
My name is Susannah Banziger. I wanted to send a final email to remind graduate students that the deadline to submit an application is fast approaching (Nov 13th). I am one of six graduate students that will be hosting the 2016 GSSPC Symposium at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego this spring. In addition to planning a symposium we are tasked with selecting the Spring 2017 GSSPC.

Being a part of the American Chemical Society Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC) presents graduate students with the opportunity to completely design and orchestrate a symposium at an ACS National Meeting. In doing so, students will gain skills that will benefit them for the entirety of their professional career.

Please forward this email along to your graduate students. I have attached an informational flyer as well as a list of application requirements.

More information about the GSSPC can be found at the following link:

Thank you for your time. Please do not hesitate to contact me at purdue.gsspc@gmail.com with any questions regarding applications.


Susannah D. Banziger
GSSPC 2016 Chairman
Purdue University

ACS 2017 Flyer

Spring 2017 GSSPC Application Form

Periodically it is necessary to rearrange staff duties to best serve the department. I have reassigned the handling of reimbursements from Luanne Johnson to Anita Bracha.

·       Anita  will now be  handling all reimbursements for the department.  Luanne is no longer in charge but will be assisting Anita until fully trained and comfortable with the process.

·       If emailing any reimbursement-related material, please use the newly created email: Chemistry.Reimbursements@oregonstate.edu

·       The reimbursement box has been moved from behind Luanne’s desk to the top of the file cabinet behind Anita.

·       Regarding Travel reimbursements – Please continue to use the travel reimbursement form:

o   Fillable PDF – http://fa.oregonstate.edu/sites/fa.oregonstate.edu/files/bc/asbc/travel_reimbursement_request_form_.pdf)

o   Or pick up a form in the office – Now located on the wall as soon as you walk through the door.

·       Keep in mind that Anita works part-time:  Her schedule is M,T,Th, F – 8:30am-1pm

·       As Anita is learning the process, we ask for your patience.  As always, any feedback is welcome!

Thank you for your cooperation as we make changes to better serve the department.

Chemistry Faculty, Staff & Students:

Staff in the Arts and Science Business Center provide accounting support for the College of Science.  Here’s a quick overview of who does what for Chemistry and their contact information …

Monica Deignan – Accounting Technician (Monica.deignan@oregonstate.edu,  7-3958)
·        Travel and expense reimbursements and invoices:  Chemistry faculty, staff, and students should coordinate with Anita Bracha who will then work with Monica for these functions. **Monica works closely with Anita on travel and expense reimbursements**
·         Assists with Purchase Orders and contracts
·         Provides advice regarding OSU policies & procedures (travel, payables, pcards, etc.)

Andy Kuback – Accountant 2 (Andrew.kuback@oregonstate.edu, 7-8290)
·         Provides financial reporting (for grants)
·         Assists with grant and contract administration
·         Assists with Purchase Orders and contracts  (for grants)
·         Processes Chemstores billing
·         Coordinates cash deposits
·         Provides advice regarding OSU policies & procedures (travel, payables, pcards, etc.)
·         Serves as lead worker for Chemistry accountants

Dick Toliver – Accountant  (Richard.toliver@oregonstate.edu, 7-1832)
·         Provides financial reporting (for 201 accounts and various E&G funds)
·         Processes Chemistry shop billings (NMR, x-ray, machine and electronics)
·         Assists with Purchase Orders and contracts
·         Provides advice regarding OSU policies & procedures (travel, payables, pcards, etc.)

Penny Pinard – Finance Coordinator (Penny.pinard@oregonstate.edu, 7-1244)
·         Provides financial reporting (for start-ups)

Important Reminders
In addition to this list of who can help you in these various areas, here are some reminders on important topics that often arise …

v  Employees are encouraged to use a departmental procurement card (P-Card) or auto pay vendors for OSU business related purchases, as this saves both time and money for the university and does not require out-of-pocket expense for employees.

v  Only Contract Officers are authorized to sign and execute contracts and other written instruments on behalf of OSU.  Any document required to be signed on behalf of OSU, regardless of dollar value or type of document, must be signed by an individual with contract signature authority.  The only exception to this policy is for OSU interdepartmental agreements.  If you have any other contracts or agreements requiring a signature (or an on-line signature/agreement to terms), ask ASBC and we can help direct you to the appropriate unit to obtain the needed signature.

