We need chemists for The Alchemists! There is a sign-up sheet for the men’s chemistry softball team in the Chemistry Office (Gilbert Hall). All levels of players are welcome. Games are held once a week on weekday evenings from the week of May 12th to the end of July with a few playoff games in August. Games normally begin at times between 6-9 pm, last about an hour and twenty minutes and are held at several Corvallis Parks’ fields. The cost to the players is ~$30/person (+$10 for out of town players) to cover league fees and equipment with the Chemistry Department graciously covering half of our dues. Join us for some fun and exercise. 
Sign up deadline is April 18th. 
For questions email Ryan McQuade: mcquadry@oregonstate.edu

Congratulations to the Chemistry Department’s Winter 2019 Honor Roll students.  Keep up the good work, all!

Aldous, Tanner
Alghumiz, Nasser
Altuhova, Zoya
Ash, Kaitlyn
Bailey, Conner
Baker, Amanda
Berger, Rachel
Berrey, Shayla
Brown, Jessica
Chen, Jasmin
Conroy, Jocelyn
Downing, Hannah
Fried, Zachary
Fuller, Duncan
Gerl, Kathryn
Gonzales, Seth
Hagglund, Lindsey
Hamann, Zachary
Jenck, Rachel
Jiang, Jiana
Johnson, Jesse
Justen, Savannah
Koga, Kenneth
Lee-Rouille, Taylor
Li, Jessica
Lopez-Arana, Jonathan
Nagasaka, Cocoro
Oldfield, Mathew
Puryear, Madison
Ray, Miriya
Reeder, Eryn
Sagal, Samuel
Skanes, Benjamin
Smith, Hannah
Sosnovske, Alden
Spence, Kieran
Srey, Jason
Tannenholz, Ehman
Tenoyo, Keenan
Tomlinson, Kiara
Unitan, Lindsay
Vergis, John
Wallace, Phillip
Weeks, Emma
Wolf Beaton, Ian
Wong, Derek

Dear Materials Community:

The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) has created a new opportunity for early career professionals in materials science and engineering.  The new award is called the Frontiers of Materials Award and is aimed at early career scientists who can bring new and exciting topical areas that are not well captured in existing TMS programming.  The newly extended application deadline is April 8, 2019.  A link with a full description and application materials is https://bit.ly/2Tjbi70.  Professor Tim Rupert of UC Irvine is one of the volunteers for TMS that was involved in developing the award, and any questions or concerns may be directed to him at trupert@uci.edu.

With warm regards,




Linda S. Sapochak, Ph.D.

Division Director

Division of Materials Research

National Science Foundation



Where Materials begin and society benefits!

The Army Research Laboratory (ARL) invites exceptional young researchers to apply for an ARL Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowship (www.nas.edu/arl). This fellowship provides recipients the opportunity to pursue independent research while working alongside some of the nation’s best scientists and engineers. Applicants must display extraordinary ability in scientific research and show clear promise of becoming outstanding leaders. Successful candidates will have already tackled a major scientific or engineering problem or will have provided a new approach or insight, evidenced by a recognized impact in their field.

Eligibility criteria

  • By the application deadline, applicants must have completed all the requirements for a Ph.D. or Sc.D. degree in the physical sciences, life sciences, computational sciences, behavioral sciences, or engineering. Applicants who intend to defend their dissertation after the application deadline are not eligible.
  • As of the application deadline, applicants may not be more than five years beyond the award date of their Ph.D. or Sc.D.
  • There are no citizenship requirements; however, selected fellows must pass a Department of Defense clearance process, requiring a background security investigation.
  • Foreign nationals must get further DoD approval, requiring a background investigation.
  • Applicants must demonstrate exceptional qualifications with respect to academic and scholarly achievement, as evidenced by research and publication.
  • Candidates are expected to have conducted research on a major scientific or engineering problem during their thesis work or have provided a new approach or insight, evidenced by a recognized impact in their field.

Fellowship terms and benefits

  • An annual stipend of $100,000
  • Health insurance (including dental and vision)
  • Paid relocation and a professional travel allowance
  • One-year appointments are renewable for up to three years based on performance.
  • Fellowship appointments require a full-time commitment to the research program at ARL.
  • Fellows must be in residence at ARL during the entire period of the appointment.

Sincerely yours,

  1. Ray Gamble
    Director, Fellowship Programs Office
    National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
    500 5th Street NW, Keck 531
    Washington, DC 20001

The President’s Commission on the Status of Women provides funding to OSU community members who are pursuing professional development, research, outreach, or creative projects related to women’s issues. Scholarships average $300 and are paid by reimbursement. Applications are due Friday, May 3, with notification in Week 7. Visithttp://leadership.oregonstate.edu/pcosw/awards-scholarships for detailed guidelines, qualification requirements and application links. Questions? Contact Joy Jorgensen at joy.jorgensen@oregonstate.edu

PCOSW seeks nominations for the University Mentoring and Professional Development Award. This award, presented each September at University Day, recognizes any classified, professional faculty or academic/research faculty member who excels in mentoring, supporting and encouraging OSU employees, especially women and those from under-represented groups or non-traditional careers. The deadline for nominations is May 1. To access the nomination guidelines and application link, visit http://leadership.oregonstate.edu/pcosw/awards-scholarships

CORE Training for the new USSI Dashboards will be held via Webex on Thursday, March 28, 10-11 a.m. The Undergraduate Student Success Initiative (USSI) steering committee spearheaded the creation of a dashboard available to all faculty and staff to guide and inform the university wide efforts related to Undergraduate Student Success. SSI0100 provides a high-level overview of the university performance across six metrics. Participants will learn how to use and interact with the new USSI Metrics Dashboard. Register: https://iar.oregonstate.edu/reference/training/ussi.

This year as part of Grad Appreciation Week, the Graduate School is hosting visiting speaker Dr. Karen Kelsky, founder and president of The Professor Is In. Dr. Kelsky will facilitate two workshops, one for faculty and one for students. Please share this announcement and encourage your faculty and graduate students to attend. We hope to see many of you there!






See event details and register here.



1:30 TO 3 P.M.



See event details and register here.

The Chemistry Department at Pacific Lutheran University will be hiring a full-time Visiting Assistant Professor for the 2019-2020 academic year. This faculty member would primarily teach General Chemistry lecture and lab, and would receive benefits as a full-time employee.


We will begin considering applications on Monday, April 15th. For more information, please see the link below:



Do you eat? Do food and beverages interest you? Do you want to know more about food science research? If so, the Department of Food Science and Technology has an event for you!


FST graduate students are organizing an event to showcase the cutting edge research being conducted in the Department. Save the date forMay 30th, 2019 from 3:30PM to 8:00PM in the Memorial Union Ballroom on OSU campus for “ A Taste of Research 2019: The Sensible Science.” For entertainment and edification there will be presentations, posters, trivia, and more! Food and drinks will be provided and there will be examples of products from the OSU Dairy, Winery, and Brewery!


So please, we invite you to pull a chair up to our table and join us for an evening of sensible science.

For further details, please visit our website at https://foodsci.oregonstate.edu/foodsci/taste-research and feel free to contact us atfstresearchday@gmail.com