Below is another RFP that you may wish to share with the OSU cancer group.  This is specifically for young investigators working on either gene-based or cell-based therapy research.  The deadline is August 24 for applications.

Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy, Inc. (ACGT) funds research aimed at furthering the development of cell and gene therapy approaches to the treatment of cancer. To this end, ACGT offers its Young Investigator Award to qualified scientists at the tenure-track assistant professor level.

The funding for this grant is $250,000 over 2-3 years. Additional information from the funding organization is attached.

If anyone is interested in applying, and Aaron Shonk, Paul DuBois or I can be of any assistance, please let us know.

Thank you!

Director of Development, Linus Pauling Institute

Oregon State University Foundation
850 SW 35th St.  |  Corvallis, OR  |  97333
541-737-0055  |  cell 541-207-8428

The American Chemistry Society is accepting proposals for its “Greener Continuous Chemistry & Engineering Technology” program.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to 1) photo redox chemistry, 2) photochemistry, and 3) biocatalysis in flow. Proposals will be accepted from public and private institutions of higher education worldwide. Up to three grants are planned to be awarded. Each award is limited to $50,000 for a grant period of 12 to 24 months. Proposals are due to the ACS GCI Pharmaceutical Roundtable on August 28, 2015 at 5 p.m. (EDT), no exceptions.

I am seeking 2 Chemistry instructors at Chemeketa Community College, in Salem, for the fall term. Both classes that are open meet just one day a week, on Satuirday, so they could work for commuting faculty or students (although it is a long day because it comprises both lecture and lab).

I am particularly interested in finding a Bio-chemistry instructor who could teach pre-health career students in the community college, in a CHEM 110 class.

Please let me know if you have students who might be interested, and direct them to the Chemeketa Jobs webpage. They would go to, find the Quick Links notation on the left side of the brown bar, scroll down to community and visitors and click on Chemeketa Jobs, Go to the Navigation on the right side and click on Job Opportunities, then click on Part time Faculty Positions in the lower left, and scroll down to physical sciences, Chemistry.

Candidates would need to fill out the Chemeketa application form, attach a resume and cover letter describing their teaching experience and philosophy.

Thanks for your help spreading the word!

Cecelia Monto
Dean, Education and Evening/Weekend Programs
Building 5, Room 264

Reed College seeks someone with PhD or MS who has laboratory teaching experience in organic chemistry and introductory chemistry. The ideal candidate for this role is self-sufficient, and possesses strong communication and organization skills. The full job posting is available on this page.

This is a part-time, 9-month exempt position (.5 FTE) working 25 hours per week. Reed College offers an excellent benefits package including comprehensive medical and dental insurance, 403(b) retirement plan with 10% employer contribution, retiree medical plan, college tuition assistance for employees’ children, paid holidays, paid vacation and many other campus amenities, such as membership to the campus fitness center for employee and spouse.

The next application submission deadline for The PREVENT Cancer Preclinical Drug Development Program is September 8, 2015.

The PREVENT Program was created in 2011 to provide investigators with novel ideas for interventions aimed at cancer prevention access to the National Cancer Institute’s (NCI) contract resources. Intervention strategies of high interest to PREVENT include chemoprevention and immunoprevention. Current areas of focus are:

?       Antiinflammatory approaches
?       Immunoprevention
?       Novel mechanisms
?       Drug repurposing
?       Reducing toxicity (dosing and combinations)

The PREVENT Program application will not directly lead to a grant or contract award; rather NCI may allocate various contract resources and expertise towards implementation and development of approved, scientifically meritorious projects.

Examples of resources available from PREVENT are:
?        In vitro and in vivo preclinical pharmacology and efficacy studies
?        Preclinical Investigational New Drug (IND)-directed GLP toxicology studies
?        Identification and evaluation of intermediate biomarkers
?        Scale-up cGMP and non-cGMP production of an investigational agent
?        PK and PK-PD modeling to optimize dosing regimen
?        Formulation optimization for enhanced bioavailability and clinical usefulness
?        Analytical method development for investigational agents in bulk form and in biological fluids and tissues
?        Stability testing for bulk and formulated material
?        Regulatory support
?        Other resources to support drug development

Applications are accepted twice per year (March and September) and subjected to peer-review.
Researchers in academia, government, and industry, nationally and internationally, are encouraged to apply.