v  Any purchase over $5,000 requires a purchase order from your business center before the order is placed.
v  For purchases of $25,000 or more – ASBC will coordinate the solicitation process with Procurement and Contract Services (PaCS).

v  Here is a helpful link for OSU’s travel policy: http://fa.oregonstate.edu/business-affairs/travel

v  International Travel Information/Resources:
OSU requires travelers to register their international trips with Risk Management.  This website links to the registration form and provides a lot of useful information for pre-travel planning and reasonably priced travel insurance
·         http://risk.oregonstate.edu/international

If using grant funds for the trip, here are some additional websites that may apply:
·         Foreign travel paid with grant funds –

See GCG Manual Policy 215-03 for policies related to international travel on grants

OPAA Foreign Travel Authorization Form – Form must be completed before making international travel arrangements on grant funds –

·         Foreign travel paid with federal grants – In order to get reimbursed you must follow the Fly America Act –

“The Fly America Act requires that all travelers and others performing U.S. Government-financed air travel use U.S. flag carriers to the extent such carriers are available, even if their use would cost more.”

See GCG Manual Policy 215-03 for more details and exceptions

Feel free to stop by and introduce yourselves (we are in Cordley 2042).   We like to have faces to go with names and e-mails we see on a regular basis.

You might also check out our website at http://oregonstate.edu/dept/fa/bc/artsandsciences/finance-accounting.  It has some helpful resources and links related to travel, payables, purchasing, etc. as well as a helpful ASBC Quick Reference guide covering many of these areas.

If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.  I value getting input from our customers on how we can improve our service.

Best Regards,


Jackie Thorsness
Finance & Accounting Manager
Arts & Sciences Business Center | Oregon State University
2042 Cordley Hall | Corvallis, OR 97331
Ph. 541.737.1307

The holiday season is upon us and per our usual, the department has elected to participate in the Joy Drive.

The primary purpose of the Joy Drive is to alleviate the financial pressure on student parents that comes along with buying gifts for their children during the holidays.

This year, we’ll again be sponsoring three children, a 6-year-old girl, a 3-year-old boy and a 1-year-old girl.  Please stop by the main office with your cash donation before December 1st, we’ll be shopping that evening.

Check out last year’s wrap up for a look back at what your generosity provided for one needy family.

Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to help develop novel and innovative applications for a variety of diverse projects, with a focus on synthesis of radiation-resistant polymers. Qualifications include: A recent (received within the last 5 years), Ph.D. degree in a relevant subject; experience with organic materials, polymers, nanomaterials, and/or surfactants, especially in the area of organic or organo-metallic chemistry/materials including polymerization, synthesis, characterization, materials applications, and product development; and a strong background in optical, structural and physical characterization methods, such as magnetism, spectroscopy, modeling and nuclear detection. To apply, go to zintellect.com, make an account, and enter the reference code SRNL15-04-ESD to find the position posting. You can also visit the website http://www.orau.org/srnl/applicants/current-research-opportunities.aspx.

Applications for the 2015-2016 Learning Innovation Grants are now being accepted. These grants support projects that deploy technology in ways that improve student learning. The maximum award for Individual Grants is $10,000; applications are due Dec. 4. The maximum award for Scaled Grants (multi-departmental teams) is $100k; project descriptions are due Nov. 13, with full proposals due Dec. 18.  For more information and application materials, please visit: http://leadership.oregonstate.edu/tech-funding/learning-innovation-grant. An information session will be held Tuesday, Nov. 10, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Kidder 202. Attendance is recommended if you are considering submitting a proposal.

The University Honors College is now accepting applications to the DeLoach Work Scholarship program for winter and spring terms, 2016. Tenured and tenure-track Oregon State faculty members, as well as senior instructors, can submit proposals for funding in support of Honors College undergraduates working at tasks that advance faculty research and enhance student experiential learning. Other faculty who like to apply should contact the UHC. Proposed work must relate to the area of the nominated student’s academic training and provide a significant learning outcome. The deadline to apply is Monday, Nov. 16 at 5 p.m.. Information regarding awards and the application process is available at http://honors.oregonstate.edu/deloach-work-scholarship.

