NEW! Fixed Term Faculty Survey: We are seeking input from non-administrative faculty members who are unclassified and not on a tenure-track. This includes instructors, research faculty, and professional faculty. Results will provide important information regarding the general climate and working conditions for non-tenure track faculty at OSU. Eligible faculty members should receive an e-mail linking to the confidential survey this week. This survey is sponsored by the Faculty Status Committee of the Faculty Senate and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). For more information email
David Ji Cottrell Scholars Collaborative Participant
“OSU Chemistry Assistant Professor David Xiulei Ji has been selected to participate in the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative (CSC) New Faculty Workshop in Washington DC in July 2013. This workshop is sponsored by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement – Congrats to David!”
FY13 Purchasing Deadlines
Please note the following upcoming purchasing deadlines for FY13 purchases and pass along to all faculty and staff as necessary.
If you or your faculty are planning to make purchases within the dollar amounts indicated, you must gather all required documentation and submit to the Business Center before these deadlines to ensure purchases will be made and received in FY13.
Friday, May 10 : Last day to submit to PaCS at any purchase requisitions for $100,000 or greater for FY13
Friday, June 7 : Last day to submit to PaCS at any FY13 purchase requisition between $25,000-$100,000
Please note that these deadlines are PaCS’ deadlines. The BC staff will need at least two to three days to process your requests.
If you have questions on submitting purchase requisitions, please contact me or your assigned department accountants as soon as possible.
2013 ACS NORM Registration Now Open
Join us at Oregon State University in Corvallis July 21 – 24 for NORM 13 Preceeded by the annual DaVicni Days Weekend
Visit our website for evolving program & special event information
New OSU Chapter of Materials Research Society
My name is Steph Walker and I am starting up a new chapter of the Materials Research Society on campus. I thought some of your students might be interested. Our group focuses on exposing undergraduate and graduate students to careers in materials science through activities on and around the OSU campus. Specifically, this term we are focusing on going on materials science related lab tours as well as having a panel discussion with a faculty member, grad student, career counselor, and someone from industry about materials science careers.
Because materials science is very interdisciplinary, I would like the club to have members from many different colleges. It would add a lot of value to the group as well as open up opportunities for lab tours and discussions in other departments related to materials. (Right now, we are based in the Chemical Engineering department, but I would like to expand this.)
The students do not have to be paying MRS members yet but MRS student members receive many benefits, detailed here: (We’re not yet requiring this yet to go to meetings).
We will be posting more information periodically on our blog:
I hope you will consider putting a notice in your newsletter about our forming club and spread the word to anyone who may be interested!
Thank you,
ISPAC 2013 Abstract Submission Extended to TUESDAY MAY 7
Abstract submission for the 24th meeting of the International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 2013), to be held in beautiful Corvallis, Oregon USA September 8-12, 2013, has been extended to TUESDAY MAY 7:
Sessions topics include:
- Analytical Measurements
- Toxicology and Metabolism
- Environmental Fate and Transport
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- PACs in Food and the Environment
- PAC Emissions and Cook Stove Interventions
- Risk Assessment and Remediation
- Environmental Forensic Investigations
- Human Exposure
- Health Effects of PACs
- PACs in Tobacco Research
- PACs in Consumer Products and their Environmental Effects
- PACs at Contaminated Site
Abstract Submission Deadline: May 7, 2013
Early Bird Registration Deadline: June 30, 2013
Hotel Group Rate Deadline: August 8, 2013
We look forward to seeing you in Corvallis this September!
Staci Simonich Andreas Sjodin
ISPAC 2013 co-chair ISPAC 2013 co-chair
Graduate Workshops
NEW! Graduate workshops: The OSU Libraries Spring Graduate Student and Faculty Workshop Series rounds out with sessions on Showcasing Your Research (May 6), Graduate Student Grant Financial Support (May 7) and Data Management (May 8). View session descriptions and register to attend at: Questions? Contact
WAGS/UMI Innovation in Technology Award
The Graduate School invites your program’s participation in a campus-based competition for selection of OSU’s nominee for the 2013-14 WAGS/UMI Innovation in Technology Award.
This award recognizes distinguished scholarly achievement at the master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation level for the development of an innovative technology and its utilization for the creative solution of a major problem. A nominee must have earned the master’s or doctoral degree within the period of July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013.
This prestigious regional competition is an important opportunity for OSU to showcase technological innovation and creativity by our graduate students to institutions throughout the western region and to celebrate our success. We encourage you to take the time to prepare a nomination.
OSU AWARDS AND RECOGNITION: The Graduate School will provide a cash award of $500 to the student selected as OSU’s nominee for the Western Association of Graduate Schools/UMI Innovation in Technology Award. In addition, the Graduate School will award $500 to the graduate department/program that submits the thesis selected as OSU’s nominee for the Western Association of Graduate Schools/UMI Innovation in Technology Award.
PROCEDURES: Each graduate program may submit only one nomination for consideration. Graduate programs must provide in one electronic PDF file items b, c and d as reflected in the attached WAGS/UMI guidelines. Please refer to the full announcement for complete details.
NOMINATION DEADLINE: To facilitate the internal selection process, please submit all nomination materials to the Graduate School by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, May 30, 2013 to the following e-mail address: – subject line should read [Nominee Name] – WAGS/Technology.
WAGS/UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award
The Graduate School invites your program’s participation in a campus-based competition for selection of OSU’s nominee for the 2013-14 WAGS/UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award.
This award recognizes distinguished scholarly achievement at the master’s level. Nominations will be accepted in any discipline in which the institution offers a master’s degree. A nominee must have earned the master’s degree within the period of July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013.
This prestigious regional competition is an important opportunity for OSU to showcase the scholarly excellence of our master’s students to institutions throughout the western region and to celebrate our success. We encourage you to take the time to prepare a nomination.
OSU ELIGIBLE PROGRAMS: Any discipline in which a master’s degree is offered.
OSU AWARDS AND RECOGNITION: The Graduate School will provide a cash award of $500 to the student selected as OSU’s nominee for the Western Association of Graduate Schools/UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award. In addition, the Graduate School will award $500 to the graduate department/program that submits the thesis selected as OSU’s nominee for the Western Association of Graduate Schools/UMI Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award.
PROCEDURES: Each graduate program may submit only one nomination for consideration. Graduate programs must provide in one electronic PDF file items b, c, d as reflected in the attached WAGS/UMI guidelines. Please refer to the full announcement for complete details.
NOMINATION DEADLINE: To facilitate the internal selection process, please submit all nomination materials to the Graduate School by 5:00 p.m., Thursday, May 30, 2013 to the following e-mail address: – subject line should read NAME_DEPT_ WAGSDistThesisAward_2013-2014.
Research Conflict of Interest Training
NEW! COI Training Reminder: OSU Conflict of Interest (COI) Policy requires training for all OSU investigators who have completed or should complete annual COI disclosures. The training is designed to provide for a more thorough understanding of research conflicts of interest and why such conflicts need to be managed. More information, including instructions for how to complete training, can be found at Questions should be directed to the COI Administrator at or 541-737-4692.