribution in soils, plants and animals.
Read more: http://democratherald.com/news/local/science-pub-set-on-air-pollution-in-the-west/article_d2637f22-7e94-11e1-ada2-001a4bcf887a.html?mode=story#ixzz1rH2dMAcy


My department at Seattle University is currently searching for two full-time, one-year, non-tenure track lecturer positions, one in organic chemistry and one in general chemistry.  The positions may be attractive to recent graduates wishing to bolster their teaching experience before applying for a tenure-track position at a predominately undergraduate institution.  I’ve attached our ad to this email.  Could you please forward it to any students you think might be interested and also to anyone in your department responsible for posting job ads or helping students find employment?

I appreciate your help and hope all is well with you.




Joseph M. Langenhan, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry | Seattle University

901 12th Avenue | Seattle, WA 98122

(206) 296-2368 | langenha@seattleu.edu


The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences

2012 Funding Opportunity

Dreyfus Initial Inquiry Deadline: June 4, 2012

Dreyfus Proposal Deadline: August 27, 2012

Please forward this funding opportunity to faculty that may be interested.

The Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences encourages proposals that are judged likely to significantly advance the chemical sciences. Examples of areas of interest include (but are not limited to): the increase in public awareness, understanding, and appreciation of the chemical sciences; innovative approaches to chemistry education at all levels (K-12, undergraduate, and graduate); and efforts to make chemistry careers more attractive.

Institutions may submit Initial Inquiries for more than one project to the Dreyfus Foundation.

Complete details and application information are available on the Dreyfus Foundation website at: http://www.dreyfus.org/awards/special_grant_program_chemical.shtml

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Delmore, Research Office at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu or by phone (541) 737-8390.


The Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc.

Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry 2012 Funding Opportunity

Please forward this funding announcement to faculty that may be interested.

Dreyfus Foundation Deadline: August 20, 2012

Funding: $120,000 over two years

Postdoctoral Program in Environmental Chemistry applications should describe innovative fundamental research in the chemical sciences or engineering related to the environment. Examples include but are not limited to the chemistry associated with: the climate, the atmosphere, aquatic or marine settings, toxicology, soil or groundwater. Also of interest are chemistry-related energy research (renewable sources, sequestration, etc.), and new or green approaches to chemical synthesis and processing, with a clearly stated relation to the environment.

Complete program details: http://www.dreyfus.org/awards/postdoctoral_program.shtml

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Delmore, Research Office at debbie.delmore@oregonstate.edu or (541) 737-8390.


Attached is a list of some additional funding opportunities that have been released this month.  Please forward along to those who may be interested and have them contact me if they have any questions.  Remind staff to contact me if they are interested in organizing brainstorming sessions over given opportunities.

Also as a reminder, all proposal submissions will need to go through the new online proposal submission service, Cayuse, as of July 1, 2012.  The site is live and several faculty have already been submitting proposals via this method but I would like to encourage more faculty to take this step sooner than later.

I do have several training sessions scheduled and will continue to offer more up through the calendar year –

  • Tuesday, March 27th from 10:00 – 11:30 AM
  • Tuesday, April 10th from 1:30 – 3 PM
  • Wednesday, April 25th from 10:00 – 11:30 AM
  • Either Tuesday, May 1st or Wednesday May 2nd during the 2012 O&E Professional Development Days (specifics TBD)
  • Monday, May 14th from 2:00 – 3:30 PM

With exception of the Professional Development Days, all sessions will be held in RH 203 which is supplied with computers to make it an interactive training session.  Please share the information with your faculty and have them contact me if they are interested (as space is limited).

The research office has also been offering training sessions which have been posted in OSU Today.