PREVENT applications can be found at:

For more information about the PREVENT Program, go to:

Questions about PREVENT can be sent to:

PREVENT Cancer Program
Division of Cancer Prevention
National Cancer Institute
National Institutes of Health
9609 Medical Center Dr., MSC 9787
Rockville, MD 20850

Dear friends,

Lab2Market returns! And once again, PSU is opening applications to faculty and students from ALL Oregon universities. It is a competitive process, so please encourage your best, most deserving faculty and researchers working on breakthrough science/tech, that with a chance at being commercializable and investable – with a little help. The info and link is below.

Past participants include:

–PSU Chemistry Professor David Peyton, back when there was no DesignMedix, just some interesting research in a lab around anti-malarials and drug resistance.

–PSU Computer Engineering Chair James McNames, when APDM was just an idea to help Parkinson’s patients. APDM now employs 17 people and has global distribution with multiple uses of its wearable sensors.

DFJ Frontier, the Northern Cal-based VC firm, returns with their passion to educate, gently prod (and sometimes not so gently), to elicit the elevator pitch and essence of the fundable idea from each entrepreneur. It’s magic! I have yet to see a faculty or student, who puts in the time, fail to be transformed by Lab2Market.

But don’t take my word for it: Here’s what Trevor Levin, OHSU Researcher, had to say:

“I’ve attended a number of entrepreneur related events and this one takes the top. Really well organized, great lecturers, and inspiring to spend time with other creative people pitching business ideas. It was also very helpful to get so much feedback on the presentation of the elevator pitch.”

We are READY to see some of the Oregon’s best! (application link below)

Deadline to apply- Aug. 21
Session- Sept. 3-4

Thanks to Ater Wynne LLP for their support of this program. We still have a few available sponsorships. Please contact Angela or Joe if interested.


Angela Jackson / / 503-319-5875
Joe Munk / / 503-725-2312

Project Grow: Entrepreneur and Canon USA are looking to recognize three entrepreneurs who can demonstrate how winning this funding will help them increase business productivity. Tell us how $25,000 will help expand your current business initiatives — it can be anything from serving more customers, improving operations, incorporating new technology, hiring support, creating brand awareness or anything else that you believe will take your company to the next level.


·         Legal resident of the fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia

·         Eighteen (18) years of age or older

·         Owner of at least fifty percent (50%), of a business

·         Business headquarters within the fifty (50) United States or the District of Columbia

·         Business at least two years old

·         Not more than 12 employees

·         Valid website URL

For more info & application:

Sheri Stuart, Coordinator

Oregon Main Street

Dear OSU cancer researchers –
See below for funding opportunity from Paul Dubois that may be of interest to you.

As a reminder – there is still time to register for the OSU/OHSU Cancer Prevention and Control Retreat on Aug 31st (tentatively 8:30am-4:30pm)at the Alumni Center, OSU campus.
If you are interested in attending, but haven’t registered yet, you can REGISTER for the retreat using this link:

(note if you responded to the “save the date” survey in early June – that survey was only to see number of researchers interested – that first email did not register you.  You need to fill out this second registration survey that asks whether you want to present and your title. The registration email was sent on July 6th and another reminder sent today (you can use the link in that email, or the link above to register for the retreat).   I apologize if this is a duplicate request to you.
The deadline for registration is Aug 3rd, but we only have limited time for oral platform presenters, and its first come, first served – so register early.  Once we fill oral time slots- then presenters will be asked to present posters.

For those who registered and are attending – More info to come around Aug 7th regarding schedule and emails to let attendees know whether they are giving oral or poster presentation.

Any questions about the retreat- please feel free to contact Arup Indra or myself.