SBIR Award Title
Low cost, scalable and selective electrochemical metallization process technology
SBIR Award Abstract
NANO3D will disrupt 3D chip packaging market for Through-Silicon Vias which are currently fabricated by
comparatively high cost and poorly scalable Damascene approach. The project is aimed to develop low cost,
scalable and selective electrochemical (eLOCOS) plating technology based on proprietary nano-materials to
replace Damascene processing and enable high density interconnects for 3D IC. eLOCOS is a nano- and
micro-fabrication platform technology that have other applications including metallization of Through-Glass
Via… more
Research Opportunity
Title Material Scientist
Number of Fellows 1
Open for Applicants Yes
Address line 1 1915 NW Amberglen Pkwy.
Address line 2 Suite 400
City Beaverton
State OR
Zip 97006
Name Val Dubin
Email dubin@nano3dsystems.com
Phone number (971) 327 4055
Principal Investigator
Name Val Dubin
Email dubin@nano3dsystems.com
Phone number (971) 327 4055
The research activities are aimed on the development of NANO3D platform technology to produce largescale
arrays of magnetic nano- and microstructures and testing their feasibility for biomedical applications.
The new platform addresses barriers to sensitive, scalable, high-throughput use of magnetic shaped
microstructures. These barriers are high deviation in size and magnetic properties of the magnetic particles as
well as its low sensitivity and low signal-to- noise ratio for the application as MRI contrast agents. The
platform based on utilizing a NANO3D eLOCOS technology which is low cost, scalable and selective
electrochemical metallization technology for ‘bottom-up’ fill of the pre-patterned substrates to produce wellcontrolled
in size magnetic structures. The technical plan hypothesize that (1) narrowing of nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) frequency shifts (of about less than 10-20%) by improving uniformity of the magnetic
miscrostructures (5 to 10% deviation in size) therefore increasing the sensitivity of the MRI contrast agents;
(2) the magnetic cylinders may be designed to increase a signal to noise ratio to produce a highly effective
MRI contrast agents; (3) the NANO3D technology is highly efficient therefore will allow to produce low
cost, high-throughput manufacturing of the well controlled 3D metal magnetic microstructures.

Desired Knowledge
The job duties include:
1. Managing and performing technical work to meet research program objectives.
2. Conduct magnetic particle synthesis and analysis per customer specifications.
3. Generate design of particle structures and fabrication process flow per customer technical specification.
4. Work with a team of engineers and technicians to execute research programs.
5. Write reports documenting results and present work to customers or at conferences.
Minimum requirements include:
1. Doctoral degrees in Material Science, Chemistry or Chemical Engineering
2. Proficiency in using SEM/EDX, XPS and XRD
3. Good verbal and written skills
Desired qualifications:
1. Experience in magnetic characterization involving B-H Looper, SQUID and Zetasizer
2. Surface chemistry experience involving surface modifications using self-assembled monolayers or plating
3. TEM and NMR experience
Apply to this research opportunity
NSF Small Business Postdoctoral Research Diversity Fellowship Program
Administered by: American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) | www.asee.org
1818 N St NW, Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036-2479 | 202-331-3548

Tuesday, November 3rd
Debra Rolison
US Naval Research Laboratory
LPSC 402 4pm
Controlling rates within electrochemical environments through architectural design on the nanoscale

Wednesday, November 4th
Dean’s Distinguished Lecture
Karen Wooley
Texas A&M University
Learning Innovation Center (LInC) 200 5pm
Advanced Applications for Sophisticated Nanoscopic Devices

Thursday, November 5th
Chemistry Undergraduate Research & Professional Empowerment Poster Session
Linus Pauling Science Center Student Street 3pm

Thursday, November 5th
Karen Wooley
Texas A&M University
LPSC 402 5pm
Polymers: A Special Emphasis Toward (Degradable) Materials for Orthopedic, Drug Delivery and Other Applications

Friday, November 6, 2015
Chong Fang
Promotion and Tenure Seminar
LPSC 402 4pm
Capturing Molecular Movies for Functionality with Tunable Femtosecond Raman Spectroscopy

The Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference (OHESC) began in 2008 as the Oregon University System Sustainability Conference.  OHESC 2016 will be at Lane Community College Feb. 4 and 5.  For those who love great content but don’t like huge conferences, or don’t have a huge conference budget, this is the event for you!  Proposals for posters, panel discussions, workshops, case studies and networking meetings are due Nov.6.