Monthly Archives: August 2021
Call for Faculty Submissions, 2021-2022 URSA Engage Program
The Office of Undergraduate Research, Scholarship, & the Arts (Office of URSA) is excited to announce this year’s call for faculty submissions for the 2021-2022 URSA Engage Program, which is designed to provide first- and second-year students, and transfer students in their first year at OSU, opportunities to pursue research or a creative activity under the guidance of an OSU faculty mentor.
The mentor summary submission form can be found at this link.
Below are the steps involved for the URSA Engage Program. More detailed information about eligibility and deadlines can be found on our website.
- Faculty submit the mentor summary form by Friday, October 15, 2021 at 11:59pm.
- The opportunities submitted by faculty will be posted on our website for students to view on October 22nd.
- Students will read through mentor summaries and fill out a form that will be emailed to faculty mentors they are interested in working with.
- Faculty and students will then discuss shared interests and whether they want to work together on a project. We encourage faculty to host group Zoom session(s) to chat with students prior to allowing them to apply.
- Faculty will ultimately decide which student(s) they will allow to move forward with an application to the URSA Engage Program.
- Students who have secured a mentor will then apply to the URSA Engage Program. The Office of URSA will evaluate student applications.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate your partnership and willingness to mentor students early in their careers at OSU!
Graduate School positions
The Graduate School is seeking qualified applicants for two positions. Please see below for details, and share this email with those who you think may be interested. Inquiries can be directed to Jessica Beck (jessica.beck@oregonstate.edu).
· Instructor for GRAD 520: Responsible Conduct of Research.
Accepting applications. Closing date August 27.
This is a fixed-term, non-tenure track part-time instructor position to facilitate a 2 credit, site-based course. Typically, the Graduate School offers the course multiple times during each academic year, though appointment as instructor to all sections is not guaranteed. To view the posting, visit: https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/105602.
· Director of Graduate Success.
Accepting applications. Closing date September 10.
This is a 12-mnoth, full-time position. The person in this role uses knowledge of Graduate School and OSU processes and policies to assist the graduate community with matters related to academic success and transition, graduate funding, and professional development. This person coordinates the Graduate School’s competitive award programs, manages graduate student care cases, provides leadership for graduate success efforts, including the coordination of the Graduate Success Center, New Graduate Student Orientation, GRAD-designator classes, new student communications, and Graduate Student Advisory Council. This person serves as the primary point of contact for faculty, staff, and students regarding graduate student care, graduate student events and partnerships, as well as competitive awards and courses offered by the Graduate School. To view this posting, visit: https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/105610.
UCLA Chem & Biochem Teacher-Scholar Search – RECENT Ph.D. GRADUATES (Ph.D. EARNED 2018-2022)
The UCLA Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry is seeking outstanding candidates for the Paul D. Boyer / Donald J. Cram / Willard F. Libby Teacher-Scholar program. This program provides both teaching and research opportunities for recent Ph.D. graduates (Ph.D. earned 2018-2022).
We will begin reviewing materials and applications on October 11, 2021.
We would greatly appreciate if you can share the flyer below with your department/division and research group alumni members.
Application link: tinyurl.com/UCLAts22
New openings – Research Project Manager
Do you have former students or researchers who excelled at project management? Or know of anyone else who may be interested in helping PIs manage large, complex projects? We are recruiting for 1-2 new Research Program Coordinator (Project Manager) positions in the College of Engineering. Our first two hires have been so successful that we’re expanding our team!
Research Program Coordinator(s), College of Engineering Research Administration office at Oregon State University. Provide high-level project management and administration for several externally funded research projects, assist research project teams with strategic planning and effective operation of all project activities, liaise with collaborators and support services for each project, and manage a dynamic workload. Apply by 9/7/21 for full consideration at https://jobs.oregonstate.edu/postings/105528. OSU is an AA/EOE/Vets/Disabled employer.
Please contact me at cyndy.kelchner@oregonstate.edu with any questions.
Impact the future of online education through research
Each year, the OSU Ecampus Research Unit funds projects, up to $20,000 each, to support the research, development and scholarship efforts of faculty in online education. Many OSU colleagues have had transformative experiences in the Ecampus Research Fellows Program. A recent Fellows study highlights the ways in which these projects have advanced research in online/hybrid education. Learn more and consider submitting an application beginning Sept. 8. Contact Naomi Aguiar, assistant director of research, with questions.