The Outstanding Diversity Advocate Award is awarded to a member of the Oregon State University community who actively promotes and enhances diversity, equity and inclusion. The awardee contributes to and advances the mission of OSU through consistent and sustained efforts to improve opportunities for the diverse communities we serve. The winner is awarded a $1,000 honorarium.  


Nominees must meet the following eligibility criteria:   

  • Current employee of Oregon State University, OSU Foundation & Alumni Association, or INTO OSU who has been cumulatively employed by OSU, OSUF, OSUAA or INTO OSU for a minimum of five years
  • Cumulative achievements with a direct and significant impact in advancing diversity, equity and inclusion at Oregon State University over a minimum of five years


Award Criteria  


Nominations will be evaluated on the evidence of a commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion, including going above and beyond the nominee’s position description. Evidence may include the following:  


  • Actively enhanced the recruitment of diverse students and faculty  
  • Engaged in innovative curriculum and program development across communities of difference  
  • Advanced diversity, equity and inclusion through academic research and scholarship  
  • Developed experiential or immersive learning that expands consciousness and responsibility related to social justice  
  • Pursued grants that advance diversity, equity and inclusion  
  • Advised individual students or student organizations and created pathways to success  


Nomination Process  


The nominator shall submit all of the following items, in one PDF, to


Please submit items in this order:  

  1. Nomination form  
  2. A statement from the nominator not exceeding two single-sided pages using 12pt font and 1” margins summarizing why the nominee should be selected for the Outstanding Diversity Advocate Award. Please address the award criteria in the statement.  
  3. Two letters of support from community members internal to OSU (e.g. students, faculty, staff, volunteers), or external to OSU (e.g. community organizations, professional organizations). Please be certain the letters of support address the award criteria.   
  4. The nominee’s curriculum vitae OR a professional resume highlighting the above criteria.  



Selection Process  


Nominations will be reviewed and selected by the Office of Institutional Diversity Awards Committee. Committee recommendations will be made based on nomination information submitted.  




Nominations and all nomination materials for the Outstanding Diversity Advocate Award must be received by April 15, 2022.  


For further information, please contact the Office of Institutional Diversity,  

Office of Institutional Diversity (OID)

Oregon State University 

510 Kerr Admin | Corvallis, OR 


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