The Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & the Arts (Office of URSA) is excited to announce this year’s call for faculty submissions for the 2021-2022 URSA Engage Program, which is designed to provide first- and second-year students, and transfer students in their first year at OSU, opportunities to pursue research or a creative activity under the guidance of an OSU faculty mentor.  

The mentor summary submission form can be found at this link. 

Below are the steps involved for the URSA Engage Program. More detailed information about eligibility and deadlines can be found on our website

  1. Faculty submit the mentor summary form by Friday, October 15, 2021 at 11:59pm. 
  2. The opportunities submitted by faculty will be posted on our website for students to view on October 22nd
  3. Students will read through mentor summaries and fill out a form that will be emailed to faculty mentors they are interested in working with.  
  4. Faculty and students will then discuss shared interests and whether they want to work together on a project. We encourage faculty to host group Zoom session(s) to chat with students prior to allowing them to apply.  
  5. Faculty will ultimately decide which student(s) they will allow to move forward with an application to the URSA Engage Program.
  6. Students who have secured a mentor will then apply to the URSA Engage Program. The Office of URSA will evaluate student applications. 

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate your partnership and willingness to mentor students early in their careers at OSU!  

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