Emily Ho, PhD
Endowed Director, Moore Family Center for Whole Grain Foods, Nutrition & Preventive Health
School of Biological & Population Health Sciences
College of Public Health & Human Sciences
Principal Investigator, Linus Pauling Institute
214 Milam Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR  97331
office 541-737-9559 |  lab 541-737-0975  |  fax 541-737-6914

Logistics: Monday July 27, 2015  1 PM Eastern
Videoconference information to be sent later, can work with groups in a videoconference-capable room OR individuals on a personal computer. Not sure about mobile devices yet. We hope to have some Q & A functionality, although with ~100 participants, it will have to be moderated — type in your question, I will screen them, pick some to be answered during the videoconference. We won’t be able to answer individual questions about eligibility — those are best posed to the GRFP staff, after the new solicitation is posted.

Audience: undergrads doing research this summer and considering graduate school. Most useful for rising seniors, who are considering applying to graduate schools during the upcoming academic year. As you invite the undergrads to participate, please remember the eligibility criteria — it would be frustrating to learn about this great opportunity only to read the fine print and realize that you aren’t eligible.

The videoconference provides information and advice about applying for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) from an experienced Program Director. The GRFP program provides significant financial support and other benefits for eligible graduate students. In a niutshell, GRFPs get a stipend of $32,000/yr for three years, “cost of education allowances” for three years, and some lovely ancillary benefits in supercomputer time, international research opportunities, etc. Adds up to about $150,000 over 3 yrs. The GRFP is also a very big gold star on any resumé.

The solicitation (call for applications) for GRFP is not yet available, it should be posted in late July or early August. Expect applications to be due in late October.   is a very useful website that has all of the current information – this is not the official NSF site (which is boring), but is supported by NSF. They also include lists of who has been funded – if you need some role models.

Official site:

There are also Twitter feeds, YouTube videos, and every other social media your students could desire. There is a LOT of advice out on the Internet, some of it dated or just plain awful (even if well intentioned). Caveat lector! (or whatever the equivalent is for the Internet — Caveat browser? )

To be eligible for the NSF GRFP, you must:
be a US citizen, US national, or permanent resident
intend to pursue a research-based Master’s or Ph.D. program in an NSF-supported field  (note that medicine and other allied health fields are NOT supported)
be enrolled in an eligible program at an accredited United States graduate institution, with a US campus, by fall 2015
Be early in your graduate studies (the exact wording is not yet set — but likely will be #1 currently a college senior intending to go to graduate school; #2 starting your first year of graduate school, or #3 starting your second year of graduate school.
meet all other eligibility requirements as set forth in the current Program Solicitation

My name is Kate McLean I’m producing a new documentary film on Bill Nye, the beloved TV educator who helped get millions of children excited about science through his show “Bill Nye The Science Guy.” Since we started working on the film, we have heard from a number of fans who grew up with Bill and went on to pursue careers in the STEM  fields — including many women who said the show empowered and inspired them.

We think The Women Chemists Committee is a natural strategic partner for our movie because Bill has passionately advocated for the need for more girls and women to be involved in science and engineering. It’s a personal issue for Bill: his mom was gifted in math and science and worked as a codebreaker for the US Navy during World War II. He credits her with his love of learning.

Over the course of the next year, we will be following Bill as he travels the globe with a message: “If 50% of humans are girls and women, why aren’t 50% of the scientists and engineers women too?!”

In order to fund this film we launched a Kickstarter Campaign (, and we are working hard to get the word out. I really think your WCC chapter members would enjoy this film’s deep dive into the life and work of Bill Nye. Can you please help spread the word?

·         Reach out to the members of your WCC chapter through email newsletters
·         Post on Facebook
·         Share on Twitter
·         Write an entry on your blog

Here are some sample tweets:

There’s a new documentary about @BillNye, the Science Guy who inspired a generation of women to become scientists:

Nerds Unite: Help make @billnyefilm on @BillNye’s quest to change the world with #science →

New documentary @billnyefilm needs your help to show how @BillNye is aiming to “change the world!” →

To show our appreciation for your support, if you spread the word about the campaign, we would love to list your WCC chapter on our Kickstarter page and website under Supporting Partners.

I would be happy to send some sample language for emails and blog entries, tell you more about the film, and answer any questions you might have. In the meantime, you can watch a couple of sample scenes from the documentary about Bill Nye continuing Carl Sagan’s legacy and the launching of a solar sail called LightSail. We will also be releasing a special video message from Bill about how his mom’s story inspired him to advocate for women in STEM next week!

Thanks so much for your time and help!